

9.When Esther had used this supplication for three days, she put off those garments, and changed her habit, and adorned herself as became a queen, and took two of her handmaids with her, the one of which supported her, as she gently leaned upon her, and the other followed after, and lifted up her large train (which swept along the ground) with the extremities of her fingers.And thus she came to the king, having a blushing redness in her countenance, with a pleasant agreeableness in her behavior; yet did she go in to him with fear; and as soon as she was come over against him, as he was sitting on his throne, in his royal apparel, which was a garment interwoven with gold and precious stones, which made him seem to her more terrible, especially when he looked at her somewhat severely, and with a countenance on fire with anger, her joints failed her immediately, out of the dread she was in, and she fell down sideways in a swoon: but the king changed his mind, which happened, as I suppose, by the will of God, and was concerned for his wife, lest her fear should bring some very ill thing upon her, and he leaped from his throne, and took her in his arms, and recovered her, by embracing her, and speaking comfortably to her, and exhorting her to be of good cheer, and not to suspect any thing that was sad on account of her coming to him without being called, because that law was made for subjects, but that she, who was a queen, as well as he a king, might be entirely secure; and as he said this, he put the scepter into her hand, and laid his rod upon her neck, on account of the law; and so freed her from her fear.And after she had recovered herself by these encouragements, she said, "My lord, it is not easy for me, on the sudden, to say what hath happened, for as soon as I saw thee to be great, and comely, and terrible, my spirit departed from me, and I had no soul left in me." And while it was with difficulty, and in a low voice, that she could say thus much, the king was in a great agony and disorder, and encouraged Esther to be of good cheer, and to expect better fortune, since he was ready, if occasion should require it, to grant her the half of his kingdom.Accordingly, Esther desired that he and his friend Haman would come to her to a banquet, for she said she had prepared a supper for him.He consented to it;and when they were there, as they were drinking, he bid Esther to let him know what she desired; for that she should not be disappointed though she should desire the half of his kingdom.

But she put off the discovery of her petition till the next day, if he would come again, together with Haman, to her banquet.

10.Now when the king had promised so to do, Haman went away very glad, because he alone had the honor of supping with the king at Esther's banquet, and because no one else partook of the same honor with kings but himself; yet when he saw Mordecai in the court, he was very much displeased, for he paid him no manner of respect when he saw him.So he went home and called for his wife Zeresh, and his friends, and when they were come, he showed them what honor he enjoyed not only from the king, but from the queen also, for as he alone had that day supped with her, together with the king, so was he also invited again for the next day; yet,"said he, "am I not pleased to see Mordecai the Jew in the court."Hereupon his wife Zeresh advised him to give order that a gallows should be made fifty cubits high, and that in the morning he should ask it of the king that Mordecai might be hanged thereon.

So he commended her advice, and gave order to his servants to prepare the gallows, and to place it in the court, for the punishment of Mordecai thereon, which was accordingly prepared.

  • Openings in the Old Trail

    Openings in the Old Trail

  • 法华游意


  • 顺鼓篇


  • The Importance of Being Earnest

    The Importance of Being Earnest

  • 呕吐门


  • 中华人民共和国海关官衔条例


  • 解读青少年心理文丛:把握青少年心理规律


  • 暗示


  • 古埃及与阿拉伯历史纵横谈(世界历史纵横谈)


    本套书用生动的文字, 再现了世界历史进程的恢弘画卷, 堪称一部贯通整个世界历史的简明百科全书, 串联起全部人类发展的瑰宝, 并以其光辉不朽的价值与流传恒久的魅力, 成就一部好读又好看的世界历史通俗读物, 具有很强的系统性、知识性和可读性, 不仅是广大读者学习世界历史知识的读物, 也是各级图书馆珍藏的版本。
  • 瑶华赋


  • 情似故人来(上册)


  • 重生之庶女为后


  • 向着未来的歌唱


  • 魂越千年:红颜捉妖馆


  • 为什么别人总能超越人性的弱点

