

I followed him deep into the pine-forest.Neither of us said much while yet the sacred gloom of it closed us round.We came to larger and yet larger trees--older,and more individual,some of them grotesque with age.Then the forest grew thinner.

"You see that hawthorn?"said my guide at length,pointing with his beak.

I looked where the wood melted away on the edge of an open heath.

"I see a gnarled old man,with a great white head,"I answered.

"Look again,"he rejoined:"it is a hawthorn.""It seems indeed an ancient hawthorn;but this is not the season for the hawthorn to blossom!"I objected.

"The season for the hawthorn to blossom,"he replied,"is when the hawthorn blossoms.That tree is in the ruins of the church on your home-farm.You were going to give some directions to the bailiff about its churchyard,were you not,the morning of the thunder?""I was going to tell him I wanted it turned into a wilderness of rose-trees,and that the plough must never come within three yards of it.""Listen!"said the raven,seeming to hold his breath.

I listened,and heard--was it the sighing of a far-off musical wind--or the ghost of a music that had once been glad?Or did Iindeed hear anything?

"They go there still,"said the raven.

"Who goes there?and where do they go?"I asked.

"Some of the people who used to pray there,go to the ruins still,"he replied."But they will not go much longer,I think.""What makes them go now?"

"They need help from each other to get their thinking done,and their feelings hatched,so they talk and sing together;and then,they say,the big thought floats out of their hearts like a great ship out of the river at high water.""Do they pray as well as sing?"

"No;they have found that each can best pray in his own silent heart.--Some people are always at their prayers.--Look!look!There goes one!"He pointed right up into the air.A snow-white pigeon was mounting,with quick and yet quicker wing-flap,the unseen spiral of an ethereal stair.The sunshine flashed quivering from its wings.

"I see a pigeon!"I said.

"Of course you see a pigeon,"rejoined the raven,"for there is the pigeon!I see a prayer on its way.--I wonder now what heart is that dove's mother!Some one may have come awake in my cemetery!""How can a pigeon be a prayer?"I said."I understand,of course,how it should be a fit symbol or likeness for one;but a live pigeon to come out of a heart!""It MUST puzzle you!It cannot fail to do so!""A prayer is a thought,a thing spiritual!"I pursued.

"Very true!But if you understood any world besides your own,you would understand your own much better.--When a heart is really alive,then it is able to think live things.There is one heart all whose thoughts are strong,happy creatures,and whose very dreams are lives.When some pray,they lift heavy thoughts from the ground,only to drop them on it again;others send up their prayers in living shapes,this or that,the nearest likeness to each.All live things were thoughts to begin with,and are fit therefore to be used by those that think.When one says to the great Thinker:--"Here is one of thy thoughts:I am thinking it now!"that is a prayer--a word to the big heart from one of its own little hearts.--Look,there is another!"

This time the raven pointed his beak downward--to something at the foot of a block of granite.I looked,and saw a little flower.Ihad never seen one like it before,and cannot utter the feeling it woke in me by its gracious,trusting form,its colour,and its odour as of a new world that was yet the old.I can only say that it suggested an anemone,was of a pale rose-hue,and had a golden heart.

"That is a prayer-flower,"said the raven.

"I never saw such a flower before!"I rejoined.

"There is no other such.Not one prayer-flower is ever quite like another,"he returned.

"How do you know it a prayer-flower?"I asked.

"By the expression of it,"he answered."More than that I cannot tell you.If you know it,you know it;if you do not,you do not.""Could you not teach me to know a prayer-flower when I see it?"Isaid.

"I could not.But if I could,what better would you be?you would not know it of YOURSELF and ITself!Why know the name of a thing when the thing itself you do not know?Whose work is it but your own to open your eyes?But indeed the business of the universe is to make such a fool of you that you will know yourself for one,and so begin to be wise!"But I did see that the flower was different from any flower I had ever seen before;therefore I knew that I must be seeing a shadow of the prayer in it;and a great awe came over me to think of the heart listening to the flower.

  • 小儿未生胎养门


  • 诸家神品丹法


  • 与文征明书


  • 长安月夜与友人话故


  • 今古奇观


  • 武田幕府


  • 心想事成法则


  • 往生净土忏愿仪


  • 修真第一奸商


  • 最强传承


  • 赢家


  • 浮生泪


    【经典文学】今日风行,明日经典【晴语】编辑旗下出品【内容简介】她是前世冷血杀手,一朝穿越到神魔暗涌的异世六界。冥域古殿,一夕承恩的女子离奇惨死。消弭血祭之中,魔胎现世。洛城之夜,初生的女婴全家上下一夜之间满门悉数被屠。十年后,冷清无心的少女手执长剑首刃仇人。蜀山之夜,千尸夜行,魔煞现世。白衣天神救她于危难,并莫名收她为徒。她亦立志追随强者,在这神魔变幻的异界主宰自己的命运。一路行来,销声匿迹的上古人物接二连三出现,诡异离奇的事情接踵而至,无形之手一步步将她推向宿命的深渊。她以为这一路相护的爱情,会在漫长孤独的守护里烟花寂寂,温暖她的一生。一朝梦醒,漫天星河之中蓦然发现那个与她一般模样的女子沉睡于白莲之中,他所做的一切难道真是为了她?她终为他,执剑断念,挖心剔骨,催动禁咒,她实现了守护他的诺言。他醒来,依旧是六界膜拜的琮华帝尊,而他只是冷漠地宣下了“贬她入尘,生生世世不得入仙神界”的无情神谕。心脉俱断,容颜尽毁,四肢皆废,一夕被贬凡尘。她从尸骨堆里爬出,究竟与眼前的面具男子许下了什么契约?她极尽屈辱,然后从蝼蚁般的丑奴走至权利巅峰,一统妖魔两界,终不过为他人做了嫁衣。神魔未死,一朝夺舍成功,贪狼现世,苍生浩劫。曾经的师父,又一次将剑芒对准了她。沉睡的记忆被唤醒,真爱湮灭魔神。她是否能够成全对他两世的爱情?神秘“七界”离奇现世,宿世的尘缘究竟何以了结?【武侠版文案】蜀山之下,他看着她妖异的眸,记忆的片段里没有一点属于她的影子。“等了千年,终还是等到了这一刻!”“你早知道,为何还是如此执迷不悟?”心碎,那惊鸿掠影的流年......爱,一点点从指间流逝?你是神么?那又如何!回相望,九重天阙,缥缈之巅,那一袭水色飞舞,谁又负了谁?风起,那一柄“诛邪”无情透心,一地的殷红里,有一滴泪,挂在他眼角的泪......感谢所有一路陪伴君走过的编辑朋友和读者们,在此尤其感谢沉落的叶子和哈拉君,以及老寒同学,谢谢你们一直以来为浮生所做的宣传!不常上Q,有事请私信:[email protected]
  • 太古武神


  • 盛世长歌:医本无心


  • 冷王盛宠:娇妃别离开

