

Of this last Buck was never guilty, though he did see beaten dogs that fawned upon the man, and wagged their tails, and licked his hand.Also he saw one dog, that would neither conciliate nor obey, finally killed in the struggle for mastery.

Now and again men came, strangers, who talked excitedly, wheedlingly, and in all kinds of fashions to the man in the red sweater.And at such times that money passed between them the strangers took one or more of the dogs away with them.Buck wondered where they went, for they never came back; but the fear of the future was strong upon him, and he was glad each time when he was not selected.

Yet his time came, in the end, in the form of a little weazened man who spat broken English and many strange and uncouth exclamations which Buck could not understand.

" Sacredam!" he cried, when his eyes lit upon Buck."Dat one dam bully dog! Eh? How much?""Three hundred, and a present at that," was the prompt reply of the man in the red sweater."And seeing it's government money, you ain't got no kick coming, eh, Perrault?"Perrault grinned.Considering that the price of dogs had been boomed skyward by the unwonted demand, it was not an unfair sum for so fine an animal.The Canadian Government would be no loser, nor would its dispatches travel the slower.Perrault knew dogs, when he looked at Buck he knew that he was one in a thousand--"One in ten thousand," he commented mentally.

Buck saw money pass between them, and was not surprised when Curly, a good-natured Newfoundland, and he were led away by the little weazened man.That was the last he saw of the man in the red sweater, and as Curly and he looked at receding Seattle from the deck of the Narwhal, it was the last he saw of the warm Southland.Curly and he were taken below by Perrault and turned over to a black-faced giant called Francois.Perrault was a French Canadian, and swarthy; but Francois was a French Canadian half-breed, and twice as swarthy.They were a new kind of men to Buck (of which he was destined to see many more), and while he developed no affection for them, he none the less grew honestly to respect them.He speedily learned that Perrault and Francois were fair men, calm and impartial in administering justice, and too wise in the way of dogs to be fooled by dogs.

In the 'tween-decks of the Narwhal, Buck and Curly joined two other dogs.One of them was a big, snow-white fellow from Spitzbergen who had been brought away by a whaling captain, and who had later accompanied a Geological Survey into the Barrens.

He was friendly, in a treacherous sort of way, smiling into one's face the while he meditated some underhand trick, as, for instance, when he stole from Buck's food at the first meal.As Buck sprang to punish him, the lash of Francois's whip sang through the air, reaching the culprit first; and nothing remained to Buck but to recover the bone.That was fair of Francois, he decided, and the half-breed began his rise in Buck's estimation.

The other dog made no advances, nor received any; also, he did not attempt to steal from the newcomers.He was a gloomy, morose fellow, ant he showed Curly plainly that all he desired was to be left alone, and further, that there would be trouble if he were not left alone."Dave" he was called, and he ate and slept, or yawned between times, and took interest in nothing, not even when the Narwhal crossed Queen Charlotte Sound and rolled and pitched and bucked like a thing possessed.When Buck and Curly grew excited, half-wild with fear, he raised his head as though annoyed, favored them with an incurious glance, yawned, and went to sleep again.

Day and night the ship throbbed to the tireless pulse of the propeller, and though one day was very like another, it was apparent to Buck that the weather was steadily growing colder.At last, one morning, the propeller was quiet, and the Narwhal was pervaded with an atmosphere of excitement.

He felt it, as did the other dogs, and knew that a change was at hand.

Francois leashed them and brought them on deck.At the first step upon the cold surface, Buck's feet sank into a white mushy something very like mud.He sprang back with a snort.More of this white stuff was falling through the air.He shook himself, but more of it fell upon him.He sniffed it curiously, then licked some up on his tongue.It bit like fire, and the next instant was gone.This puzzled him.He tried it again, with the same results.The onlookers laughed uproariously, and he felt ashamed, he knew not why, for it was his first snow.

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    本系列图书涵盖了种植业、养殖业、加工和服务业, 门类齐全, 技术方法先进, 专业知识权威, 既有种植、养殖新技术, 又有致富新门路、职业技能训练等方方面面, 科学性与实用性相结合, 可操作性强, 图文并茂, 让农民朋友们轻轻松松地奔向致富路; 同时培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民, 增加农民收入, 提升农民综合素质, 推进社会主义新农村建设。
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