
第45章 Part the Second (3)

On all cases that apply universally to a nation, with respect to systems of government, a jury of twelve men is not competent to decide.Where there are no witnesses to be examined, no facts to be proved, and where the whole matter is before the whole public, and the merits or demerits of it resting on their opinion;and where there is nothing to be known in a court, but what every body knows out of it, every twelve men is equally as good a jury as the other, and would most probably reverse each other's verdict; or, from the variety of their opinions, not be able to form one.It is one case, whether a nation approve a work, or a plan; but it is quite another case, whether it will commit to any such jury the power of determining whether that nation have a right to, or shall reform its government or not.I mention those cases that Mr.Burke may see I have not written on Government without reflecting on what is Law, as well as on what are Rights.- The only effectual jury in such cases would be a convention of the whole nation fairly elected; for in all such cases the whole nation is the vicinage.If Mr.Burke will propose such a jury, I will waive all privileges of being the citizen of another country, and, defending its principles, abide the issue, provided he will do the same; for my opinion is, that his work and his principles would be condemned instead of mine.

As to the prejudices which men have from education and habit, in favour of any particular form or system of government, those prejudices have yet to stand the test of reason and reflection.In fact, such prejudices are nothing.No man is prejudiced in favour of a thing, knowing it to be wrong.He is attached to it on the belief of its being right; and when he sees it is not so, the prejudice will be gone.We have but a defective idea of what prejudice is.It might be said, that until men think for themselves the whole is prejudice, and not opinion; for that only is opinion which is the result of reason and reflection.I offer this remark, that Mr.Burke may not confide too much in what have been the customary prejudices of the country.

I do not believe that the people of England have ever been fairly and candidly dealt by.They have been imposed upon by parties, and by men assuming the character of leaders.It is time that the nation should rise above those trifles.It is time to dismiss that inattention which has so long been the encouraging cause of stretching taxation to excess.It is time to dismiss all those songs and toasts which are calculated to enslave, and operate to suffocate reflection.On all such subjects men have but to think, and they will neither act wrong nor be misled.To say that any people are not fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not.If such a case could be proved, it would equally prove that those who govern are not fit to govern them, for they are a part of the same national mass.

But admitting governments to be changed all over Europe; it certainly may be done without convulsion or revenge.It is not worth making changes or revolutions, unless it be for some great national benefit: and when this shall appear to a nation, the danger will be, as in America and France, to those who oppose; and with this reflection I close my Preface.


LONDON, Feb.9, 1792

Introduction What Archimedes said of the mechanical powers, may be applied to Reason and Liberty."Had we," said he, "a place to stand upon, we might raise the world."The revolution of America presented in politics what was only theory in mechanics.So deeply rooted were all the governments of the old world, and so effectually had the tyranny and the antiquity of habit established itself over the mind, that no beginning could be made in Asia, Africa, or Europe, to reform the political condition of man.Freedom had been hunted round the globe;reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think.

But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks,- and all it wants,- is the liberty of appearing.The sun needs no inscription to distinguish him from darkness; and no sooner did the American governments display themselves to the world, than despotism felt a shock and man began to contemplate redress.

The independence of America, considered merely as a separation from England, would have been a matter but of little importance, had it not been accompanied by a revolution in the principles and practice of governments.She made a stand, not for herself only, but for the world, and looked beyond the advantages herself could receive.Even the Hessian, though hired to fight against her, may live to bless his defeat; and England, condemning the viciousness of its government, rejoice in its miscarriage.

As America was the only spot in the political world where the principle of universal reformation could begin, so also was it the best in the natural world.An assemblage of circumstances conspired, not only to give birth, but to add gigantic maturity to its principles.The scene which that country presents to the eye of a spectator, has something in it which generates and encourages great ideas.Nature appears to him in magnitude.The mighty objects he beholds, act upon his mind by enlarging it, and he partakes of the greatness he contemplates.- Its first settlers were emigrants from different European nations, and of diversified professions of religion, retiring from the governmental persecutions of the old world, and meeting in the new, not as enemies, but as brothers.The wants which necessarily accompany the cultivation of a wilderness produced among them a state of society, which countries long harassed by the quarrels and intrigues of governments, had neglected to cherish.In such a situation man becomes what he ought.He sees his species, not with the inhuman idea of a natural enemy, but as kindred; and the example shows to the artificial world, that man must go back to Nature for information.

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