

"The mistress' birthday, we've got company."Muller grumbled something and went on up to his own room.He knew it would not be pleasant for his patron to be disturbed in the midst of entertaining his guests, but the matter was important and could not wait.

The detective laid off his outer garments, made a few changes in his toilet and putting the goldsmith's declaration, with the ring and the bullet in his pocketbook, he went down to the first floor of the building, in one wing of which was the apartment occupied by the Chief.He sent in his name and was told to wait in the little study.He sat down quietly in a corner of the comfortable little room beyond which, in a handsomely furnished smoking room, a number of guests sat playing cards.From the drawing rooms beyond, there was the sound of music and many voices.

It was all very attractive and comfortable, and the solitary man sat there enjoying once more the pleasant sensation of triumph, of joy at the victory that was his alone and that would win him back all his old friends and prestige.He was looking forward in agreeable anticipation to the explanations he had to give, when he suddenly started and grew pale.His eyes dimmed a moment, then he pulled himself together and murmured: "No, no, not this time.Iwill not be weak this time."

Just then the Chief entered the room, accompanied by Councillor Kniepp.

"Won't you sit down here a little?" asked the friendly host."You will find it much quieter in this room." He pulled up a little table laden with cigars and wine, close to a comfortable armchair.

Then, noticing Muller, he continued with a friendly nod: "I'm glad they told you to wait in here.You must be frozen after your long ride.If you will wait just a moment more, I will return at once and we can go into my office.And if you will make yourself comfortable here, my dear Kniepp, I will send our friend Horn in to talk with you.He is bright and jovial and will keep you amused."The chief chattered on, making a strenuous endeavour to appear quite harmless.But Kniepp, more apt than ever just now to notice the actions of others, saw plainly that his genial host was concealing some excitement.When the latter had gone out the Councillor looked after him, shaking his head.Then his glance fell by chance on the quiet-looking man who had risen at his entrance and had not sat down again.

"Please sit down," he said in a friendly tone, but the other did not move.His grey eyes gazed intently at the man whose fate he was to change so horribly.

Kniepp grew uneasy under the stare."What is there that interests you so about me?" he asked in a tone that was an attempt at a joke.

"The ring, the ring on your watch chain," murmured Muller.

"It belonged to my dead wife.I have worn it since she left me,"answered the unhappy man with the same iron calm with which he had, all these past days, been emphasizing his love for the woman he had lost.Yet the question touched him unpleasantly and he looked more sharply at the strange man over in the corner.He saw the latter's face turn pale and a shiver run through his form.Afeeling of sympathy came over Kniepp and he asked warmly: "Won't you take a glass of this wine? If you have been out in the cold it will be good for you." His tone was gentle, almost cordial, but the man to whom he offered the refreshment turned from him with a gesture that was almost one of terror.

The Councillor rose suddenly from his chair."Who are you? What news is it you bring?" he asked with a voice that began to tremble.

Muller raised his head sharply as if his decision had been made, and his kind intelligent eyes grew soft as they rested on the pale face of the stately man before him."I belong to the Secret Police and I am compelled to find out the secrets of others - not because of my profession - no, because my own nature compels me - I must do it.I have just come from Vienna and I bring the last of the proofs necessary to turn you over to the courts.And yet you are a thousand times better than the coward who stole the honour of your wife and who hid behind the shelter of the law - and therefore, therefore, therefore - " Muller's voice grew hoarse, then died away altogether.

Kniepp listened with pallid cheeks but without a quiver.Now he spoke, completing the other's words: "And therefore you wish to save me from the prison or from the gallows? I thank you.What is your name?" The unhappy man spoke as calmly as if the matter scarcely concerned him at all.

The detective told him his name.

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