

You cannot hope to pit your puny strength and simple weapons against the numbers and the guns of the Arabs and the Manyuema."They finally assented."When you scatter," explained Tarzan, in conclusion, "your foes will have to scatter to follow you, and so it may happen that if you are watchful you can drop many a Manyuema with your arrows from behind some great trees."They had barely time to hasten away farther into the forest before the first of the raiders had crossed the clearing and entered it in pursuit of them.

Tarzan ran a short distance along the ground before he took to the trees.Then he raced quickly to the upper terrace, there doubling on his tracks and making his way rapidly back toward the village.Here he found that every Arab and Manyuema had joined in the pursuit, leaving the village deserted except for the chained prisoners and a single guard.

The sentry stood at the open gate, looking in the direction of the forest, so that he did not see the agile giant that dropped to the ground at the far end of the village street.

With drawn bow the ape-man crept stealthily toward his unsuspecting victim.The prisoners had already discovered him, and with wide eyes filled with wonder and with hope they watched their would-be rescuer.Now he halted not ten paces from the unconscious Manyuema.The shaft was drawn back its full length at the height of the keen gray eye that sighted along its polished surface.There was a sudden twang as the brown fingers released their hold, and without a sound the raider sank forward upon his face, a wooden shaft transfixing his heart and protruding a foot from his black chest.

Then Tarzan turned his attention to the fifty women and youths chained neck to neck on the long slave chain.

There was no releasing of the ancient padlocks in the time that was left him, so the ape-man called to them to follow him as they were, and, snatching the gun and cartridge belt from the dead sentry, he led the now happy band out through the village gate and into the forest upon the far side of the clearing.

It was a slow and arduous march, for the slave chain was new to these people, and there were many delays as one of their number would stumble and fall, dragging others down with her.

Then, too, Tarzan had been forced to make a wide detour to avoid any possibility of meeting with returning raiders.

He was partially guided by occasional shots which indicated that the Arab horde was still in touch with the villagers; but he knew that if they would but follow his advice there would be but few casualties other than on the side of the marauders.

Toward dusk the firing ceased entirely, and Tarzan knew that the Arabs had all returned to the village.He could scarce repress a smile of triumph as he thought of their rage on discovering that their guard had been killed and their prisoners taken away.Tarzan had wished that he might have taken some of the great store of ivory the village contained, solely for the purpose of still further augmenting the wrath of his enemies; but he knew that that was not necessary for its salvation, since he already had a plan mapped out which would effectually prevent the Arabs leaving the country with a single tusk.And it would have been cruel to have needlessly burdened these poor, overwrought women with the extra weight of the heavy ivory.

It was after midnight when Tarzan, with his slow-moving caravan, approached the spot where the elephants lay.

Long before they reached it they had been guided by the huge fire the natives had built in the center of a hastily improvised BOMA, partially for warmth and partially to keep off chance lions.

When they had come close to the encampment Tarzan called aloud to let them know that friends were coming.

It was a joyous reception the little party received when the blacks within the BOMA saw the long file of fettered friends and relatives enter the firelight.These had all been given up as lost forever, as had Tarzan as well, so that the happy blacks would have remained awake all night to feast on elephant meat and celebrate the return of their fellows, had not Tarzan insisted that they take what sleep they could, against the work of the coming day.

At that, sleep was no easy matter, for the women who had lost their men or their children in the day's massacre and battle made night hideous with their continued wailing and howling.Finally, however, Tarzan succeeded in silencing them, on the plea that their noise would attract the Arabs to their hiding-place, when all would be slaughtered.

When dawn came Tarzan explained his plan of battle to the warriors, and without demur one and all agreed that it was the safest and surest way in which to rid themselves of their unwelcome visitors and be revenged for the murder of their fellows.

First the women and children, with a guard of some twenty old warriors and youths, were started southward, to be entirely out of the zone of danger.They had instructions to erect temporary shelter and construct a protecting BOMAof thorn bush; for the plan of campaign which Tarzan had chosen was one which might stretch out over many days, or even weeks, during which time the warriors would not return to the new camp.

Two hours after daylight a thin circle of black warriors surrounded the village.At intervals one was perched high in the branches of a tree which could overlook the palisade.

Presently a Manyuema within the village fell, pierced by a single arrow.There had been no sound of attack--none of the hideous war-cries or vainglorious waving of menacing spears that ordinarily marks the attack of savages--just a silent messenger of death from out of the silent forest.

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  • 与Queen B同行:将薪比薪,职场45招完美蜕变

    与Queen B同行:将薪比薪,职场45招完美蜕变

    几乎每个女孩子都梦想成为Queen(女王),因为这代表着“完美”“所向披靡”。这是个抱怨的世界,你可以抱怨遇人不淑,领导太逊,同事太假,命运里的贵人又总是无故缺席,但对不起,老天还是不会同情你!改变靠自己,职场必须要有规划,而你要做的就是认清自己!这是一本指导女孩子如何变得更加优秀,但却拒绝隔靴搔痒、纸上谈兵的职场“类小说”。对于身涉职场的小女生而言,不会有比从自己“闺密”口中言传身教更让她们感觉亲切又易于接受了。职场可以无朋友,但不能无导师!现实总是残忍的,有时候,你真的需要被骂醒!来吧,“完美闺密”QUEEN B的毒舌嘴巴,会让你在最短的时间内化蛹成蝶,45招见证“薪”奇迹!
  • 前埃


  • 魔神乐园


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