

The children's sports--A terrible ordeal--Queer notions of beauty--How little girls are taught--Domestic quarrels--Telltale footprints--I grow weary--Off on a long cruise--Astounding news--Aforeign tongue--Yamba has seen the girls--A remarkable "letter"--Aqueer notion of decoration--Yamba as "advance agent"--I meet the girls--A distressing interview--Jealousy of the native women.

I was much interested in the children of the blacks, and observed all their interesting ways.It is not too much to say in the case of both boys and girls that they can swim as soon as they can walk.

There is no squeamishness whatever on the part of the mothers, who leave their little ones to tumble into rivers, and remain out naked in torrential rains, and generally shift for themselves.From the time the boys are three years old they commence throwing toy spears at one another as a pastime.For this purpose, long dry reeds, obtained from the swamps, are used, and the little fellows practise throwing them at one another from various distances, the only shields allowed being the palms of their own little hands.They never seem to tire of the sport, and acquire amazing dexterity at it.At the age of nine or ten they abandon the reeds and adopt a heavier spear, with a wooden shaft and a point of hard wood or bone.All kinds of interesting competitions are constantly organised to test the boys' skill, the most valued prizes being the approbation of parents and elders.

A small ring of hide, or creeper, is suspended from the branch of a tree, and the competitors have to throw their spears clean through it at a distance of twenty paces.All the chiefs and fighting men of the tribe assemble to witness these competitions, and occasionally some little award is made in the shape of anklets and bangles of small shells, strung together with human hair.The boys are initiated into the ranks of the "men and warriors" when they reach the age of about seventeen.

This initiation ceremony, by the way, is of a very extraordinary character.Many of the details cannot be published here.As a rule, it takes place in the spring, when the mimosa is in bloom, and other tribes come from all parts to eat the nuts and gum.We will say that there are, perhaps, twenty youths to undergo the ordeal, which is conducted far from all camps and quite out of the sight of women and children.The candidate prepares himself by much fasting, giving up meat altogether for at least a week before the initiation ceremony commences.In some cases candidates are despatched on a tramp extending over many days; and such implicit faith is placed in their honour that judges are not even sent with them to see that everything is carried out fairly.They must accomplish this task within a given period, and without partaking of either food or water during the whole time.No matter how great the temptation may be on the route, they conform strictly to the rules of the test, and would as soon think of running themselves through with a spear, as of seeking a water-hole.The inspectors who judge at this amazing examination are, of course, the old and experienced chiefs.

After the fasting comes the ordeal proper.The unfortunate candidate presents himself before one of the examiners, and settles his face into a perfectly stoical expression.He is then stabbed repeatedly on the outside of the thighs and in the arms (never once is an artery cut); and if he remains absolutely statuesque at each stab, he comes through the most trying part of the ordeal with flying colours.A motion of the lips, however, or a mutter--these are altogether fatal.Not even a toe must move in mute agony; nor may even a muscle of the eyelid give an uneasy and involuntary twitch.If the candidate fails in a minor degree, he is promptly put back, to come up again for the next examination; but in the event of his being unable to stand the torture, he is contemptuously told to go and herd with the women--than which there is no more humiliating expression.

While yet the candidate's wounds are streaming with blood, he is required to run with lightning speed for two or three miles and fetch back from a given spot a kind of toy lance planted in the ground.Then, having successfully passed the triple ordeals of fasting, stabbing, and running against time, and without food and water, the candidate, under the eyes of his admiring father, is at length received into the ranks of the bravest warriors, and is allowed to take a wife.At the close of the ceremony, the flow of blood from the candidate's really serious flesh-wounds is stopped by means of spiders' webs, powdered charcoal, and dry clay powder.

With regard to the girls, I am afraid they received but scant consideration.

Judged by our standard, the women were far from handsome.They had very bright eyes, broad, flat noses, low, narrow foreheads, and heavy chins.But there are comely exceptions.And yet at big corroborees on the occasion of a marriage, the men always chanted praises to the virtue and beauty of the bride!

The girl who possessed an exceptionally large and flat nose was considered a great beauty.Talking about noses, it was to me a remarkable fact, that the blacks consider a warrior with a big nose and large distended nostrils a man possessed of great staying power.For one thing, they consider his breathing apparatus exceptionally perfect.

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