

That is 'H.' Then 1 - 1 is 'A'; 1 - 5 is 'V'; 5 - 1 is 'E' - and we get the word 'Have.'"Not a soul stirred as Kennedy unfolded the cipher.What was the terrible secret in that scientific essay I had puzzled so unsuccessfully over, the night before?

"Even this can be complicated by choosing a series of fixed numbers to be added to the real numbers over and over again, Or the order of the alphabet can be changed.However, we have the straight cipher only to deal with here.""And what for Heaven's sake does it reveal?" asked Saratovsky, leaning forward, forgetful of the fever that was consuming him.

Kennedy pulled out a piece of paper on which he had written the hidden message and read:

"Have successfully inoculated S.with fever.Public opinion America would condemn violence.Think best death should appear natural.

Samarova infected also.Cook unfortunately took dose in food intended Kharkoff.Now have three cases.Shall stop there at present.Dangerous excite further suspicion health authorities."Rapidly I eliminated in my mind the persons mentioned, as Craig read.

Saratovsky of course was not guilty, for the plot had centred about him.Nor was little Samarova, nor Dr.Kharkoff.I noted Revalenko and Kazanovitch glaring at each other and hastily tried to decide which I more strongly suspected.

"Will get K.," continued Kennedy."Think bomb perhaps all right.

K.case different from S.No public sentiment.""So Kharkoff had been marked for slaughter," I thought.Or was "K."Kazanovitch? I regarded Revalenko more closely.He was suspiciously sullen.

"Must have more money.Cable ten thousand rubles at once Russian consul-general.Will advise you plot against Czar as details perfected here.Expect break up New York band with death of S."If Kennedy himself had thrown a bomb or scattered broadcast the contents of the test-tubes, the effect could not have been more startling than his last quiet sentence - and sentence it was in two senses.

"Signed," he said, folding the paper up deliberately, "Ekaterina Nevsky."It was as if a cable had snapped and a weight had fallen.Revalenko sprang up and grasped Kazanovitch by the hand."Forgive me, comrade, for ever suspecting you," he cried.

"And forgive me for suspecting you," replied Kazanovitch, "but how did you come to shadow Kharkoff?""I ordered him to follow Kharkoff secretly and protect him,"explained Saratovsky.

Olga and Ekaterina faced each other fiercely.Olga was trembling with emotion.Nevsky stood coldly, defiantly.If ever there was a consummate actress it was she, who had put the bomb at her own door and had rushed off to start Kennedy on a blind trail.

"You traitress," cried Olga passionately, forgetting all in her outraged love."You won his affections from me by your false beauty - yet all the time you would have killed him like a dog for the Czar's gold.At last you are unmasked - you Azeff in skirts.False friend - you would have killed us all - Saratovsky, Kharkoff "Be still, little fool," exclaimed Nevsky contemptuously."The spirilla fever has affected your brains.Bah! I will not stay with those who are so ready to suspect an old comrade on the mere word of a charlatan.Boris Kazanovitch, do you stand there silent and let this insult be heaped upon me?"For answer, Kazanovitch deliberately turned his back on his lover of a moment ago and crossed the room."Olga," he pleaded, "I have been a fool.Some day I may be worthy of your love.Fever or not, I must beg your forgiveness."With a cry of delight the actress flung her arms about Boris, as he imprinted a penitent kiss on her warm lips.

"Simpleton," hissed Nevsky with curling lips."Now you, too, will die.""One moment, Ekaterina Nevsky," interposed Kennedy, as he picked up some vacuum tubes full of a golden-yellow powder, that lay on the table."The spirilla, as scientists now know, belong to the same family as those which cause what we call, euphemistically, the 'black plague.' It is the same species as that of the African sleeping sickness and the Philippine yaws.Last year a famous doctor whose photograph I see in the next room, Dr.Ehrlich of Frankfort, discovered a cure for all these diseases.It will rid the blood of your victims of the Asiatic relapsing fever germs in forty-eight hours.In these tubes I have the now famous salvarsan."With a piercing shriek of rage at seeing her deadly work so quickly and completely undone, Nevsky flung herself into the little laboratory behind her and bolted the door.

Her face still wore the same cold, contemptuous smile, as Kennedy gently withdrew a sharp scalpel from her breast.

"Perhaps it is best this way, after all," he said simply.

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    同样的红楼,却穿越来了一个不流泪的林妹妹,看拥有现代记忆的她如何演绎不一样的潇湘路,精灵古怪的她如何赢得冷面王爷的那颗心,看热情善良的她如何解救红楼里的苦命女,且看一个不一样的林黛玉,如何玩转红楼,玩转大清朝 ̄ ̄片段一“外祖母,你们家是不是很穷啊?早知道这样我就把我生活费带过来了。免得让别人吃不上饭。”我通情打理地说道。众人不明白中。“玉儿为什么这么说?”贾母慈祥地问道。“难道不是吗?今天我坐的轿子还没有家里雪雁坐的好,弄得我一身都不舒服。”我顺势地揉揉肩。“外甥女弄错了,我们家可是很有钱的。”王夫人得意的说道,“只是比较节俭而已。”“那就好,玉儿身体不好,在家也是每天都必须上等的燕窝鱼翅补着,如此就不用担心,那就麻烦外祖母帮我备着了。”我不客气地说道。众人滴汗中。片段二这时雪雁的声音响起:“我说大清早哪里来的两条狗在这里乱吠啊?你们是谁?想干什么?还有为什么欺负紫鹃姐姐?你们知道我是谁吗?想进我们姑娘的房间,就你们也配,去茅厕还差不多,长得倒是人模狗样的,做的事那么龌龊。没听紫鹃说我们姑娘正睡觉啊。再说姑娘家的闺房是你这个臭男人可以进的啊?没得家教。出去,出去。”说完便将她们两推出门外,将门锁上,进了我的房间。宝玉与袭人待在院里忘了反映。片段三康熙看到胤禛吃瘪,心里很是高兴,我接着说道:“不说话就是默认了,皇帝伯伯,你觉不觉得四哥老是这种冰山脸让人看了很不舒服。”康熙简直就是想都没有想就说道:“是啊,朕也不知道朕这么慈祥怎么会生出这样的儿子来?这个问题困扰了我二十几年了。”康熙仿佛是看到知音一样地说道。“嗯,”我想了一会说道,“可能是由于基因突变吧。”我也看了看康熙再看看胤禛说道。“什么是基因突变啊?”康熙也算是博学的人了,没听过他当然好奇地问了。“这个我也说不清,皇上你回皇宫的时候去问你那个洋人官吧,如果他这个都不知道你就把他撵了吧。”我说道。推荐一下偶的完结文,《我们三个都是穿越来的》....^_^完结文《别哭黛玉》新文《极品花痴》
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