

Numa "El Adrea"

On the same day that Kadour ben Saden rode south the diligence from the north brought Tarzan a letter from D'Arnot which had been forwarded from Sidi-bel-Abbes.

It opened the old wound that Tarzan would have been glad to have forgotten; yet he was not sorry that D'Arnot had written, for one at least of his subjects could never cease to interest the ape-man.Here is the letter:


Since last I wrote you I have been across to London on a matter of business.I was there but three days.The very first day I came upon an old friend of yours--quite unexpectedly--in Henrietta Street.Now you never in the world would guess whom.

None other than Mr.Samuel T.Philander.But it is true.

I can see your look of incredulity.Nor is this all.

He insisted that I return to the hotel with him, and there I found the others--Professor Archimedes Q.Porter, Miss Porter, and that enormous black woman, Miss Porter's maid --Esmeralda, you will recall.While I was there Clayton came in.They are to be married soon, or rather sooner, for I rather suspect that we shall receive announcements almost any day.On account of his father's death it is to be a very quiet affair--only blood relatives.

While I was alone with Mr.Philander the old fellow became rather confidential.Said Miss Porter had already postponed the wedding on three different occasions.He confided that it appeared to him that she was not particularly anxious to marry Clayton at all; but this time it seems that it is quite likely to go through.

Of course they all asked after you, but I respected your wishes in the matter of your true origin, and only spoke to them of your present affairs.

Miss Porter was especially interested in everything I had to say about you, and asked many questions.I am afraid Itook a rather unchivalrous delight in picturing your desire and resolve to go back eventually to your native jungle.

I was sorry afterward, for it did seem to cause her real anguish to contemplate the awful dangers to which you wished to return."And yet," she said, "I do not know.There are more unhappy fates than the grim and terrible jungle presents to Monsieur Tarzan.At least his conscience will be free from remorse.And there are moments of quiet and restfulness by day, and vistas of exquisite beauty.You may find it strange that I should say it, who experienced such terrifying experiences in that frightful forest, yet at times I long to return, for I cannot but feel that the happiest moments of my life were spent there."There was an expression of ineffable sadness on her face as she spoke, and I could not but feel that she knew that Iknew her secret, and that this was her way of transmitting to you a last tender message from a heart that might still enshrine your memory, though its possessor belonged to another.

Clayton appeared nervous and ill at ease while you were the subject of conversation.He wore a worried and harassed expression.Yet he was very kindly in his expressions of interest in you.I wonder if he suspects the truth about you?

Tennington came in with Clayton.They are great friends, you know.He is about to set out upon one of his interminable cruises in that yacht of his, and was urging the entire party to accompany him.Tried to inveigle me into it, too.

Is thinking of circumnavigating Africa this time.I told him that his precious toy would take him and some of his friends to the bottom of the ocean one of these days if he didn't get it out of his head that she was a liner or a battleship.

I returned to Paris day before yesterday, and yesterday Imet the Count and Countess de Coude at the races.They inquired after you.De Coude really seems quite fond of you.

Doesn't appear to harbor the least ill will.Olga is as beautiful as ever, but a trifle subdued.I imagine that she learned a lesson through her acquaintance with you that will serve her in good stead during the balance of her life.It is fortunate for her, and for De Coude as well, that it was you and not another man more sophisticated.

Had you really paid court to Olga's heart I am afraid that there would have been no hope for either of you.

She asked me to tell you that Nikolas had left France.

She paid him twenty thousand francs to go away, and stay.

She is congratulating herself that she got rid of him before he tried to carry out a threat he recently made her that he should kill you at the first opportunity.She said that she should hate to think that her brother's blood was on your hands, for she is very fond of you, and made no bones in saying so before the count.It never for a moment seemed to occur to her that there might be any possibility of any other outcome of a meeting between you and Nikolas.The count quite agreed with her in that.He added that it would take a regiment of Rokoffs to kill you.He has a most healthy respect for your prowess.

Have been ordered back to my ship.She sails from Havre in two days under sealed orders.If you will address me in her care, the letters will find me eventually.I shall write you as soon as another opportunity presents.

Your sincere friend, PAUL D'ARNOT.

"I fear," mused Tarzan, half aloud, "that Olga has thrown away her twenty thousand francs."He read over that part of D'Arnot's letter several times in which he had quoted from his conversation with Jane Porter.Tarzan derived a rather pathetic happiness from it, but it was better than no happiness at all.

The following three weeks were quite uneventful.On several occasions Tarzan saw the mysterious Arab, and once again he had been exchanging words with Lieutenant Gernois;but no amount of espionage or shadowing by Tarzan revealed the Arab's lodgings, the location of which Tarzan was anxious to ascertain.

Gernois, never cordial, had kept more than ever aloof from Tarzan since the episode in the dining-room of the hotel at Aumale.His attitude on the few occasions that they had been thrown together had been distinctly hostile.

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