

It carried me away - really it did! I didn't mean to deceive you with those letters; but, once I got started - You know, don't you, that I love you with all my heart? From the moment you came into the Canton that morning I - ""Really - Mr.- Mr.- "

"West - Geoffrey West.I adore you! What can I do to prove it?

I'm going to prove it - before this ship docks in the North River.

Perhaps I'd better talk to your father, and tell him about the Agony Column and those seven letters - ""You'd better not! He's in a terribly bad humor.The dinner was awful, and the steward said we'd be looking back to it and calling it a banquet before the voyage ends.Then, too, poor dad says he simply can not sleep in the stateroom they've given him - ""All the better! I'll see him at once.If he stands for me now he'll stand for me any time! And, before I go down and beard a harsh-looking purser in his den, won't you believe me when I say I'm deeply in love - ""In love with mystery and romance! In love with your own remarkable powers of invention! Really, I can't take you seriously - ""Before this voyage is ended you'll have to.I'll prove to you that I care.If the purser lets me go free - ""You have much to prove," the girl smiled."To-morrow - when Mrs.

Tommy Gray introduces us - I may accept you - as a builder of plots.

I happen to know you are good.But - as - It's too silly! Better go and have it out with that purser."Reluctantly he went.In five minutes he was back.The girl was still standing by the rail.

"It's all right!" West said."I thought I was doing something original, but there were eleven other people in the same fix.One of them is a billionaire from Wall Street.The purser collected some money from us and told us to sleep on the deck - if we could find room.""I'm sorry," said the girl."I rather fancied you in the role of stoker." She glanced about her at the dim deck."Isn't this exciting? I'm sure this voyage is going to be filled with mystery and romance.""I know it will be full of romance," West answered."And the mystery will be - can I convince you - ""Hush!" broke in the girl."Here comes father! I shall be very happy to meet you - to-morrow.Poor dad! he's looking for a place to sleep."Five days later poor dad, having slept each night on deck in his clothes while the ship plowed through a cold drizzle, and having starved in a sadly depleted dining saloon, was a sight to move the heart of a political opponent.Immediately after a dinner that had scarcely satisfied a healthy Texas appetite he lounged gloomily in the deck chair which was now his stateroom.Jauntily Geoffrey West came and sat at his side.

"Mr.Larned," he said, "I've got something for you."And, with a kindly smile, he took from his pocket and handed over a large, warm baked potato.The Texan eagerly accepted the gift.

"Where'd you get it?" he demanded, breaking open his treasure.

"That's a secret," West answered."But I can get as many as I want.

Mr.Larned, I can say this - you will not go hungry any longer.

And there's something else I ought to speak of.I am sort of aiming to marry your daughter."Deep in his potato the Congressman spoke:

"What does she say about it?"

"Oh, she says there isn't a chance.But - ""Then look out, my boy! She's made up her mind to have you.""I'm glad to hear you say that.I really ought to tell you who Iam.Also, I want you to know that, before your daughter and I met, I wrote her seven letters - ""One minute," broke in the Texan."Before you go into all that, won't you be a good fellow and tell me where you got this potato?"West nodded.

"Sure!" he said; and, leaning over, he whispered.

For the first time in days a smile appeared on the face of the older man.

"My boy," he said, "I feel I'm going to like you.Never mind the rest.I heard all about you from your friend Gray; and as for those letters - they were the only thing that made the first part of this trip bearable.Marian gave them to me to read the night we came on board."Suddenly from out of the clouds a long-lost moon appeared, and bathed that over-crowded ocean liner in a flood of silver.West left the old man to his potato and went to find the daughter.

She was standing in the moonlight by the rail of the forward deck, her eyes staring dreamily ahead toward the great country that had sent her forth light-heartedly for to adventure and to see.She turned as West came up.

"I have just been talking with your father," he said."He tells me he thinks you mean to take me, after all." She laughed.

"To-morrow night," she answered, "will be our last on board.Ishall give you my final decision then."

"But that is twenty-four hours away! Must I wait so long as that?""A little suspense won't hurt you.I can't forget those long days when I waited for your letters - ""I know! But can't you give me - just a little hint - here - to-night?""I am without mercy - absolutely without mercy!"And then, as West's fingers closed over her hand, she added softly:

"Not even the suspicion of a hint, my dear - except to tell you that - my answer will be - yes."End

  • A Drama on the Seashore

    A Drama on the Seashore

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