

I felt terrible agonies which it is impossible to describe; it was like a long-smothered fire which suddenly breaks forth and devours everything.To be old, and to love a child! I thought I was going crazy; I tried to reason, to upbraid myself, but it was of no avail.What can reason or irony do against passion? I kept silent and suffered.To crown all, Laurence selected me as her confidant - what torture! She came to me to talk of Hector; she admired in him all that seemed to her superior to other men, so that none could be compared with him.She was enchanted with his bold horseback riding, and thought everything he said sublime.""Did you know what a wretch Tremorel was?""Alas, I did not yet know it.What was this man who lived at Valfeuillu to me? But from the day that I learned that he was going to deprive me of my most precious treasure, I began to study him.I should have been somewhat consoled if I had found him worthy of her; so I dogged him, as you, Monsieur Lecoq, cling to the criminal whom you are pursuing.I went often to Paris to learn what I could of his past life; I became a detective, and went about questioning everybody who had known him, and the more I heard of him the more I despised him.It was thus that I found out his interviews with Jenny and his relations with Bertha.""Why didn't you divulge them?"

"Honor commanded silence.Had I a right to dishonor my friend and ruin his happiness and life, because of this ridiculous, hopeless love? I kept my own counsel after speaking to Courtois about Jenny, at which he only laughed.When I hinted something against Hector to Laurence, she almost ceased coming to see me.""Ah! I shouldn't have had either your patience or your generosity.""Because you are not as old as I, Monsieur Lecoq.Oh, I cruelly hated this Tremorel! I said to myself, when I saw three women of such different characters smitten with him, 'what is there in him to be so loved?'""Yes," answered M.Lecoq, responding to a secret thought, "women often err; they don't judge men as we do.""Many a time," resumed the justice of the peace, "I thought of provoking him to fight with me, that I might kill him; but then Laurence would not have looked at me any more.However, I should perhaps have spoken at last, had not Sauvresy fallen ill and died.

I knew that he had made his wife and Tremorel swear to marry each other; I knew that a terrible reason forced them to keep their oath; and I thought Laurence saved.Alas, on the contrary she was lost! One evening, as I was passing the mayor's house, I saw a man getting over the wall into the garden; it was Tremorel.Irecognized him perfectly.I was beside myself with rage, and swore that I would wait and murder him.I did wait, but he did not come out that night."M.Plantat hid his face in his bands; his heart bled at the recollection of that night of anguish, the whole of which he had passed in waiting for a man in order to kill him.M.Lecoq trembled with indignation.

"This Tremorel," cried he, "is the most abominable of scoundrels.

There is no excuse for his infamies and crimes.And yet you want to save him from trial, the galleys, the scaffold which await him."The old man paused a moment before replying.Of the thoughts which now crowded tumultuously in his mind, he did not know which to utter first.Words seemed powerless to betray his sensations; he wanted to express all that he felt in a single sentence.

"What matters Tremorel to me?" said he at last."Do you think Icare about him? I don't care whether he lives or dies, whether he succeeds in flying or ends his life some morning in the Place Roquette.""Then why have you such a horror of a trial?""Because - "

"Are you a friend to his family, and anxious to preserve the great name which he has covered with mud and devoted to infamy?""No, but I am anxious for Laurence, my friend; the thought of her never leaves me.""But she is not his accomplice ; she is totally ignorant - there's no doubt of it - that he has killed his wife.""Yes," resumed M.Plantat, "Laurence is innocent; she is only the victim of an odious villain.It is none the less true, though, that she would be more cruelly punished than he.If Tremorel is brought before the court, she will have to appear too, as a witness if not as a prisoner.And who knows that her truth will not be suspected? She will be asked whether she really had no knowledge of the project to murder Bertha, and whether she did not encourage it.Bertha was her rival; it were natural to suppose that she hated her.If I were the judge I should not hesitate to include Laurence in the indictment.""With our aid she will prove victoriously that she was ignorant of all, and has been outrageously deceived.""May be; but will she be any the less dishonored and forever lost?

Must she not, in that case, appear in public, answer the judge's questions, and narrate the story of her shame and misfortunes?

Must not she say where, when, and how she fell, and repeat the villain's words to her? Can you imagine that of her own free will she compelled herself to announce her suicide at the risk of killing her parents with grief? No.Then she must explain what menaces forced her to do this, which surely was not her own idea.

And worse than all, she will be compelled to confess her love for Tremorel.""No," answered the detective."Let us not exaggerate anything.

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