

To determine the truth of these reports, early on the morning of the 23d, Grant directed Thomas to develop the enemy's lines, driving in his pickets, and determine if he still held his force on our front.Thomas ordered Granger in command of the Fourth Corps to form with Sheridan's and Wood's divisions--Sheridan on the right, Wood on the left--with his left extended nearly to Citico Creek, and advance directly in front of Fort Wood, and make this movement.

Palmer, commanding the Fourteenth Corps with Baird's division refused, was to support Granger's right and was to hold Johnson's division under arms in the intrenchments in readiness to move as occasion might require.The troops were all in position at 2 P.M.

They moved out on the plain as if on parade, and in plain sight of Bragg and his army on Lookout and Missionary Ridge, formed their lines as if in review and moved forward to attack the enemy.

Rapidly advancing "in the most gallant style" our troops steadily pushed in the rebel line.They first struck the pickets, drove these on the reserve and then sweeping everything before them they hurled the rebels out of their first line of rifle-pits and sent them on the full run in retreat to the rear, except over two hundred of them captured.Here Granger's troops made themselves secure by throwing up temporary breastworks, while he sent a strong picket line to the front to protect his new line.In this charge Granger's line secured "Orchard Knob" which was then occupied by Bridges'

battery.Howard's corps was placed in position on the left of the line to Granger's left and also ordered to throw up breastworks.

Sherman after crossing the river on the 23d, about 1 P.M., placed his command in three columns, following in his advance the general direction of Chickamauga Creek, with his left under Morgan L.Smith resting on the creek.His centre was under John E.Smith and his right under Ewing, all under the command of Frank P.Blair, Corps Commander.In support of these, Davis's division also moved to the attack.Grant and Sherman had supposed that Missionary Ridge was one prolonged even range.When Sherman left the river he passed over the foothills and then pressed up what he supposed was the main portion of the ridge.When he reached the top of this, after a lively skirmish with the rebel pickets, he found a deep depression intervening between this hill and the next, which was the one the tunnel ran through, where the rebels were heavily intrenched, and which he had been ordered to take.On the top of this first hill, finding he could not take the hill beyond where the tunnel ran through, he threw up intrenchments and prepared to hold the ground he had thus far gained.Here about 4 P.M.he had a heavy engagement.

The enemy's advance with sharp artillery and musketry fire was gallantly met and repulsed.Sherman then made preparations for the night, posting his command to hold all positions.Howard had reported with three regiments to him, as he crossed the bridge which connected him with the main Army of the Cumberland.Howard leaving these troops with Sherman, then returned to his corps.

When his command was placed on the front to Granger's left in the afternoon, he connected with Sherman's right.Here Sherman rested all night, and about midnight received orders from Grant to "attack the enemy at dawn of day," "that General Thomas would attack in force early in the day."While the main attack was progressing under Sherman on the left, Hooker on the right had been pressing the enemy.On the 23d, Osterhaus, finding that he could not cross the Tennessee in time to engage in the movement with Sherman, reported with his division to Hooker, who was then ordered to take these troops, with Geary's division and Whittaker's and Grose's brigades of the First Division of the Fourth Corps under Cruft, and make a strong demonstration on the northern slope of Lookout Mountain, drawing Bragg's attention to this point and away from Sherman while crossing the river and getting into position.Thomas instructed Hooker if he found he was able to carry the enemy's position here, to do so.

At 4 A.M.of the 24th, Hooker reported his troops in readiness to begin the movement.As he advanced he found Lookout Creek so swollen with recent rains that he could not cross without building a temporary bridge at the main road.He then sent Geary with two divisions and Whitaker's brigade of Cruft's command up the creek to effect a crossing at Wauhatchie.Geary was then to sweep down the right bank, driving the rebels before him.The enemy, watching the construction of the bridge under Hooker, failed to observe the movement of the troops under Geary, by reason of a heavy mist which overhung the mountain, until he was on their flank and threatening their rear.The enemy's force here and on the top of the mountain was under Stevenson, with a command of six brigades posted mainly on the Northern slope midway between the Palisades and the Tennessee River, on a belt of cultivated land.A continuous line of earthworks had been constructed, with redoubts, redans, and pits, lower down the slope, with reference to an assault from the direction of the river.On each flank were rifle-pits, epaulements for batteries, walls of stone and abatis, as against attack from either Chattanooga or Lookout Valley.In these valleys were still more extensive earthworks.

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