

Ivan Ivanovitch went up to the gate and rattled the latch.Within arose the barking of dogs; but the motley-haired pack ran back, wagging their tails when they saw the well-known face.Ivan Ivanovitch traversed the courtyard, in which were collected Indian doves, fed by Ivan Nikiforovitch's own hand, melon-rinds, vegetables, broken wheels, barrel-hoops, and a small boy wallowing with dirty blouse--a picture such as painters love.The shadows of the fluttering clothes covered nearly the whole of the yard and lent it a degree of coolness.The woman greeted him with a bend of her head and stood, gaping, in one spot.The front of the house was adorned with a small porch, with its roof supported on two oak pillars--a welcome protection from the sun, which at that season in Little Russia loves not to jest, and bathes the pedestrian from head to foot in perspiration.It may be judged how powerful Ivan Ivanovitch's desire to obtain the coveted article was when he made up his mind, at such an hour, to depart from his usual custom, which was to walk abroad only in the evening.

The room which Ivan Ivanovitch entered was quite dark, for the shutters were closed; and the ray of sunlight passing through a hole made in one of them took on the colours of the rainbow, and, striking the opposite wall, sketched upon it a parti-coloured picture of the outlines of roofs, trees, and the clothes suspended in the yard, only upside down.This gave the room a peculiar half-light.

"God assist you!" said Ivan Ivanovitch.

"Ah! how do you do, Ivan Ivanovitch?" replied a voice from the corner of the room.Then only did Ivan Ivanovitch perceive Ivan Nikiforovitch lying upon a rug which was spread on the floor."Excuse me for appearing before you in a state of nature.""Not at all.You have been asleep, Ivan Nikiforovitch?""I have been asleep.Have you been asleep, Ivan Ivanovitch?""I have."

"And now you have risen?"

"Now I have risen.Christ be with you, Ivan Nikiforovitch! How can you sleep until this time? I have just come from the farm.There's very fine barley on the road, charming! and the hay is tall and soft and golden!""Gorpina!" shouted Ivan Nikiforovitch, "fetch Ivan Ivanovitch some vodka, and some pastry and sour cream!""Fine weather we're having to-day."

"Don't praise it, Ivan Ivanovitch! Devil take it! You can't get away from the heat.""Now, why need you mention the devil! Ah, Ivan Nikiforovitch! you will recall my words when it's too late.You will suffer in the next world for such godless words.""How have I offended you, Ivan Ivanovitch? I have not attacked your father nor your mother.I don't know how I have insulted you.""Enough, enough, Ivan Nikiforovitch!"

"By Heavens, Ivan Ivanovitch, I did not insult you!""It's strange that the quails haven't come yet to the whistle.""Think what you please, but I have not insulted you in any way.""I don't know why they don't come," said Ivan Ivanovitch, as if he did not hear Ivan Nikiforovitch; "it is more than time for them already;but they seem to need more time for some reason.""You say that the barley is good?"

"Splendid barley, splendid!"

A silence ensued.

"So you are having your clothes aired, Ivan Nikiforovitch?" said Ivan Ivanovitch at length.

"Yes; those cursed women have ruined some beautiful clothes; almost new they were too.Now I'm having them aired; the cloth is fine and good.They only need turning to make them fit to wear again.""One thing among them pleased me extremely, Ivan Nikiforovitch.""What was that?"

"Tell me, please, what use do you make of the gun that has been put to air with the clothes?" Here Ivan Ivanovitch offered his snuff."May Iask you to do me the favour?"

"By no means! take it yourself; I will use my own." Thereupon Ivan Nikiforovitch felt about him, and got hold of his snuff-box."That stupid woman! So she hung the gun out to air.That Jew at Sorotchintzi makes good snuff.I don't know what he puts in it, but it is so very fragrant.It is a little like tansy.Here, take a little and chew it;isn't it like tansy?"

"Ivan Nikiforovitch, I want to talk about that gun; what are you going to do with it? You don't need it.""Why don't I need it? I might want to go shooting.""God be with you, Ivan Nikiforovitch! When will you go shooting? At the millennium, perhaps? So far as I know, or any one can recollect, you never killed even a duck; yes, and you are not built to go shooting.You have a dignified bearing and figure; how are you to drag yourself about the marshes, especially when your garment, which it is not polite to mention in conversation by name, is being aired at this very moment? No; you require rest, repose." Ivan Ivanovitch as has been hinted at above, employed uncommonly picturesque language when it was necessary to persuade any one.How he talked! Heavens, how he could talk! "Yes, and you require polite actions.See here, give it to me!""The idea! The gun is valuable; you can't find such guns anywhere nowadays.I bought it of a Turk when I joined the militia; and now, to give it away all of a sudden! Impossible! It is an indispensable article.""Indispensable for what?"

"For what? What if robbers should attack the house?...

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