

In the meantime Bragg, determined to turn Thomas's left, and cut him off from Chattanooga, was making his preparations for a second assault on his right in heavier force.Bragg directed this movement in person.Extending his right by moving Breckinridge's division beyond its former position, he ordered Walker's corps in line on Breckinridge's left, and connected to Cleburne's right on the left of Walker.Bragg's plan was for Breckenridge to advance, wheeling to the left, and thus envelop Thomas's exposed left flank, striking it in the rear.Breckinridge, advancing, was soon in position on the Chattanooga road, partly in rear of Thomas.But he was now detached from the main body of the rebel troops engaged in the movement, and, making a bold assault on the rear, he was here met by the three reserve brigades under Van Deveer, Willich, and Grose, and hurled in rout back on his original line.On reaching it he there found the other troops that had taken part in this charge, and that they had been repulsed at every point by Baird's, Johnson's, and Palmer's divisions.

Beatty, just prior to the repulse of the enemy on the left by Thomas, applied in person to the latter for at least a brigade to support him in the attack of the rebels he was then expecting.Thomas sent an aid to hurry Sheridan up.This officer returned soon afterward, and reported that he had encountered a heavy force of the enemy in the rear of Reynolds's position, which was advancing slowly, with a strong line of skirmishers thrown out; that he had met Harker, who, with his brigade posted on a ridge a short distance to Reynolds's rear, was watching this force approaching, and was of the opinion that these troops were Sheridan's coming to Thomas's assistance.

Thomas then rode forward to determine the character of the advancing troops, which he soon did, and ordered Harker to open fire upon them, resisting their farther advance.Thomas then selected the crest of the commanding ridge, known as "Horseshoe Ridge," on which to place Brannan's division in line, which--on Longstreet's sweeping McCook's lines from the right--had been struck in the flank on the line of battle.On the spurs to the rear he posted his artillery.

On Thomas leaving Harker, the latter opening fire with skirmishers, then posted his right to connect with Brannan's division and portions of Beatty's and Stanley's brigades of Negley's division, which had been ordered over to his point from the extreme left.

Thomas then went to the crest of the hill on the front, where he met Wood with his division, who confirmed him in the opinion that the troops advancing were those of the enemy.Thomas was not aware at that time of the extent of the disaster to the right.He ordered Wood to place his division in line with Brannan's, and to resist as long as possible the advance of the enemy.On receipt of this order Wood immediately threw his troops on the left of Brannan, and had barely time to form his lines when the enemy was upon them in a heavy, fierce assault like those early in the day.

This, however, was handsomely repulsed, the enemy charging again and again with fresh troops, but their efforts were successfully resisted.These were Bushrod Johnson's men, with Patton Anderson's brigade on his right, which had been formed on the brow of the secondary spur of the ridge, and at about two o'clock moved forward, making a most determined assault on our forces.Part of his line reached the crest held by Wood, but was hurled back to its original position under as determined a counter-charge.

Away off at Rossville Gordon Granger with three brigades of reserve corps was stationed.He had heard during the morning heavy firing from the front, in the direction of Thomas, and as the firing increased in volume and intensity on the right, he judged that the enemy were pressing him hard.He then determined, although contrary to his orders, to gather what troops he could and go to Thomas's assistance.Ordering Whittaker's and Mitchell's brigades under the immediate command of Steedman to move to his front, he placed Dan McCook's brigade at the McAfee church, to cover the Ringgold road.Thomas was at this time heavily engaged on "Horseshoe Ridge," between the La Fayette and the Dry Valley roads, about three miles and a half from Granger's headquarters.Pushing forward his troops rapidly, Granger moved past a detachment of the enemy some two miles out, and ordered Dan McCook forward to watch the movements of the rebels, to keep open the La Fayette road, and to cover the open fields on the right of the road intervening between this point and Thomas's position.McCook brought up his brigade as rapidly as possible, took and held his position until late that night.

Granger moving to the front arrived with his command about three o'clock, and reported at once to Thomas, who was then with this part of his command on "Horseshoe Ridge," where the enemy was pressing him hard on front and endeavoring to turn both of his flanks.To the right of this position was a ridge running east and west nearly at right angles with it.On this Bushrod Johnson had reformed his command, so severely repulsed by Wood.Longstreet now strengthened it with Hindman's division and that of Kershaw, all under the command of Hindman, who formed it in heavy columns for an attack on the right flank and rear of Thomas's troops.Kershaw's division had possession of a gorge in this ridge through which his division was moving in heavy masses, with the design of making an attack in the rear.This was the most critical hour of this eventful day.

  • 明伦汇编人事典祸福部


  • Mazelli and Other Poems

    Mazelli and Other Poems

  • 痛史


  • 苕溪渔隐词话


  • 普曜经


  • 涅槃


  • 星空之主


  • 革命时期的爱情


  • 侦察兵


  • 墨要强娶阎老二


  • 一两江湖之两生花


    他一步一步,一步一步走近,死死地盯住花千夜,“他们说的,是不是真的?”“既然你已经看到,我也不瞒你了——”“我不信!”凤延棠厉声道,“你、你为什么要骗我?你以为这样就能引得我杀你?!”他一手掳起她的衣袖,我们成亲这么久,你都是处子之身,你的病——”说到一个“病”字,他的声音顿住。那一个瞬间,仿佛连生命一起顿住。世间不再有任何声音,不再有任何颜色,眼前有的,只是一条白玉无瑕的胳膊!他猛地抬起头,一双眼睛几乎要滴出血来。“对不起,我对不起你……”花千夜落下泪来。第一部 染花身:他娶来的绝色美女,竟在洞房花烛之夜请他离开。这到底是怎样一个女人?一套彩鸾衣试出她的明智;府中命案,看出她的机警;阿洛一战,看她一身白衣,一身弱病替他破阵。他心中辛酸的痛楚,是爱吗?他终于……找到了解除诅咒的“至爱之人”吗?用她的心头血,洗去他一身的桃花诅咒,换父亲的垂直,换一世的皇图霸业,这一直以来渴求的“至爱之人”啊!羽箭在手,他,射得出去吗?第二部锦衣行:杭州城八卦消息综合报道:大晏首富管家颜生锦图谋花家财产,不顾辈分要娶花家二小姐!呃耶?怎么颜生锦帮二小姐定亲了?啊啊!花家二小姐誓死要嫁管家颜生锦!呃子?颜生锦自己又娶老婆了?到底在搞什么?这么好的八卦浪潮,竟然在高达千尺时被活活打压了下来。然而就在全民快要失去兴趣的时候,杭州城又一起八卦绯闻再次火热出炉——一个有了妻子,一个有了未婚夫,仍然、居然、竟然、终于还是要在一起啊!
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