

Solitude and a hut with thee would be to me society and the universe.Or wouldst thou return to thine own world, above the surface of this, exposed to the uncertain seasons, and lit but by the changeful orbs which constitute by thy description the fickle character of those savage regions? I so, speak the word, and I will force the way for thy return, so that I am thy companion there, though, there as here, but partner of thy soul, and fellow traveller with thee to the world in which there is no parting and no death."I could not but be deeply affected by the tenderness, at once so pure and so impassioned, with which these words were uttered, and in a voice that would have rendered musical the roughest sounds in the rudest tongue.And for a moment it did occur to me that I might avail myself of Zee's agency to effect a safe and speedy return to the upper world.But a very brief space for reflection sufficed to show me how dishonourable and base a return for such devotion it would be to allure thus away, from her own people and a home in which I had been so hospitably treated, a creature to whom our world would be so abhorrent, and for whose barren, if spiritual love, I could not reconcile myself to renounce the more human affection of mates less exalted above my erring self.With this sentiment of duty towards the Gy combined another of duty towards the whole race I belonged to.Could I venture to introduce into the upper world a being so formidably gifted- a being that with a movement of her staff could in less than an hour reduce New York and its glorious Koom-Posh into a pinch of snuff? Rob her of her staff, with her science she could easily construct another; and with the deadly lightnings that armed the slender engine her whole frame was charged.If thus dangerous to thecities and populations of the whole upper earth, could she be a safe companion to myself in case her affection should be subjected to change or embittered by jealousy? These thoughts, which it takes so many words to express, passed rapidly through my brain and decided my answer.

"Zee," I said, in the softest tones I could command and pressing respectful lips on the hand into whose clasp mine vanished- "Zee, I can find no words to say how deeply I am touched, and how highly I am honoured, by a love so disinterested and self-immolating.My best return to it is perfect frankness.Each nation has its customs.The customs of yours do not allow you to wed me; the customs of mine are equally opposed to such a union between those of races so widely differing.On the other hand, though not deficient in courage among my own people, or amid dangers with which I am familiar, I cannot, without a shudder of horror, think of constructing a bridal home in the heart of some dismal chaos, with all the elements of nature, fire and water, and mephitic gases, at war with each other, and with the probability that at some moment, while you were busied in cleaving rocks or conveying vril into lamps, I should be devoured by a krek which your operations disturbed from its hiding-place.I, a mere Tish, do not deserve the love of a Gy, so brilliant, so learned, so potent as yourself.Yes, I do not deserve that love, for Icannot return it."

Zee released my hand, rose to her feet, and turned her face away to hide her emotions; then she glided noiselessly along the room, and paused at the threshold.Suddenly, impelled as by a new thought, she returned to my side and said, in a whispered tone,-"You told me you would speak with perfect frankness.With perfect frankness, then, answer me this question.If you cannot love me, do you love another?""Certainly, I do not."

"You do not love Taee's sister?"

"I never saw her before last night."

141"That is no answer.Love is swifter than vril.You hesitate to tell me.Do not think it is only jealousy that prompts me to caution you.If the Tur's daughter should declare love to you- if in her ignorance she confides to her father any preference that may justify his belief that she will woo you, he will have no option but to request your immediate destruction, as he is specially charged with the duty of consulting the good of the community, which could not allow the daughter of the Vril-ya to wed a son of the Tish-a, in that sense of marriage which does not confine itself to union of the souls.Alas! there would then be for you no escape.She has no strength of wing to uphold you through the air; she has no science wherewith to make a home in the wilderness.Believe that here my friendship speaks, and that my jealousy is silent."With these words Zee left me.And recalling those words, Ithought no more of succeeding to the throne of the Vril-ya, or of the political, social, and moral reforms I should institute in the capacity of Absolute Sovereign.

  • 永嘉郡记


  • 求治管见


  • 灵瑞尼祖揆符禅师妙湛录


  • 一草亭目科全书




  • 最后的金矿


  • 太极拳(奥林匹克百科知识丛书)


  • 剑武神尊


  • 暗杀时代


  • 至尊宠婚:老婆别想跑


  • 豪门契约·女人,别想逃


  • 享受成长的日子:哲理篇


  • Moon-Face and Other Stories

    Moon-Face and Other Stories

  • 时光任苒遇见初


  • 永夜魂

