

"That is the one definite thing I do know--that it isn't!" he said positively."It is nothing of that kind.It was half-past ten o'clock at night when I met him, and he said that he had intended going back for the package if it had been safe to do so.Deposit vaults are not open at that hour.The package is, or was, if they have not already got it, readily accessible--and at any hour.Now go over everything again, every detail that passed between you and Travers.He let you know that he was back in New York by means of a 'personal,' you said.What else was in that 'personal' besides the telephone number and the hour you were to call him? Anything?""Nothing that will help us any," she replied colourlessly.There were simply the words 'northeast corner of Sixth Avenue and Waverly Place,' and the signature that we had agreed upon, the two first and two last letters of the alphabet transposed--BAZY.""I see," said Jimmie Dale quickly."And over the 'phone he completed his message.Clever enough!""Yes," she said."In that way, if any one were listening, or overhead the plan, there could be little harm come of it, for the essential feature of all, the place of rendezvous, was not mentioned.It has not been Travers' fault that this happened--and in spite of every precaution it has cost him his life.He wanted nothing to give them a clew to my whereabouts; he was trying to guard against the slightest evidence that would associate us one with the other.He even warned me over the 'phone not to tell him how, where, or the mode of life I was living.And naturally, he dared give me no particulars about himself.I was simply to select a third party whom I could trust, and to follow out his instructions, which were those that I sent to you in my letter."Jimmie Dale began to pace nervously up and down the room.

"Nothing else?" he queried, a little blankly.

"Nothing else," she said monotonously.

"But since last night, since you knew that things had gone wrong,"he persisted, "surely you traced that telephone number--the one you called up?""Yes," she said, and shrugged her shoulders in a tired way.

"Naturally I did that--but, like everything else, it amounted to nothing.He telephoned from Makoff's pawnshop on that alley off Thompson Street, and--""WHERE!" Jimmie Dale, suddenly stock-still, almost shouted the word.

"He telephoned from--where! Say that again!"She looked at him in amazement, half rising from her chair.

"Jimmie, what is it?" she cried."You don't mean that--"He was beside her now, his hands pressed upon her shoulders, his face flushed.

"Box number four-two-eight!" He laughed out hysterically in his excitement."John Johansson--box number four-two-eight! And like a fool I never thought of it! Don't you see? Don't you know now yourself? THE UNDERGROUND POST OFFICE!"She stood up, clinging to him; a wild relief, that was based on her confidence in him, in her eyes and face, even while she shook her head.

"No," she said frantically."No--I do not know.Tell me, Jimmie!

Tell me quickly! You mean at Makoff's?"

"No! Not Makoff's--at Spider Jack's, on Thompson Street!"--he was clipping off his words, still holding her tightly by the shoulders, still staring into her eyes."You know Spider Jack! Jack's little novelty store! Ah, you have not learned all of the underworld yet!

Spider Jack is the craftiest 'fence' in the Bad Lands--and Makoff is his partner.Spider buys the crooks' stuff, and Makoff disposes of it through the pawnshop--it's only a step through the connecting back yard from one to the other, and--""Yes--but," she interrupted feverishly, "the package--you said--""Wait!" Jimmie Dale cried."I'm coming to that! If Travers stood in with Makoff, he stood in with Spider Jack.For years Spider has been a sort of clearing house for the underworld--for years he has conducted, and profitably, too, his underground post office.Crooks from all over the country, let alone those in New York, communicate with each other through Spider Jack.These, for a fee, are registered at Spider's, and given a number--a box number he calls it, though, of course, there are no actual boxes.Letters come by mail addressed to him--the sealed envelope within containing the actually intended recipient's name.These Spider either forwards, or delivers in person when they are called for.Dozens of crooks, too, unwilling, perhaps, to dispose of small ill-gotten articles at ruinous 'fence' prices, and finding it unhealthy for the moment to keep them in their possession, use this means of depositing them temporarily for safe-keeping.You see now, don't you? It's certain that's where Travers left the package.He used the name of John Johansson, not to hoodwink Spider Jack, I should say, but as an added safeguard against the Crime Club.Travers must have known both Makoff and Spider Jack in the old days, and probably had reason, and good reason, to trust them both--possibly, a crook then himself, as he confessed, he may have acted in a legal capacity for them in their frequent tangles with the police.""Then," she said--and there was a glad, new note in her voice, "then, Jimmie--Jimmie, we are safe! You can get it, Jimmie! It is only a little thing for the Gray Seal to do--to get it now that we know where it is.""Yes," he said tersely."Yes--if it is still there.""Still there!"--she repeated the words quickly, nervously."Still there! What do you mean?""I mean if they, too, have not discovered that he was at Makoff's--if they have not got there first!" he said grimly."There seems to be no limit to their cleverness, or their power.They penetrated his disguise as a chauffeur, and who knows what more they have learned since last night? We are fighting them in the dark, and--WHAT'S THAT!" he whispered tensely, suddenly--and leaning forward like a flash, as he whipped his automatic from his pocket, he blew out the lamp.

The room was in darkness.They stood there rigid, silent, listening.Her hand found and caught his arm.

And then it came again--a low sound, the sound of a stealthy footstep just outside the window that faced on the storage yard.

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