

"Naturally.The inspector was called away yesterday immediately after our interview with him.He had business on the Continent, I understand.But fortunately I managed to reach him at Dover and he has come back to London.I wanted him, you see, because I have found the murderer of Captain Fraser-Freer."I thrilled to hear that, for from my point of view it was certainly a consummation devoutly to be wished.The colonel did not speak again.In a few minutes the door opened and Bray came in.His clothes looked as though he had slept in them; his little eyes were bloodshot.But in those eyes there was a fire I shall never forget.

Hughes bowed.

"Good afternoon, Inspector," he said."I'm really sorry I had to interrupt you as I did; but I most awfully wanted you to know that you owe me a Homburg hat." He went closer to the detective."You see, I have won that wager.I have found the man who murdered Captain Fraser-Freer."Curiously enough, Bray said nothing.He sat down at his desk and idly glanced through the pile of mail that lay upon it.Finally he looked up and said in a weary tone:

"You're very clever, I'm sure, Colonel Hughes.""Oh - I wouldn't say that," replied Hughes."Luck was with me - from the first.I am really very glad to have been of service in the matter, for I am convinced that if I had not taken part in the search it would have gone hard with some innocent man."Bray's big pudgy hands still played idly with the mail on his desk.

Hughes went on: "Perhaps, as a clever detective, you will be interested in the series of events which enabled me to win that Homburg hat? You have heard, no doubt, that the man I have caught is Von der Herts - ten years ago the best secret-service man in the employ of the Berlin government, but for the past few years mysteriously missing from our line of vision.We've been wondering about him - at the War Office."The colonel dropped into a chair, facing Bray.

"You know Von der Herts, of course?" he remarked casually.

"Of course," said Bray, still in that dead tired voice.

"He is the head of that crowd in England," went on Hughes."Rather a feather in my cap to get him - but I mustn't boast.Poor Fraser-Freer would have got him if I hadn't - only Von der Herts had the luck to get the captain first."Bray raised his eyes.

"You said you were going to tell me - " he began.

"And so I am," said Hughes."Captain Fraser-Freer got in rather a mess in India and failed of promotion.It was suspected that he was discontented, soured on the Service; and the Countess Sophie de Graf was set to beguile him with her charms, to kill his loyalty and win him over to her crowd.

"It was thought she had succeeded - the Wilhelmstrasse thought so - we at the War Office thought so, as long as he stayed in India.

"But when the captain and the woman came on to London we discovered that we had done him a great injustice.He let us know, when the first chance offered, that he was trying to redeem himself, to round up a dangerous band of spies by pretending to be one of them.He said that it was his mission in London to meet Von der Herts, the greatest of them all; and that, once he had located this man, we would hear from him again.In the weeks that followed I continued to keep a watch on the countess; and I kept track of the captain, too, in a general way, for I'm ashamed to say I was not quite sure of him."The colonel got up and walked to the window; then turned and continued: "Captain Fraser-Freer and Von der Herts were completely unknown to each other.The mails were barred as a means of communication; but Fraser-Freer knew that in some way word from the master would reach him, and he had had a tip to watch the personal column of the Daily Mail.Now we have the explanation of those four odd messages.From that column the man from Rangoon learned that he was to wear a white aster in his button-hole, a scarab pin in his tie, a Homburg hat on his head, and meet Von der Herts at Ye Old Gambrinus Restaurant in Regent Street, last Thursday night at ten o'clock.As we know, he made all arrangements to comply with those directions.He made other arrangements as well.Since it was out of the question for him to come to Scotland Yard, by skillful maneuvering he managed to interview an inspector of police at the Hotel Cecil.It was agreed that on Thursday night Von der Herts would be placed under arrest the moment he made himself known to the captain."Hughes paused.Bray still idled with his pile of letters, while the colonel regarded him gravely.

"Poor Fraser-Freer!" Hughes went on."Unfortunately for him, Von der Herts knew almost as soon as did the inspector that a plan was afoot to trap him.There was but one course open to him: He located the captain's lodgings, went there at seven that night, and killed a loyal and brave Englishman where he stood."A tense silence filled the room.I sat on the edge of my chair, wondering just where all this unwinding of the tangle was leading us.

"I had little, indeed, to work on," went on Hughes."But I had this advantage: the spy thought the police, and the police alone, were seeking the murderer.He was at no pains to throw me off his track, because he did not suspect that I was on it.For weeks my men had been watching the countess.I had them continue to do so.

I figured that sooner or later Von der Herts would get in touch with her.I was right.And when at last I saw with my own eyes the man who must, beyond all question, be Von der Herts, I was astounded, my dear Inspector, I was overwhelmed.""Yes?" said Bray.

  • Volume Five

    Volume Five

  • Isaac Bickerstaff

    Isaac Bickerstaff

  • 一瓢医案


  • 濯缨亭笔记


  • The Virginian

    The Virginian

  • 婚然心动:总裁离婚请签字


  • 误惹桃花之无敌狂女


  • 全能侦探王


  • 经济如此动荡,你要早作打算


  • 符元战尊


  • 神异经


  • 培育青少年洞察通达的哲理故事


  • 深入浅出职场心理学


  • 南华真经章句音义余事


  • 鹰无泪

