

Here every foundling finds its lost mamma;Each rogue, repentant, melts his stern papa;Misers relent, the spendthrift's debts are paid, The cheats are taken in the traps they laid;One after one the troubles all are past Till the fifth act comes right side up at last, When the young couple, old folks, rogues, and all, Join hands, SO happy at the curtain's fall.

- Here suffering virtue ever finds relief, And black-browed ruffians always come to grief, - When the lorn damsel, with a frantic screech, And cheeks as hueless as a brandy-peach, Cries, "Help, kyind Heaven!" and drops upon her knees On the green - baize, - beneath the (canvas) trees,-See to her side avenging Valor fly:-

"Ha! Villain! Draw! Now, Terraitorr, yield or die!"- When the poor hero flounders in despair, Some dear lost uncle turns up millionnaire, -Clasps the young scapegrace with paternal joy, Sobs on his neck, "MY BOY! MY BOY!! MY BOY!!!"Ours, then, sweet friends, the real world to-night.

Of love that conquers in disaster's spite.

Ladies, attend! While woful cares and doubt Wrong the soft passion in the world without, Though fortune scowl, though prudence interfere, One thing is certain: Love will triumph here!

Lords of creation, whom your ladies rule, -The world's great masters, when you're out of school, -Learn the brief moral of our evening's play:

Man has his will, - but woman has her way!

While man's dull spirit toils in smoke and fire, Woman's swift instinct threads the electric wire, -The magic bracelet stretched beneath the waves Beats the black giant with his score of slaves.

All earthly powers confess your sovereign art But that one rebel, - woman's wilful heart.

All foes you master; but a woman's wit Lets daylight through you ere you know you're hit.

So, just to picture what her art can do, Hear an old story made as good as new.

Rudolph, professor of the headsman's trade, Alike was famous for his arm and blade.

One day a prisoner Justice had to kill Knelt at the block to test the artist's skill.

Bare-armed, swart-visaged, gaunt, and shaggy-browed, Rudolph the headsman rose above the crowd.

His falchion lightened with a sudden gleam, As the pike's armor flashes in the stream.

He sheathed his blade; he turned as if to go;The victim knelt, still waiting for the blow.

"Why strikest not? Perform thy murderous act,"The prisoner said.(Hs voice was slightly cracked.)"Friend I HAVE struck," the artist straight replied;"Wait but one moment, and yourself decide."He held his snuff-box, - "Now then, if you please!"The prisoner sniffed, and, with a crashing sneeze, Off his head tumbled, - bowled along the floor, -Bounced down the steps; - the prisoner said no more!

Woman! thy falchion is a glittering eye;

If death lurks in it, oh, how sweet to die!

Thou takest hearts as Rudolph took the head;We die with love, and never dream we're dead!

The prologue went off very well, as I hear.No alterations were suggested by the lady to whom it was sent, so far as I know.

Sometimes people criticize the poems one sends them, and suggest all sorts of improvements.Who was that silly body that wanted Burns to alter "Scots wha hae," so as to lengthen the last line, thus "EDWARD!" Chains and slavery!

Here is a little poem I sent a short time since to a committee for a certain celebration.I understood that it was to be a festive and convivial occasion, and ordered myself accordingly.It seems the president of the day was what is called a "teetotaller." Ireceived a note from him in the following words, containing the copy subjoined, with the emendations annexed to it.

"Dear Sir, - your poem gives good satisfaction to the committee.

The sentiments expressed with reference to liquor are not, however, those generally entertained by this community.I have therefore consulted the clergyman of this place, who has made come slight changes, which he thinks will remove all objections, and keep the valuable portions of the poem.Please to inform me of your charge for said poem.Our means are limited, etc., etc., etc.

Yours with respect,"


Come! fill a fresh bumper, - for why should we go While the [nectar] [logwood] still reddens our cups as they flow?

Pour out the [rich juices] [decoction] still bright with the sun, Till o'er the brimmed crystal the [rubies] [dye-stuff] shall run.

The [purple glebed clusters] [half-ripened apples] their life-dews have bled;How sweet is the [breath] [taste] of the [fragrance they shed]

[sugar of lead]!

For summer's [last roses] [rank poisons] lie hid in the [wines]


That were garnered by [maidens who laughed through the vines.]

[stable-boys smoking long-nines.]

Then a [smile] [scowl], and a [glass] [howl], and a [toast]

[scoff], and a [cheer] [sneer], For all [the good wine, and we've some of it here] [strychnine and whiskey, and ratsbane and beer]

In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall, [Long live the gay servant that laughs for us all!] [Down, down, with the tyrant that masters us all!]

The company said I had been shabbily treated, and advised me to charge the committee double, - which I did.But as I never got my pay, I don't know that it made much difference.I am a very particular person about having all I write printed as I write it.

I require to see a proof, a revise, a re-revise, and a double re-revise, or fourth-proof rectified impression of all my productions, especially verse.A misprint kills a sensitive author.An intentional change of his text murders him.No wonder so many poets die young!

I have nothing more to report at this time, except two pieces of advice I gave to the young women at table.One relates to a vulgarism of language, which I grieve to say is sometimes heard even from female lips.The other is of more serious purport, and applies to such as contemplate a change of condition, - matrimony, in fact.

- The woman who "calculates" is lost.

- Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.

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