

"Ay, I'll tell the young savage.But he is not worthy of your condescension, sweet hostess.He would rather be aside a man than a woman any day.""So would - ahem.He is right: the young women of the day are not worthy of him, 'un tas des mijaurees' He has a good, honest, and right comely face.Any way, I would not guest of mine should think me unmannerly, not for all the world.Wilt keep faith with me and tell him?""On this fair hand I swear it; and thus I seal the pledge.""There; no need to melt the wax, though.Now go to bed.And tell him ere you sleep."The perverse toad (I thank thee, Manon, for teaching me that word)was inclined to bestow her slight affections upon Gerard.Not that she was inflammable: far less so than many that passed for prudes in the town.But Gerard possessed a triple attraction that has ensnared coquettes in all ages.1.He was very handsome.2.He did not admire her the least.3.He had given her a good slap in the face.

Denys woke Gerard and gave the message.Gerard was not enchanted "Dost wake a tired man to tell him that? Am I to be pestered with 'mijaurees' by night as well as day?""But I tell thee, novice, thou hast conquered her: trust to my experience: her voice sank to melodious whispers; and the cunning jade did in a manner bribe me to carry thee her challenge to Love's lists! for so I read her message."Denys then, assuming the senior and the man of the world, told Gerard the time was come to show him how a soldier understood friendship and camaraderie.Italy was now out of the question.

Fate had provided better; and the blind jade Fortune had smiled on merit for once."The Head of Gold" had been a prosperous inn, would be again with a man at its head.A good general laid far-sighted plans; but was always ready to abandon them, should some brilliant advantage offer, and to reap the full harvest of the unforeseen: 'twas chiefly by this trait great leaders defeated little ones; for these latter could do nothing not cut and dried beforehand.

"Sorry friendship, that would marry me to a mijauree," interposed Gerard, yawning.

"Comrade, be reasonable; 'tis not the friskiest sheep that falls down the cliff.All creatures must have their fling soon, or late;and why not a woman? What more frivolous than a kitten? what graver than a cat?""Hast a good eye for nature, Denys," said Gerard, "that Iproclaim.

"A better for thine interest, boy.Trust then to me; these little doves they are my study day and night; happy the man whose wife taketh her fling before wedlock, and who trippeth up the altar-steps instead of down 'em.Marriage it always changeth them for better or else for worse.Why, Gerard, she is honest when all is done; and he is no man, nor half a man, that cannot mould any honest lass like a bit of warm wax, and she aye aside him at bed and board.I tell thee in one month thou wilt make of this coquette the matron the most sober in the town, and of all its wives the one most docile and submissive.Why, she is half tamed already.Nine in ten meek and mild ones had gently hated thee like poison all their lives, for wounding of their hidden pride.But she for an affront proffers affection.By Joshua his bugle a generous lass, and void of petty malice.When thou wast gone she sat a-thinking and spoke not.A sure sign of love in one of her sex: for of all things else they speak ere they think.Also her voice did sink exceeding low in discoursing of thee, and murmured sweetly; another infallible sign.The bolt hath struck and rankles in her; oh, be joyful! Art silent? I see; 'tis settled.I shall go alone to Remiremont, alone and sad.But, pillage and poleaxes!

what care I for that, since my dear comrade will stay here, landlord of the 'Tete d'Or,' and safe from all the storms of life?

Wilt think of me, Gerard, now and then by thy warm fire, of me camped on some windy heath, or lying in wet trenches, or wounded on the field and far from comfort? Nay" and this he said in a manner truly noble), "not comfortless or cold, or wet, or bleeding.'twill still warm my heart to lie on my back and think that I have placed my dear friend and comrade true in the 'Tete d'Or,' far from a soldier's ills,""I let you run on, dear Denys," said Gerard softly, "because at each word you show me the treasure of a good heart.But now bethink thee, my troth is plighted there where my heart it clingeth.You so leal, would you make me disloyal?""Perdition seize me, but I forgot that," said Denys.

"No more then, but hie thee to bed, good Denys.Next to Margaret Ilove thee best on earth, and value thy 'coeur d'or' far more than a dozen of these 'Tetes d'Or.' So prithee call me at the first blush of rosy-fingered morn, and let's away ere the woman with the hands be stirring."They rose with the dawn, and broke their fast by the kitchen fire.

Denys inquired of the girl whether the mistress was about.

"Nay; but she hath risen from her bed: by the same token I am carrying her this to clean her withal;" and she filled a jug with boiling water, and took it upstairs.

"Behold," said Gerard, "the very elements must be warmed to suit her skin; what had the saints said, which still chose the coldest pool? Away, ere she come down and catch us."They paid the score, and left the "Tete d'Or," while its mistress was washing her hands.

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  • 薄情苏少难伺候


  • 凤临天下:绝色夫君不好惹


  • 火影之惊涛骇浪


  • 那段苦乐兼具的岁月叫青春


  • 捡来的王妃是块宝


  • 不死龙尊


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