Each act is cast separately,so that all the girls may have a chance to take part,and in this way we read "Twelfth night,""Romeo and Juliet,""The taming of the Shrew,""Macbeth,""The bluebird,""The scarcecrow,"and "Cyrano de Bergerac."Away up in the Bronx there is a "Cranford Club,"so named by the girls because of their interest in the story to which they were introduced four years ago.This club is really a study club and contains a good proportion of its original members.They meet twice a month,and a leader is appointed for each meeting,who chooses her committee to report on the topic for the evening's study.The topic is sub-divided and each girl does her part in looking up the bit assigned to her.In this way they have studied the English poets Tennyson and Milton,although after spending an evening on Comus the club voted unanimously to change to Dickens.
They have also studied Bryant,Longfellow,Lowell and Whittier,and the girls were sufficiently familiar with these poems to recite many from each poet.Then the lives of three English queens were studied--"Bloody Mary,""Queen Elizabeth,"and "Mary,Queen of Scots";this year the Norse myths and stories from the Wagner operas.The librarian's part is to suggest the best books in which to find what they want,to get any book they may need,sometimes suggest a line of subjects to choose from,etc,but the work of preparing the material is done entirely by the girls.