

Dear Margaret, his sacred body was first brought from Alexandria, by merchants in 810, and then not prized as now; for between 829, when this church was builded, and 1094, the very place where it lay was forgotten.Then holy priests fasted and prayed many days seeking for light, and lo! the Evangelist's body brake at midnight through the marble and stood before them.They fell to the earth;but in the morning found the crevice the sacred body had burst through, and peering through it saw him lie.Then they took and laid him in his chest beneath the altar, and carefully put back the stone with its miraculous crevice, which crevice I saw, and shall gape for a monument while the world lasts.After that they showed me the Virgin's chair, it is of stone; also her picture, painted by St.Luke, very dark, and the features now scarce visible.This picture, in time of drought, they carry in procession, and brings the rain.I wish I had not seen it.Item, two pieces of marble spotted with John the Baptist's blood; item, a piece of the true cross, and of the pillar to which Christ was tied; item, the rock struck by Moses, and wet to this hour; also a stone Christ sat on, preaching at Tyre; but some say it is the one the patriarch Jacob laid his head on, and I hold with them, by reason our Lord never preached at Tyre.Going hence, they showed me the state nursery for the children of those aphrodisian dames, their favourites.Here in the outer wall was a broad niche, and if they bring them so little as they can squeeze them through it alive, the bairn falls into a net inside, and the state takes charge of it, but if too big, their mothers must even take them home again, with whom abiding 'tis like to be mali corvi mali ovum.Coming out of the church we met them carrying in a corpse, with the feet and face bare.This I then first learned is Venetian custom, and sure no other town will ever rob them of it, nor of this that follows.On a great porphyry slab in the piazza were three ghastly heads rotting and tainting the air, and in their hot summers like to take vengeance with breeding of a plague.These were traitors to the state, and a heavy price - two thousand ducats - being put on each head, their friends had slain them and brought all three to the slab, and so sold blood of others and their own faith.No state buys heads so many, nor pays half so high a price for that sorry merchandise.But what I most admired was to see over against the Duke's palace a fair gallows in alabaster, reared express to bring him, and no other, for the least treason to the state; and there it stands in his eye whispering him memento mori.I pondered, and owned these signors my masters, who will let no man, not even their sovereign, be above the common weal.Hard by, on a wall, the workmen were just finishing, by order of the seigniory, the stone effigy of a tragical and enormous act enacted last year, yet on the wall looks innocent.Here two gentle folks whisper together, and there other twain, their swords by their side.Four brethren were they, which did on either side conspire to poison the other two, and so halve their land in lieu of quartering it; and at a mutual banquet these twain drugged the wine, and those twain envenomed a marchpane, to such good purpose that the same afternoon lay four 'brave men'

around one table grovelling in mortal agony, and cursing of one another and themselves, and so concluded miserably, and the land, for which they had lost their immortal souls, went into another family.And why not? it could not go into a worse.

"But O, sovereign wisdom of bywords! how true they put the finger on each nation's, or particular's, fault.

"Quand Italie sera sans poison Et France sans trahison Et l'Angleterre sans guerre, Lors sera le monde sans terre."Richart explained this to Catherine, then proceeded: "And after this they took me to the quay, and presently I espied among the masts one garlanded with amaranth flowers.'Take me thither,' said I, and I let my guide know the custom of our Dutch skippers to hoist flowers to the masthead when they are courting a maid.Oft had I scoffed at this saying, 'So then his wooing is the earth's concern.But now, so far from the Rotter, that bunch at a masthead made my heart leap with assurance of a countryman.They carried me, and oh, Margaret! on the stern of that Dutch boy, was written in muckle letters, RICHART ELIASSOEN, AMSTERDAM.

'Put me down,' I said; 'for our Lady's sake put me down.' I sat on the bank and looked, scarce believing my eyes, and looked, and presently fell to crying, till I could see the words no more.Ah me, how they went to my heart, those bare letters in a foreign land.Dear Richart! good, kind brother Richart! often I have sat on his knee and rid on his back.Kisses many he has given me, unkind word from him had I never.And there was his name on his own ship, and his face and all his grave, but good and gentle ways, came back to me, and I sobbed vehemently, and cried aloud, 'Why, why is not brother Richart here, and not his name only?' Ispake in Dutch, for my heart was too full to hold their foreign tongues, andEli."Well, Richart, go on, lad, prithee go on.Is this a place to halt at?"Richart."Father, with my duty to you, it is easy to say go on, but think ye I am not flesh and blood? The poor boy's - simple grief and brotherly love coming - so sudden-on me, they go through my heart and - I cannot go on; sink me if I can even see the words, 'tis writ so fine."Denys."Courage, good Master Richart! Take your time.Here are more eyne wet than yours.Ah, little comrade! would God thou wert here, and I at Venice for thee."Richart."Poor little curly-headed lad, what had he done that we have driven him so far?""That is what I would fain know," said Catherine drily, then fell to weeping and rocking herself, with her apron over her head.

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