

Chad was not in fact on this occasion to keep his promise of coming back; but Miss Gostrey had soon presented herself with an explanation of his failure.There had been reasons at the last for his going off with ces dames; and he had asked her with much instance to come out and take charge of their friend.She did so, Strether felt as she took her place beside him, in a manner that left nothing to desire.He had dropped back on his bench, alone again for a time, and the more conscious for little Bilham's defection of his unexpressed thought; in respect to which however this next converser was a still more capacious vessel."It's the child!" he had exclaimed to her almost as soon as she appeared; and though her direct response was for some time delayed he could feel in her meanwhile the working of this truth.It might have been simply, as she waited, that they were now in presence altogether of truth spreading like a flood and not for the moment to be offered her in the mere cupful; inasmuch as who should ces dames prove to be but persons about whom--once thus face to face with them--she found she might from the first have told him almost everything?

This would have freely come had he taken the simple precaution of giving her their name.There could be no better example--and she appeared to note it with high amusement--than the way, making things out already so much for himself, he was at last throwing precautions to the winds.They were neither more nor less, she and the child's mother, than old school-friends--friends who had scarcely met for years but whom this unlooked-for chance had brought together with a rush.It was a relief, Miss Gostrey hinted, to feel herself no longer groping; she was unaccustomed to grope and as a general thing, he might well have seen, made straight enough for her clue.With the one she had now picked up in her hands there need be at least no waste of wonder."She's coming to see me--that's for YOU," Strether's counsellor continued; "but Idon't require it to know where I am."

The waste of wonder might be proscribed; but Strether, characteristically, was even by this time in the immensity of space."By which you mean that you know where SHE is?"She just hesitated."I mean that if she comes to see me I shall--now that I've pulled myself round a bit after the shock--not be at home."Strether hung poised."You call it--your recognition--a shock?"She gave one of her rare flickers of impatience."It was a surprise, an emotion.Don't be so literal.I wash my hands of her."Poor Strether's face lengthened."She's impossible--?""She's even more charming than I remembered her.""Then what's the matter?"

She had to think how to put it."Well, I'M impossible.It's impossible.Everything's impossible."He looked at her an instant."I see where you're coming out.

Everything's possible." Their eyes had on it in fact an exchange of some duration; after which he pursued: "Isn't it that beautiful child?" Then as she still said nothing: "Why don't you mean to receive her?"Her answer in an instant rang clear."Because I wish to keep out of the business."It provoked in him a weak wail."You're going to abandon me NOW?""No, I'm only going to abandon HER.She'll want me to help her with you.And I won't.""You'll only help me with her? Well then--!" Most of the persons previously gathered had, in the interest of tea, passed into the house, and they had the gardens mainly to themselves.The shadows were long, the last call of the birds, who had made a home of their own in the noble interspaced quarter, sounded from the high trees in the other gardens as well, those of the old convent and of the old hotels; it was as if our friends had waited for the full charm to come out.Strether's impressions were still present; it was as if something had happened that "nailed" them, made them more intense; but he was to ask himself soon afterwards, that evening, what really HAD happened--conscious as he could after all remain that for a gentleman taken, and taken the first time, into the "great world," the world of ambassadors and duchesses, the items made a meagre total.It was nothing new to him, however, as we know, that a man might have--at all events such a man as he--an amount of experience out of any proportion to his adventures; so that, though it was doubtless no great adventure to sit on there with Miss Gostrey and hear about Madame de Vionnet, the hour, the picture, the immediate, the recent, the possible--as well as the communication itself, not a note of which failed to reverberate--only gave the moments more of the taste of history.

It was history, to begin with, that Jeanne's mother had been three-and-twenty years before, at Geneva, schoolmate and good girlfriend to Maria Gostrey, who had moreover enjoyed since then, though interruptedly and above all with a long recent drop, other glimpses of her.Twenty-three years put them both on, no doubt; and Madame de Vionnet--though she had married straight after school--couldn't be today an hour less than thirty-eight.

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  • 伤寒证治准绳


  • 三字经


  • 是应篇


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  • 案例:风险投资的逻辑(第34辑)


  • 综漫之弱小的反派


  • 薄先生的遇见


  • 绝世战帝


  • 雅记清词写流韵


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  • 抱歉,有系统真的了不起


  • 烙情:红颜醉,帝王劫

