

"that is but what I DO think! I mean that originally, for her to have cared for him--""There must have been stuff in him? Oh yes, there was stuff indeed, and much more of it than ever showed, I dare say, at home.Still, you know," the young man in all fairness developed, "there was room for her, and that's where she came in.She saw her chance and took it.That's what strikes me as having been so fine.But of course,"he wound up, "he liked her first."

"Naturally," said Strether.

"I mean that they first met somehow and somewhere--I believe in some American house--and she, without in the least then intending it, made her impression.Then with time and opportunity he made his; and after THAT she was as bad as he."Strether vaguely took it up."As 'bad'?""She began, that is, to care--to care very much.Alone, and in her horrid position, she found it, when once she had started, an interest.It was, it is, an interest, and it did--it continues to do--a lot for herself as well.So she still cares.She cares in fact," said little Bilham thoughtfully "more."Strether's theory that it was none of his business was somehow not damaged by the way he took this."More, you mean, than he?" On which his companion looked round at him, and now for an instant their eyes met."More than he?" he repeated.

Little Bilham, for as long, hung fire."Will you never tell any one?"Strether thought."Whom should I tell?"

"Why I supposed you reported regularly--""To people at home?"--Strether took him up."Well, I won't tell them this."The young man at last looked away."Then she does now care more than he.""Oh!" Strether oddly exclaimed.

But his companion immediately met it."Haven't you after all had your impression of it? That's how you've got hold of him.""Ah but I haven't got hold of him!"

"Oh I say!" But it was all little Bilham said.

"It's at any rate none of my business.I mean," Strether explained, "nothing else than getting hold of him is." It appeared, however, to strike him as his business to add: "The fact remains nevertheless that she has saved him."Little Bilham just waited."I thought that was what you were to do."But Strether had his answer ready."I'm speaking--in connexion with her--of his manners and morals, his character and life.I'm speaking of him as a person to deal with and talk with and live with--speaking of him as a social animal.""And isn't it as a social animal that you also want him?""Certainly; so that it's as if she had saved him FOR us.""It strikes you accordingly then," the young man threw out, "as for you all to save HER?""Oh for us 'all'--!" Strether could but laugh at that.It brought him back, however, to the point he had really wished to make.

"They've accepted their situation--hard as it is.They're not free --at least she's not; but they take what's left to them.It's a friendship, of a beautiful sort; and that's what makes them so strong.They're straight, they feel; and they keep each other up.

It's doubtless she, however, who, as you yourself have hinted, feels it most."Little Bilham appeared to wonder what he had hinted."Feels most that they're straight?""Well, feels that SHE is, and the strength that comes from it.She keeps HIM up--she keeps the whole thing up.When people are able to it's fine.She's wonderful, wonderful, as Miss Barrace says; and he is, in his way, too; however, as a mere man, he may sometimes rebel and not feel that he finds his account in it.She has simply given him an immense moral lift, and what that can explain is prodigious.

  • The Survivors of the Chancellor

    The Survivors of the Chancellor

  • Beyond


  • Maiwa's Revenge

    Maiwa's Revenge

  • 太微仙君功过格


  • 说唐后传


  • 盗墓修神


  • 星际争霸Ⅱ:天国恶魔


  • 酉阳杂俎


  • 蔓蔓情陆


  • 烦躁门


  • Dolly Dialogues

    Dolly Dialogues

  • 祛蔽


  • 秘密


  • 溺宠吾家小妻


    推荐梧桐新文《未来之系统喊我去种药》,傲娇系统带你在线种药,吃遍各类药膳,嫁给大美男,走上人生巅峰。 本文纯属宠文,无宫斗。清爽。本文慢热。身为一穿越女,风兮兮从小就小心翼翼的掩饰自己的与众不同,她不想被当成妖孽被道士给收拾掉。从小五个哥哥就对自己极端的宠溺,长大了又有了夫君对自己百依百顺。风兮兮在古代的生活可谓是风生水起。精彩片段一:风兮兮一一看过自己的哥哥,然后有扫视了他们给自己带的东西,实在是有些无语,她是来上学的,不是来郊游的啊。但心里却很开心。精彩片段二:““你为什么对我这么好呢?”“因为我想对你好。”“如果我闯祸了,你会不会骂我、打我呢?”“你是我的宝贝,怎么舍得骂你、打你。况且你闯祸了我帮你兜着。你想怎么闯祸都行。”风兮兮无语,宠溺也太过分了吧,都无法无天了。幸亏姐是穿越过来的。
  • 我穿越为猫的那些年

