

Jane Porter's thoughts often reverted to her other experience on this savage shore.Ah, if the invincible forest god of that dead past were but with them now.No longer would there be aught to fear from prowling beasts, or from the bestial Russian.She could not well refrain from comparing the scant protection afforded her by Clayton with what she might have expected had Tarzan of the Apes been for a single instant confronted by the sinister and menacing attitude of Monsieur Thuran.Once, when Clayton had gone to the little stream for water, and Thuran had spoken coarsely to her, she voiced her thoughts.

"It is well for you, Monsieur Thuran," she said, "that the poor Monsieur Tarzan who was lost from the ship that brought you and Miss Strong to Cape Town is not here now.""You knew the pig?" asked Thuran, with a sneer.

"I knew the man," she replied."The only real man, Ithink, that I have ever known."

There was something in her tone of voice that led the Russian to attribute to her a deeper feeling for his enemy than friendship, and he grasped at the suggestion to be further revenged upon the man whom he supposed dead by besmirching his memory to the girl.

"He was worse than a pig," he cried."He was a poltroon and a coward.To save himself from the righteous wrath of the husband of a woman he had wronged, he perjured his soul in an attempt to place the blame entirely upon her.

Not succeeding in this, he ran away from France to escape meeting the husband upon the field of honor.That is why he was on board the ship that bore Miss Strong and myself to Cape Town.I know whereof I speak, for the woman in the case is my sister.Something more I know that I have never told another--your brave Monsieur Tarzan leaped overboard in an agony of fear because I recognized him, and insisted that he make reparation to me the following morning--we could have fought with knives in my stateroom."Jane Porter laughed."You do not for a moment imagine that one who has known both Monsieur Tarzan and you could ever believe such an impossible tale?""Then why did he travel under an assumed name?" asked Monsieur Thuran.

"I do not believe you," she cried, but nevertheless the seed of suspicion was sown, for she knew that Hazel Strong had known her forest god only as John Caldwell, of London.

A scant five miles north of their rude shelter, all unknown to them, and practically as remote as though separated by thousands of miles of impenetrable jungle, lay the snug little cabin of Tarzan of the Apes.While farther up the coast, a few miles beyond the cabin, in crude but well-built shelters, lived a little party of eighteen souls--the occupants of the three boats from the LADY ALICE from which Clayton's boat had become separated.

Over a smooth sea they had rowed to the mainland in less than three days.None of the horrors of shipwreck had been theirs, and though depressed by sorrow, and suffering from the shock of the catastrophe and the unaccustomed hardships of their new existence there was none much the worse for the experience.

All were buoyed by the hope that the fourth boat had been picked up, and that a thorough search of the coast would be quickly made.As all the firearms and ammunition on the yacht had been placed in Lord Tennington's boat, the party was well equipped for defense, and for hunting the larger game for food.

Professor Archimedes Q.Porter was their only immediate anxiety.

Fully assured in his own mind that his daughter had been picked up by a passing steamer, he gave over the last vestige of apprehension concerning her welfare, and devoted his giant intellect solely to the consideration of those momentous and abstruse scientific problems which he considered the only proper food for thought in one of his erudition.His mind appeared blank to the influence of all extraneous matters.

"Never," said the exhausted Mr.Samuel T.Philander, to Lord Tennington, "never has Professor Porter been more difficult--er--I might say, impossible.Why, only this morning, after I had been forced to relinquish my surveillance for a brief half hour he was entirely missing upon my return.

And, bless me, sir, where do you imagine I discovered him?

A half mile out in the ocean, sir, in one of the lifeboats, rowing away for dear life.I do not know how he attained even that magnificent distance from shore, for he had but a single oar, with which he was blissfully rowing about in circles.

"When one of the sailors had taken me out to him in another boat the professor became quite indignant at my suggestion that we return at once to land.`Why, Mr.Philander,'

he said, `I am surprised that you, sir, a man of letters yourself, should have the temerity so to interrupt the progress of science.I had about deduced from certain astronomic phenomena I have had under minute observation during the past several tropic nights an entirely new nebular hypothesis which will unquestionably startle the scientific world.I wish to consult a very excellent monograph on Laplace's hypothesis, which I understand is in a certain private collection in New York City.Your interference, Mr.Philander, will result in an irreparable delay, for I was just rowing over to obtain this pamphlet.' And it was with the greatest difficulty that Ipersuaded him to return to shore, without resorting to force,"concluded Mr.Philander.

Miss Strong and her mother were very brave under the strain of almost constant apprehension of the attacks of savage beasts.Nor were they quite able to accept so readily as the others the theory that Jane, Clayton, and Monsieur Thuran had been picked up safely.

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  • 易经与人生大智慧


    《易经》是我国古代先哲在对自然现象和社会现象长期观察的基础上。对各种社会实践活动进行的高度总结和概括。它集中反映了宇宙万事万物的现象和发展变化的规律.是一部指导人们利用自然规律及社会发展规律进行实践活动的哲学著作.是我国先人智慧的结晶。在这些经过时间检验的先人经验与智慧的指导下。我们会少走许多弯路.也会对人生多一些理解。从而更好地把握人生的每一步。 本书是一部汇聚中华民族古老而神秘智慧的经典之作!
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  • 养生保健枕边书


    你只需要改变一个观念或生活习惯,就可以免予疾病的困扰。养生就是顺应自然,改善自身的生活和生命质量,从而达到健康长寿、益寿延年的目的,本书就是你的健康小卫士,帮你防范来自生活的侵袭,让健康伴随你一生。 本书以一种全新的养生角度让我们重新审视以往的生活态度及生活方式,从更科学、更合理的养生角度,揭示生命和健康的奥秘,其不仅沿袭了人体健康的基本法则,更是在传统预防医学的观点上做出了突破性的见解和精华性的提炼,并告诉人们人体生病的真相以及不生病的秘密。书中不仅完整、直观地剖析了以往错误的生活方式,同时又具体、科学、详实地为人们提供了正确的养生方式及不生病的对策,是一本值得认真一读的养生好书!
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