

The judge of instruction, Plantat, and the mayor narrowly watched the play of his countenance, which he had not the coolness to compose, while the doctor held his pulse and counted its beating.

"Remorse, and fear of punishment," muttered the mayor.

"Innocence, and the impossibility of proving it," responded Plantat in a low tone.

M.Domini heard both these exclamations, but did not appear to take notice of them.His opinion was not formed, and he did not wish that anyone should be able to foretell, by any word of his, what it would be.

"Are you better, my friend?" asked Dr.Gendron, of Guespin.

The poor fellow made an affirmative sign.Then, having looked around with the anxious glance of a man who calculates a precipice over which he has fallen, he passed his hand across his eyes and stammered:

"Something to drink!"

A glass of water was brought, and he drank it at a draught, with an expression of intense satisfaction.Then he got upon his feet.

"Are you now in a fit state to answer me? "asked the judge.

Guespin staggered a little, then drew himself up.He continued erect before the judge, supporting himself against a table.The nervous trembling of his hands diminished, the blood returned to his cheeks, and as he listened, he arranged the disorder of his clothes.

"You know the events of this night, don't you?" commenced the judge; "the Count and Countess de Tremorel have been murdered.You went away yesterday with all the servants of the chateau; you left them at the Lyons station about nine o'clock; you have just returned, alone.Where have you passed the night?"Guespin hung his head and remained silent.

"That is not all," continued M.Domini; "yesterday you had no money, the fact is well known; one of your fellow-servants has just proved it.To-day, one hundred and sixty-seven francs are found in your wallet.Where did you get this money?"The unhappy creature's lip moved as if he wished to answer; a sudden thought seemed to check him, for he did not speak.

"More yet.What is this card of a hardware establishment that has been found in your pocket?"Guespin made a sign of desperation, and stammered:

"I am innocent."

"I have not as yet accused you," said the judge of instruction, quickly."You knew, perhaps, that the count received a considerable sum yesterday?"A bitter smile parted Guespin's lips as he answered:

"I know well enough that everything is against me."There was a profound silence.The doctor, the mayor, and Plantat, seized with a keen curiosity, dared not move.Perhaps nothing in the world is more thrilling than one of these merciless duels between justice and a man suspected of a crime.The questions may seem insignificant, the answers irrelevant; both questions and answers envelop terrible, hidden meanings.The smallest gesture, the most rapid movement of physiognomy may acquire deep significance, a fugitive light in the eye betray an advantage gained; an imperceptible change in the voice may be confession.

The coolness of M.Domini was disheartening.

"Let us see," said he after a pause: "where did you pass the night?

How did you get this money? And what does this address mean?""Eh!" cried Guespin, with the rage of powerlessness, "I should tell you what you would not believe."The judge was about to ask another question, but Guespin cut him short.

"No; you wouldn't believe me," he repeated, his eyes glistening with anger."Do men like you believe men like me? I have a past, you know, of antecedents, as you would say.The past! They throw that in my face, as if, the future depended on the past.Well, yes; it's true, I'm a debauchee, a gambler, a drunkard, an idler, but what of it? It's true I have been before the police court, and condemned for night poaching - what does that prove? I have wasted my life, but whom have I wronged if not myself? My past! Have I not sufficiently expiated it?"Guespin was self-possessed, and finding in himself sensations which awoke a sort of eloquence, he expressed himself with a savage energy well calculated to strike his hearers.

"I have not always served others," he continued; "my father was in easy circumstances - almost rich.He had large gardens, near Saumur, and he passed for one of the best gardeners of that region.

I was educated, and when sixteen years old, began to study law.

Four years later they thought me a talented youth.Unhappily for me, my father died.He left me a landed property worth a hundred thousand francs: I sold it out for sixty thousand and went to Paris.

I was a fool then.I had the fever of pleasure-seeking, a thirst for all sorts of pastimes, perfect health, plenty of money.I found Paris a narrow limit for my vices; it seemed to me that the objects of my desires were wanting.I thought my sixty thousand francs would last forever."Guespin paused; a thousand memories of those times rushed into his thoughts and he muttered:

"Those were good times."

"My sixty thousand francs," he resumed, "held out eight years.

Then I hadn't a sou, yet I longed to continue my way of living.

You understand, don't you? About this time, the police, one night, arrested me.I was 'detained' six months.You will find the records of the affair at the prefecture.Do you know what it will tell you? It will tell you that on leaving prison I fell into that shameful and abominable misery which exists in Paris.It will tell you that I have lived among the worst and lowest outcasts of Paris - and it is the truth."The worthy mayor was filled with consternation.

"Good Heaven!" thought he, "what an audacious and cynical rascal!

and to think that one is liable at any time to admit such servants into his house!"The judge held his tongue.He knew that Guespin was in such a state that, under the irresistible impulse of passion, he might betray his innermost thoughts.

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    她是50世纪的天娇,一朝穿越,魂附名满京城的痴傻公主身上。 当清冷的眸子绽放出耀人的光芒,天下棋局,风云已动。 他是权势滔天的王,冷酷无情。可当她的匕首抵住了他的颈脉,薄唇轻勾。引发了怎样的惊世情缘? 血月当空,他一袭白衣,风华绝代,映入她异色双眸,成为不死不灭的印,刻在她心中涟漪之上,挥之不去。 他勾唇缓缓一笑,没有那些海枯石烂的誓言保证,暗紫色的眸子倒映出眼前的人,再,容不下其他。 片段: 山洞之内,男子抱着一个血人,眼角微红: “怎么救她?” “需要一个人和她签订生死契约,承担伤势,若稍有不慎……筋脉尽毁,灵力全废。” 此话一出,他身旁那两个下属几乎下意识的上前一步,想要挺身而出。 “退下。” 男子的目光半刻不离怀中的人,声音带着几分嘶哑: “我来。” 无论如何,我只要你安好,不管付出什么代价,你也绝不能有半点意外。 有我在,就算你死,也要看我同不同意,如若不能同生,那我便陪你一起,共赴九幽黄泉。简介无能,请看正文。 本文不虐无误会,男女主双强双洁双宠,身心干净1v1,小可爱们点个收藏吖~~
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