
第86章 Part the Second (44)

When millions of money are spoken of, it should be recollected, that such sums can only accumulate in a country by slow degrees, and a long procession of time.The most frugal system that England could now adopt, would not recover in a century the balance she has lost in money since the commencement of the Hanover succession.She is seventy millions behind France, and she must be in some considerable proportion behind every country in Europe, because the returns of the English mint do not show an increase of money, while the registers of Lisbon and Cadiz show an European increase of between three and four hundred millions sterling.

16.That part of America which is generally called New-England, including New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Connecticut, is peopled chiefly by English descendants.In the state of New-York about half are Dutch, the rest English, Scotch, and Irish.In New-jersey, a mixture of English and Dutch, with some Scotch and Irish.In Pennsylvania about one third are English, another Germans, and the remainder Scotch and Irish, with some Swedes.The States to the southward have a greater proportion of English than the middle States, but in all of them there is a mixture; and besides those enumerated, there are a considerable number of French, and some few of all the European nations, lying on the coast.The most numerous religious denomination are the Presbyterians; but no one sect is established above another, and all men are equally citizens.

17.For a character of aristocracy, the reader is referred to Rights of Man, Part I., starting at line number 1457.

18.The whole amount of the assessed taxes of France, for the present year, is three hundred millions of francs, which is twelve millions and a half sterling; and the incidental taxes are estimated at three millions, making in the whole fifteen millions and a half;which among twenty-four millions of people, is not quite thirteen shillings per head.France has lessened her taxes since the revolution, nearly nine millions sterling annually.Before the revolution, the city of Paris paid a duty of upwards of thirty per cent.

on all articles brought into the city.This tax was collected at the city gates.It was taken off on the first of last May, and the gates taken down.

19.What was called the livre rouge, or the red book, in France, was not exactly similar to the Court Calendar in England; but it sufficiently showed how a great part of the taxes was lavished.

20.In England the improvements in agriculture, useful arts, manufactures, and commerce, have been made in opposition to the genius of its government, which is that of following precedents.It is from the enterprise and industry of the individuals, and their numerous associations, in which, tritely speaking, government is neither pillow nor bolster, that these improvements have proceeded.No man thought about government, or who was in, or who was out, when he was planning or executing those things; and all he had to hope, with respect to government, was, that it would let him alone.Three or four very silly ministerial newspapers are continually offending against the spirit of national improvement, by ascribing it to a minister.They may with as much truth ascribe this book to a minister.

21.With respect to the two houses, of which the English parliament is composed, they appear to be effectually influenced into one, and, as a legislature, to have no temper of its own.The minister, whoever he at any time may be, touches it as with an opium wand, and it sleeps obedience.

But if we look at the distinct abilities of the two houses, the difference will appear so great, as to show the inconsistency of placing power where there can be no certainty of the judgment to use it.Wretched as the state of representation is in England, it is manhood compared with what is called the house of Lords; and so little is this nick-named house regarded, that the people scarcely enquire at any time what it is doing.It appears also to be most under influence, and the furthest removed from the general interest of the nation.In the debate on engaging in the Russian and Turkish war, the majority in the house of peers in favor of it was upwards of ninety, when in the other house, which was more than double its numbers, the majority was sixty-three.

The proceedings on Mr.Fox's bill, respecting the rights of juries, merits also to be noticed.The persons called the peers were not the objects of that bill.They are already in possession of more privileges than that bill gave to others.They are their own jury, and if any one of that house were prosecuted for a libel, he would not suffer, even upon conviction, for the first offense.

Such inequality in laws ought not to exist in any country.The French constitution says, that the law is the same to every individual, whether to Protect or to punish.All are equal in its sight.

22.As to the state of representation in England, it is too absurd to be reasoned upon.Almost all the represented parts are decreasing in population, and the unrepresented parts are increasing.

A general convention of the nation is necessary to take the whole form of government into consideration.

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