

He came back the next day, but she was then unable to see him, and as it was literally the first time this had occurred in the long stretch of their acquaintance he turned away, defeated and sore, almost angry--or feeling at least that such a break in their custom was really the beginning of the end--and wandered alone with his thoughts, especially with the one he was least able to keep down.

She was dying and he would lose her; she was dying and his life would end.He stopped in the Park, into which he had passed, and stared before him at his recurrent doubt.Away from her the doubt pressed again; in her presence he had believed her, but as he felt his forlornness he threw himself into the explanation that, nearest at hand, had most of a miserable warmth for him and least of a cold torment.She had deceived him to save him--to put him off with something in which he should be able to rest.What could the thing that was to happen to him be, after all, but just this thing that had began to happen? Her dying, her death, his consequent solitude--that was what he had figured as the Beast in the Jungle, that was what had been in the lap of the gods.He had had her word for it as he left her--what else on earth could she have meant? It wasn't a thing of a monstrous order; not a fate rare and distinguished; not a stroke of fortune that overwhelmed and immortalised; it had only the stamp of the common doom.But poor Marcher at this hour judged the common doom sufficient.It would serve his turn, and even as the consummation of infinite waiting he would bend his pride to accept it.He sat down on a bench in the twilight.He hadn't been a fool.Something had BEEN, as she had said, to come.Before he rose indeed it had quite struck him that the final fact really matched with the long avenue through which he had had to reach it.As sharing his suspense and as giving herself all, giving her life, to bring it to an end, she had come with him every step of the way.He had lived by her aid, and to leave her behind would be cruelly, damnably to miss her.What could be more overwhelming than that?

Well, he was to know within the week, for though she kept him a while at bay, left him restless and wretched during a series of days on each of which he asked about her only again to have to turn away, she ended his trial by receiving him where she had always received him.Yet she had been brought out at some hazard into the presence of so many of the things that were, consciously, vainly, half their past, and there was scant service left in the gentleness of her mere desire, all too visible, to check his obsession and wind up his long trouble.That was clearly what she wanted; the one thing more for her own peace while she could still put out her hand.He was so affected by her state that, once seated by her chair, he was moved to let everything go; it was she herself therefore who brought him back, took up again, before she dismissed him, her last word of the other time.She showed how she wished to leave their business in order."I'm not sure you understood.

You've nothing to wait for more.It HAS come."Oh how he looked at her! "Really?"


"The thing that, as you said, WAS to?"

"The thing that we began in our youth to watch for."Face to face with her once more he believed her; it was a claim to which he had so abjectly little to oppose."You mean that it has come as a positive definite occurrence, with a name and a date?""Positive.Definite.I don't know about the 'name,' but, oh with a date!"He found himself again too helplessly at sea."But come in the night--come and passed me by?"May Bartram had her strange faint smile."Oh no, it hasn't passed you by!""But if I haven't been aware of it and it hasn't touched me--?""Ah your not being aware of it"--and she seemed to hesitate an instant to deal with this--"your not being aware of it is the strangeness in the strangeness.It's the wonder OF the wonder."She spoke as with the softness almost of a sick child, yet now at last, at the end of all, with the perfect straightness of a sibyl.

She visibly knew that she knew, and the effect on him was of something co-ordinate, in its high character, with the law that had ruled him.It was the true voice of the law; so on her lips would the law itself have sounded."It HAS touched you," she went on.

"It has done its office.It has made you all its own.""So utterly without my knowing it?"

"So utterly without your knowing it." His hand, as he leaned to her, was on the arm of her chair, and, dimly smiling always now, she placed her own on it."It's enough if I know it.""Oh!" he confusedly breathed, as she herself of late so often had done.

"What I long ago said is true.You'll never know now, and I think you ought to be content.You've HAD it," said May Bartram.

"But had what?"

"Why what was to have marked you out.The proof of your law.It has acted.I'm too glad," she then bravely added, "to have been able to see what it's NOT."He continued to attach his eyes to her, and with the sense that it was all beyond him, and that SHE was too, he would still have sharply challenged her hadn't he so felt it an abuse of her weakness to do more than take devoutly what she gave him, take it hushed as to a revelation.If he did speak, it was out of the foreknowledge of his loneliness to come."If you're glad of what it's 'not' it might then have been worse?"She turned her eyes away, she looked straight before her; with which after a moment: "Well, you know our fears."He wondered."It's something then we never feared?"On this slowly she turned to him."Did we ever dream, with all our dreams, that we should sit and talk of it thus?"He tried for a little to make out that they had; but it was as if their dreams, numberless enough, were in solution in some thick cold mist through which thought lost itself."It might have been that we couldn't talk.""Well"--she did her best for him--"not from this side.This, you see," she said, "is the OTHER side.""I think," poor Marcher returned, "that all sides are the same to me." Then, however, as she gently shook her head in correction:

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    Stories by English Authors in Italy

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  • 福尔摩斯探案集3


    《福尔摩斯探案全集》是英国作家阿瑟·柯南道尔创作的一部长篇侦探小说,主角名为夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes,又译作歇洛克·福尔摩斯),共有4部长篇及56个短篇。第一部长篇《血字的研究》完成于1888年,隔年与其它作品合集出版于《比顿圣诞年刊》。被多次改编为电影与电视剧。
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