

but they being wholly ignorant of any thing here that concerned them, laughed at what he said, and wondered at the abusive language which the servant gave them, when he was so hardy as to accuse those who did not before so much as retain the price of their corn, which was found in their sacks, but brought it again, though nobody else knew of any such thing, - so far were they from offering any injury to Joseph voluntarily.But still, supposing that a search would be a more sure justification of themselves than their own denial of the fact, they bid him search them, and that if any of them had been guilty of the theft, to punish them all; for being no way conscious to themselves of any crime, they spake with assurance, and, as they thought, without any danger to themselves also.The servants desired there might be a search made; but they said the punishment should extend to him alone who should be found guilty of the theft.So they made the search; and, having searched all the rest, they came last of all to Benjamin, as knowing it was Benjamin's sack in which they had hidden the cup, they having indeed searched the rest only for a show of accuracy: so the rest were out of fear for themselves, and were now only concerned about Benjamin, but still were well assured that he would also be found innocent; and they reproached those that came after them for their hindering them, while they might, in the mean while, have gotten a good way on their journey.But as soon as they had searched Benjamin's sack, they found the cup, and took it from him; and all was changed into mourning and lamentation.They rent their garments, and wept for the punishment which their brother was to undergo for his theft, and for the delusion they had put on their father, when they promised they would bring Benjamin safe to him.What added to their misery was, that this melancholy accident came unfortunately at a time when they thought they had been gotten off clear; but they confessed that this misfortune of their brother, as well as the grief of their father for him, was owing to themselves, since it was they that forced their father to send him with them, when he was averse to it.

8.The horsemen therefore took Benjamin and brought him to Joseph, his brethren also following him; who, when he saw him in custody, and them in the habit of mourners, said, "How came you, vile wretches as you are, to have such a strange notion of my kindness to you, and of God's providence, as impudently to do thus to your benefactor, who in such an hospitable manner had entertained you ?" Whereupon they gave up themselves to be punished, in order to save Benjamin; and called to mind what a wicked enterprise they had been guilty of against Joseph.They also pronounced him more happy than themselves, if he were dead, in being freed from the miseries of this life; and if he were alive, that he enjoyed the pleasure of seeing God's vengeance upon them.They said further; that they were the plague of their father, since they should now add to his former affliction for Joseph, this other affliction for Benjamin.Reubel also was large in cutting them upon this occasion.But Joseph dismissed them;for he said they had been guilty of no offense, and that he would content himself with the lad's punishment; for he said it was not a fit thing to let him go free, for the sake of those who had not offended; nor was it a fit thing to punish them together with him who had been guilty of stealing.And when he promised to give them leave to go away in safety, the rest of them were under great consternation, and were able to say nothing on this sad occasion.But Judas, who had persuaded their father to send the lad from him, being otherwise also a very bold and active man, determined to hazard himself for the preservation of his brother.

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    新文《双世宠妻之夫君不好惹》甜宠来袭,『双洁』『互宠』『腹黑』『专情』『搞笑』。欢迎点击 前生种种经历让重活一次的她决定放弃一切做一个普通人,过普通人的生活,幻想着经经商做个富婆,过着经营满贯的蛀米虫生活。但老天似乎看不惯她偷偷懒,不允许她过清闲的日子,于是,莫名其妙的给她赐婚!她不乐意,遂,拒婚是也!被有钱人看上了?没关系!姑娘我就是随意拉个人成婚也不愿给你做妾!回来!皇帝老头子拿她家人威胁她嫁给某个不良于行且身中剧毒的某王爷? 可她万万没想到的是!嫁是嫁了!竟然还捡了个便宜儿子!年纪轻轻的就当了后妈!某人不想成为别人的替代品,所以。果断休夫!但没想到。却被逼婚?好吧!这次!她还是没逃脱某个男人的手掌心!某穿越女表示,别人穿越都是如何发家致富,为何她就得面对一些打打杀杀?能不能消停消停?她只想过安稳日子啊!只是,面对某个既无理又腹黑还霸道的男人,她再强也招架不住啊! 冥冥之中,因果巡回,乱世争霸,最终,她与他是乱世安家还是浪迹天涯?本文甜中有点虐,虐中带点甜。欢迎各位书友入坑。
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