
第77章 THE ARRIVAL(18)

I would marry him under any circumstances since--since Clym's letter."A letter was lying on Mrs.Yeobright's work-basket, and at Thomasin's words her aunt reopened it, and silently read for the tenth time that day:--What is the meaning of this silly story that people are circulating about Thomasin and Mr.Wildeve? I should call such a scandal humiliating if there was the least chance of its being true.How could such a gross falsehood have arisen? It is said that one should go abroad to hear news of home, and I appear to have done it.

Of course I contradict the tale everywhere; but it is very vexing, and I wonder how it could have originated.

It is too ridiculous that such a girl as Thomasin could so mortify us as to get jilted on the wedding day.

What has she done?

"Yes," Mrs.Yeobright said sadly, putting down the letter.

"If you think you can marry him, do so.And since Mr.Wildeve wishes it to be unceremonious, let it be that too.

I can do nothing.It is all in your own hands now.

My power over your welfare came to an end when you left this house to go with him to Anglebury." She continued, half in bitterness, "I may almost ask, why do you consult me in the matter at all? If you had gone and married him without saying a word to me, I could hardly have been angry--simply because, poor girl, you can't do a better thing.""Don't say that and dishearten me."

"You are right--I will not."

"I do not plead for him, Aunt.Human nature is weak, and I am not a blind woman to insist that he is perfect.

I did think so, but I don't now.But I know my course, and you know that I know it.I hope for the best.""And so do I, and we will both continue to," said Mrs.Yeobright, rising and kissing her."Then the wedding, if it comes off, will be on the morning of the very day Clym comes home?""Yes.I decided that it ought to be over before he came.

After that you can look him in the face, and so can I.Our concealments will matter nothing."Mrs.Yeobright moved her head in thoughtful assent, and presently said, "Do you wish me to give you away?

I am willing to undertake that, you know, if you wish, as I was last time.After once forbidding the banns Ithink I can do no less."

"I don't think I will ask you to come," said Thomasin reluctantly, but with decision."It would be unpleasant, I am almost sure.Better let there be only strangers present, and none of my relations at all.I would rather have it so.

I do not wish to do anything which may touch your credit, and I feel that I should be uncomfortable if you were there, after what has passed.I am only your niece, and there is no necessity why you should concern yourself more about me.""Well, he has beaten us," her aunt said."It really seems as if he had been playing with you in this way in revenge for my humbling him as I did by standing up against him at first.""O no, Aunt," murmured Thomasin.

They said no more on the subject then.Diggory Venn's knock came soon after; and Mrs.Yeobright, on returning from her interview with him in the porch, carelessly observed, "Another lover has come to ask for you.""No?"

"Yes, that queer young man Venn."

"Asks to pay his addresses to me?"

"Yes; and I told him he was too late."

Thomasin looked silently into the candle-flame."Poor Diggory!"she said, and then aroused herself to other things.

The next day was passed in mere mechanical deeds of preparation, both the women being anxious to immerse themselves in these to escape the emotional aspect of the situation.

Some wearing apparel and other articles were collected anew for Thomasin, and remarks on domestic details were frequently made, so as to obscure any inner misgivings about her future as Wildeve's wife.

The appointed morning came.The arrangement with Wildeve was that he should meet her at the church to guard against any unpleasant curiosity which might have affected them had they been seen walking off together in the usual country way.

Aunt and niece stood together in the bedroom where the bride was dressing.The sun, where it could catch it, made a mirror of Thomasin's hair, which she always wore braided.

It was braided according to a calendar system--the more important the day the more numerous the strands in the braid.

On ordinary working-days she braided it in threes;on ordinary Sundays in fours; at Maypolings, gipsyings, and the like, she braided it in fives.Years ago she had said that when she married she would braid it in sevens.

She had braided it in sevens today.

"I have been thinking that I will wear my blue silk after all,"she said."It is my wedding day, even though there may be something sad about the time.I mean," she added, anxious to correct any wrong impression, "not sad in itself, but in its having had great disappointment and trouble before it."Mrs.Yeobright breathed in a way which might have been called a sigh."I almost wish Clym had been at home," she said.

"Of course you chose the time because of his absence.""Partly.I have felt that I acted unfairly to him in not telling him all; but, as it was done not to grieve him, I thought I would carry out the plan to its end, and tell the whole story when the sky was clear.""You are a practical little woman," said Mrs.Yeobright, smiling.

"I wish you and he--no, I don't wish anything.There, it is nine o'clock," she interrupted, hearing a whizz and a dinging downstairs.

"I told Damon I would leave at nine," said Thomasin, hastening out of the room.

Her aunt followed.When Thomasin was going up the little walk from the door to the wicket-gate, Mrs.Yeobright looked reluctantly at her, and said, "It is a shame to let you go alone.""It is necessary," said Thomasin.

"At any rate," added her aunt with forced cheerfulness, "I shall call upon you this afternoon, and bring the cake with me.

If Clym has returned by that time he will perhaps come too.

I wish to show Mr.Wildeve that I bear him no ill-will.

Let the past be forgotten.Well, God bless you! There, I don't believe in old superstitions, but I'll do it."She threw a slipper at the retreating figure of the girl, who turned, smiled, and went on again.

  • 邓析子


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  • 猎鹰局档案


  • 老婆今天又想离婚了


  • 法律的断章


    书名“法律的断章”出自于新月派诗人卞之琳一首非常著名的诗《断章》(你站在桥上看风景,看风景人在楼上看你。明月装饰了你的窗子,你装饰了别人的梦),法律本是一门枯燥的学问,但法律与诗歌的结合,让这本书有了美感和诗意。本书的大部分文章为作者近几年在《南方周末》、《法制日报》、《检察日报》和《人民法院报》等报刊上发表的文章的合集,其中收录的部分文章系作者首次发表。 全书分为六辑,第一辑为“信步闲庭”,这部分内容主要为作者在报刊杂志上发表的法学随笔,如“从影像中的刑事审判看刑事司法”、“港剧细节中的香港法治”等。
  • 从学霸开始

