The institutions in connection with which storytelling is carried on are:The Chicago Public Library,the municipal parks and playgrounds,social settlements,vacation schools,institutional churches,hospitals,and the United Charities.The private organizations supporting the storytelling movement financially,by the employment of special storytellers,are:The Library Extension Story Hour Committee,the Permanent School Extension Committee,the Library Committee,the Daughters of the American Revolution,and various women's clubs of Chicago.
A league has been formed of those who are telling stories under the auspices of the public library.The league holds meetings once a month for the purpose of upholding the standard of story work and to strengthen the co-operation with the library.Stories from Scandinavian literature,and stories of patriotism related to the different nationalities represented in the story hour groups,have been notably successful in Chicago.
The following statements are made by (1)Mr.E.B.De Groot,director of the playgrounds and field houses."I think that the story hour is the only passive occupation that should be given an equal place with the active occupations.I see in the story hour,not only splendid possibilities but a logical factor in the comprehensive playground scheme.The place of the story hour,Ibelieve,is definite and comparable with any first choice activity.It is unfortunate that we are unable to secure as playground teachers,at the present time,good story hour men and women."(2)Mr.Henry E.Legler,Librarian of the Chicago Public Library:
"We are now engaged in developing the branch library system of the city,and no doubt storytelling will be made incidentally a feature of the work planned for the children's rooms.This work must be done by the children's librarians,the storytelling growing out of library work and merging into it in order that its most effective side be legitimately developed."(Mr.Legler states his views with regard to storytelling and other features of work for children in an article entitled "The Chicago Public Library and Co-operation with the Schools."Educational Bi-Monthly,April,1910).
(3)Mrs.Gudrun Thorne-Thomsen:"As to the future of the movement I believe the purposes are best served by the storyteller being an integral member of the organization she serves.I believe that if the organizations which express themselves so sympathetic toward the work would co-operate and give definite instruction in storytelling to their workers,and also give them a fair amount of supervision and direction,the whole movement might be placed on a dignified and wholesome basis."