Scandinavian literature embraces the literature of Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and their western colonies.In the Middle Ages this literature reached its fullest and best development in Iceland.
The earliest and greatest portion of this literature is the heroic poetry forming the collection called the Poetic or Elder Edda.Like all early poetry these were minstrel poems, passing orally from singer (skald) to singer for centuries.Some of them were composed as early as the eighth century.The collection was probably made in the thirteenth century (1240).The collection consists of thirty-nine distinct songs or poems.They are based upon common Norse mythology and tradition.In one section of this collection is found in outline the story of the Nibelungs and Brunhild-the story which later formed the basis of the "Niebelungen-Lied".This fact connects the two literatures with the original common Teutonic traditions.Anderson says, "The Elder Edda presents the Norse cosmogony, the doctrines of the Odinic mythology, and the lives and doings of the gods.It contains also a cycle of poems on the demigods and mythic heroes and heroines of the same period.It gives us as complete a view of the mythological world of the North as Homer and Hesiod do of that of Greece" (Norse Mythology).Almost equal in importance and interest is the Prose Edda, sometimes called the Younger Edda, arranged and in part written by Snorra Sturleson, who lived from 1178 to 1241.The chief portions of it are:
1."Gylfaginning," in which Odin recounts to Gylf the history of the gods.
2."Bragaraethur, the conversations of Braga the god of poetry.
Other and less important varieties of Scandinavian literature are the romances of history and romances of pure fiction.
The Voluspa is the first song in the Elder Edda.It is a song of a prophetess and gives an account of the creation of the world, of man, giants, and dwarfs; of the employments of fairies or destinies; of the functions of the gods, their adventures, their quarrels, and the vengeance they take; of the final state of the universe and its dissolution; of the battle of the lower deities and the evil beings; of the renovation of the world; of the happy lot of the good, and the punishment of the wicked.The first passage selected gives the account of creation.
In early times, When Ymer lived, Was sand, nor sea, Nor cooling wave;No earth was found, Nor heaven above;
One chaos all, And nowhere grass:
Until Bor's sons Th' expanse did raise, By whom Midgard
The great was made.
From th' south the sun Shone on the walls;Then did the earth Green herbs produce.
The sun turned south;
The moon did shine;
Her right hand held The horse of heaven.
The sun knew not His proper sphere;
The stars knew not Their proper place;
The moon know not Her proper power.
Then all the powers Went to the throne, The holy gods, And held consult:
Night and cock-crowing Their names they gave, Morning also, And noon-day tide, And afternoon, The years to tell.
The Asas met On Ida's plains, Who altars raised And temples built;Anvils they laid, And money coined;
Their strength they tried In various ways, When making songs, And forming tools.
On th' green they played In joyful mood, Nor knew at all The want of gold, Until there came Three Thursa maids, Exceeding strong, From Jotunheim:
Until there came Out of the ranks, Powerful and fair, Three Asas home, And found on shore, In helpless plight, Ask and Embla
Without their fate.
They had not yet Spirit or mind, Blood, or beauty, Or lovely hue.
Odin gave spirit, Heinir gave mind, Lothur gave blood And lovely hue.
Ymer, the progenitor of the giants.
Bor, the father of Odin, Vile, and Ve.
Midgard, the earth.
Asas, the gods.
The home of the giants.
The first man and first woman made out of pine trees by the three gods Odin, Heinir, and Henderson.
The second passage gives an account of the universal dissolution--called Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods.
Loud barks Garm 1】
At Gnipa-cave;
The fetters are severed, The wolf is set free, Vala knows the future.
More does she see Of the victorious gods, Terrible fall.
From the east drives Hrym,
Bears his child before him;
Jormungander welters In giant fierceness;The waves thunder;
The eagle screams, Rends the corpses with pale beak, And Naglfar is launched.
A ship from the east nears, The hosts of Muspel Come o'er the main, But Loke is pilot.
All grim and gaunt monsters Conjoin with the wolf, And before them all goes The brother of Byleist.
From the south wends Surt
With seething fire;
The sun of the war-god Shines in his sword;Mountains together dash, And frighten the giant-maids;Heroes tread the paths to Hel, And heaven in twain is rent.