

In the jungle one would scarcely stand supinely aside while another took his mate.It is a silly world, an idiotic world, and Tarzan of the Apes was a fool to renounce the freedom and the happiness of his jungle to come into it."Presently, as he sat there, the sudden feeling came over him that eyes were watching from behind, and the old instinct of the wild beast broke through the thin veneer of civilization, so that Tarzan wheeled about so quickly that the eyes of the young woman who had been surreptitiously regarding him had not even time to drop before the gray eyes of the ape-man shot an inquiring look straight into them.

Then, as they fell, Tarzan saw a faint wave of crimson creep swiftly over the now half-averted face.

He smiled to himself at the result of his very uncivilized and ungallant action, for he had not lowered his own eyes when they met those of the young woman.She was very young, and equally good to look upon.Further, there was something rather familiar about her that set Tarzan to wondering where he had seen her before.He resumed his former position, and presently he was aware that she had arisen and was leaving the deck.As she passed, Tarzan turned to watch her, in the hope that he might discover a clew to satisfy his mild curiosity as to her identity.

Nor was he disappointed entirely, for as she walked away she raised one hand to the black, waving mass at the nape of her neck--the peculiarly feminine gesture that admits cognizance of appraising eyes behind her--and Tarzan saw upon a finger of this hand the ring of strange workmanship that he had seen upon the finger of the veiled woman a short time before.

So it was this beautiful young woman Rokoff had been persecuting.Tarzan wondered in a lazy sort of way whom she might be, and what relations one so lovely could have with the surly, bearded Russian.

After dinner that evening Tarzan strolled forward, where he remained until after dark, in conversation with the second officer, and when that gentleman's duties called him elsewhere Tarzan lolled lazily by the rail watching the play of the moonlight upon the gently rolling waters.He was half hidden by a davit, so that two men who approached along the deck did not see him, and as they passed Tarzan caught enough of their conversation to cause him to fall in behind them, to follow and learn what deviltry they were up to.He had recognized the voice as that of Rokoff, and had seen that his companion was Paulvitch.

Tarzan had overheard but a few words: "And if she screams you may choke her until--" But those had been enough to arouse the spirit of adventure within him, and so he kept the two men in sight as they walked, briskly now, along the deck.

To the smoking-room he followed them, but they merely halted at the doorway long enough, apparently, to assure themselves that one whose whereabouts they wished to establish was within.

Then they proceeded directly to the first-class cabins upon the promenade deck.Here Tarzan found greater difficulty in escaping detection, but he managed to do so successfully.

As they halted before one of the polished hardwood doors, Tarzan slipped into the shadow of a passageway not a dozen feet from them.

To their knock a woman's voice asked in French: "Who is it?""It is I, Olga--Nikolas," was the answer, in Rokoff's now familiar guttural."May I come in?""Why do you not cease persecuting me, Nikolas?" came the voice of the woman from beyond the thin panel.

"I have never harmed you."

"Come, come, Olga," urged the man, in propitiary tones;"I but ask a half dozen words with you.I shall not harm you, nor shall I enter your cabin; but I cannot shout my message through the door."Tarzan heard the catch click as it was released from the inside.He stepped out from his hiding-place far enough to see what transpired when the door was opened, for he could not but recall the sinister words he had heard a few moments before upon the deck, "And if she screams you may choke her."Rokoff was standing directly in front of the door.Paulvitch had flattened himself against the paneled wall of the corridor beyond.The door opened.Rokoff half entered the room, and stood with his back against the door, speaking in a low whisper to the woman, whom Tarzan could not see.Then Tarzan heard the woman's voice, level, but loud enough to distinguish her words.

"No, Nikolas," she was saying, "it is useless.Threaten as you will, I shall never accede to your demands.Leave the room, please; you have no right here.You promised not to enter.""Very well, Olga, I shall not enter; but before I am done with you, you shall wish a thousand times that you had done at once the favor I have asked.In the end I shall win anyway, so you might as well save trouble and time for me, and disgrace for yourself and your--""Never, Nikolas!" interrupted the woman, and then Tarzan saw Rokoff turn and nod to Paulvitch, who sprang quickly toward the doorway of the cabin, rushing in past Rokoff, who held the door open for him.Then the latter stepped quickly out.

The door closed.Tarzan heard the click of the lock as Paulvitch turned it from the inside.Rokoff remained standing before the door, with head bent, as though to catch the words of the two within.A nasty smile curled his bearded lip.

Tarzan could hear the woman's voice commanding the fellow to leave her cabin."I shall send for my husband," she cried.

"He will show you no mercy."

Paulvitch's sneering laugh came through the polished panels.

"The purser will fetch your husband, madame," said the man.

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