

On Thursday, the 9th of July, 186-, Jean Bertaud and his son, well known at Orcival as living by poaching and marauding, rose at three o'clock in the morning, just at daybreak, to go fishing.

Taking their tackle, they descended the charming pathway, shaded by acacias, which you see from the station at Evry, and which leads from the burg of Orcival to the Seine.

They made their way to their boat, moored as usual some fifty yards above the wire bridge, across a field adjoining Valfeuillu, the imposing estate of the Count de Tremorel.

Having reached the river-bank, they laid down their tackle, and Jean jumped into the boat to bail out the water in the bottom.

While he was skilfully using the scoop, he perceived that one of the oar-pins of the old craft, worn by the oar, was on the point of breaking.

"Philippe," cried he, to his son, who was occupied in unravelling a net, "bring me a bit of wood to make a new oar-pin.""All right," answered Philippe.

There was no tree in the field.The young man bent his steps toward the park of Valfeuillu, a few rods distant; and, neglectful of Article 391 of the Penal Code, jumped across the wide ditch which surrounds M.de Tremorel's domain.He thought he would cut off a branch of one of the old willows, which at this place touch the water with their drooping branches.

He had scarcely drawn his knife from his pocket, while looking about him with the poacher's unquiet glance, when he uttered a low cry, "Father! Here! Father!""What's the matter?" responded the old marauder, without pausing from his work.

"Father, come here!" continued Philippe."In Heaven's name, come here, quick!"Jean knew by the tone of his son's voice that something unusual had happened.He threw down his scoop, and, anxiety quickening him, in three leaps was in the park.He also stood still, horror-struck, before the spectacle which had terrified Philippe.

On the bank of the river, among the stumps and flags, was stretched a woman's body.Her long, dishevelled locks lay among the water-shrubs; her dress - of gray silk - was soiled with mire and blood.All the upper part of the body lay in shallow water, and her face had sunk in the mud.

"A murder!" muttered Philippe, whose voice trembled.

"That's certain," responded Jean, in an indifferent tone."But who can this woman be? Really one would say, the countess.""We'll see," said the young man.He stepped toward the body; his father caught him by the arm.

"What would you do, fool?" said he."You ought never to touch the body of a murdered person without legal authority.""You think so?"

"Certainly.There are penalties for it."

"Then, come along and let's inform the Mayor.""Why? as if people hereabouts were not against us enough already!

Who knows that they would not accuse us - "But, father - "

"If we go and inform Monsieur Courtois, he will ask us how and why we came to be in Monsieur de Tremorel's park to find this out.What is it to you, that the countess has been killed? They'll find her body without you.Come, let's go away."But Philippe did not budge.Hanging his head, his chin resting upon his palm, he reflected.

"We must make this known," said he, firmly."We are not savages;we will tell Monsieur Courtois that in passing along by the park in our boat, we perceived the body."Old Jean resisted at first; then, seeing that his son would, if need be, go without him, yielded.

They re-crossed the ditch, and leaving their fishing-tackle in the field, directed their steps hastily toward the mayor's house.

Orcival, situated a mile or more from Corbeil, on the right bank of the Seine, is one of the most charming villages in the environs of Paris, despite the infernal etymology of its name.The gay and thoughtless Parisian, who, on Sunday, wanders about the fields, more destructive than the rook, has not yet discovered this smiling country.The distressing odor of the frying from coffee-gardens does not there stifle the perfume of the honeysuckles.The refrains of bargemen, the brazen voices of boat-horns, have never awakened echoes there.Lazily situated on the gentle slopes of a bank washed by the Seine, the houses of Orcival are white, and there are delicious shades, and a bell-tower which is the pride of the place.

On all sides vast pleasure domains, kept up at great cost, surround it.From the upper part, the weathercocks of twenty chateaux may be seen.On the right is the forest of Mauprevoir, and the pretty country-house of the Countess de la Breche; opposite, on the other side of the river, is Mousseaux and Petit-Bourg, the ancient domain of Aguado, now the property of a famous coach-maker; on the left, those beautiful copses belong to the Count de Tremorel, that large park is d'Etiolles, and in the distance beyond is Corbiel; that vast building, whose roofs are higher than the oaks, is the Darblay mill.

The mayor of Orcival occupies a handsome, pleasant mansion, at the upper end of the village.Formerly a manufacturer of dry goods, M.

Courtois entered business without a penny, and after thirty years of absorbing toil, he retired with four round millions of francs.

Then he proposed to live tranquilly with his wife and children, passing the winter at Paris and the summer at his country-house.

But all of a sudden he was observed to be disturbed and agitated.

Ambition stirred his heart.He took vigorous measures to be forced to accept the mayoralty of Orcival.And he accepted it, quite in self-defence, as he will himself tell you.This office was at once his happiness and his despair; apparent despair, interior and real happiness.

It quite befits him, with clouded brow, to rail at the cares of power; he appears yet better when, his waist encircled with the gold-laced scarf, he goes in triumph at the head of the municipal body.

Everybody was sound asleep at the mayor's when the two Bertauds rapped the heavy knocker of the door.After a moment, a servant, half asleep, appeared at one of the ground-floor windows.

"What's the matter, you rascals?" asked he, growling.

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