

I remember all about it." She confessed to disappointment--she had been so sure he didn't; and to prove how well he did he began to pour forth the particular recollections that popped up as he called for them.Her face and her voice, all at his service now, worked the miracle--the impression operating like the torch of a lamplighter who touches into flame, one by one, a long row of gas-jets.Marcher flattered himself the illumination was brilliant, yet he was really still more pleased on her showing him, with amusement, that in his haste to make everything right he had got most things rather wrong.It hadn't been at Rome--it had been at Naples; and it hadn't been eight years before--it had been more nearly ten.She hadn't been, either, with her uncle and aunt, but with her mother and brother; in addition to which it was not with the Pembles HE had been, but with the Boyers, coming down in their company from Rome--a point on which she insisted, a little to his confusion, and as to which she had her evidence in hand.The Boyers she had known, but didn't know the Pembles, though she had heard of them, and it was the people he was with who had made them acquainted.The incident of the thunderstorm that had raged round them with such violence as to drive them for refuge into an excavation--this incident had not occurred at the Palace of the Caesars, but at Pompeii, on an occasion when they had been present there at an important find.

He accepted her amendments, he enjoyed her corrections, though the moral of them was, she pointed out, that he REALLY didn't remember the least thing about her; and he only felt it as a drawback that when all was made strictly historic there didn't appear much of anything left.They lingered together still, she neglecting her office--for from the moment he was so clever she had no proper right to him--and both neglecting the house, just waiting as to see if a memory or two more wouldn't again breathe on them.It hadn't taken them many minutes, after all, to put down on the table, like the cards of a pack, those that constituted their respective hands;only what came out was that the pack was unfortunately not perfect--that the past, invoked, invited, encouraged, could give them, naturally, no more than it had.It had made them anciently meet--her at twenty, him at twenty-five; but nothing was so strange, they seemed to say to each other, as that, while so occupied, it hadn't done a little more for them.They looked at each other as with the feeling of an occasion missed; the present would have been so much better if the other, in the far distance, in the foreign land, hadn't been so stupidly meagre.There weren't, apparently, all counted, more than a dozen little old things that had succeeded in coming to pass between them; trivialities of youth, simplicities of freshness, stupidities of ignorance, small possible germs, but too deeply buried--too deeply (didn't it seem?) to sprout after so many years.Marcher could only feel he ought to have rendered her some service--saved her from a capsized boat in the bay or at least recovered her dressing-bag, filched from her cab in the streets of Naples by a lazzarone with a stiletto.Or it would have been nice if he could have been taken with fever all alone at his hotel, and she could have come to look after him, to write to his people, to drive him out in convalescence.THEN they would be in possession of the something or other that their actual show seemed to lack.

It yet somehow presented itself, this show, as too good to be spoiled; so that they were reduced for a few minutes more to wondering a little helplessly why--since they seemed to know a certain number of the same people--their reunion had been so long averted.They didn't use that name for it, but their delay from minute to minute to join the others was a kind of confession that they didn't quite want it to be a failure.Their attempted supposition of reasons for their not having met but showed how little they knew of each other.There came in fact a moment when Marcher felt a positive pang.It was vain to pretend she was an old friend, for all the communities were wanting, in spite of which it was as an old friend that he saw she would have suited him.He had new ones enough--was surrounded with them for instance on the stage of the other house; as a new one he probably wouldn't have so much as noticed her.He would have liked to invent something, get her to make-believe with him that some passage of a romantic or critical kind HAD originally occurred.He was really almost reaching out in imagination--as against time--for something that would do, and saying to himself that if it didn't come this sketch of a fresh start would show for quite awkwardly bungled.They would separate, and now for no second or no third chance.They would have tried and not succeeded.Then it was, just at the turn, as he afterwards made it out to himself, that, everything else failing, she herself decided to take up the case and, as it were, save the situation.He felt as soon as she spoke that she had been consciously keeping back what she said and hoping to get on without it; a scruple in her that immensely touched him when, by the end of three or four minutes more, he was able to measure it.What she brought out, at any rate, quite cleared the air and supplied the link--the link it was so odd he should frivolously have managed to lose.

"You know you told me something I've never forgotten and that again and again has made me think of you since; it was that tremendously hot day when we went to Sorrento, across the bay, for the breeze.

  • 佛说伏淫经


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    Volume Three

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    The Cash Boy

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  • 女人使用手册


    无论在荷马的史诗里,还是在歌德的《浮士德》中都随处可见把女人誉为女神,是圣洁的化身。冰心女士也曾如是说“如果世界上缺少了女人,就缺少了十分之五的真,十分之六的善,十分之七的美。”但是,也有这样的说法,“女人是天使,也是魔鬼。”想必说这话的人对女人是又爱又恨的。其实,女人的属相不在十二生肖之内,只在红尘中,流转在轮回里。女人用她们的柔情与爱,刻画了女人的属性。属水的,柔情似水;属茶的,茗香缠绵;属花的,天姿国色;属猫的,神秘优雅……她们在天使与魔鬼间徘徊,在刚与柔,爱与恨的交织中游刃、变幻,让世人一次又一次地诧异、迷茫…… 提到女人的心事,人们想到最多的往往是“女人心,海底针”这句名言,女人到底在想什么,这恐怕没有人能够回答得出来。其实,女人的心是玻璃心,既透明又易碎。她心里的“小九九”,只要用心去体会,就会掐算得八九不离十。莫泊桑不是曾说过,“女人最大的弱点就是总是渴望得到男人的爱”。这话归根结蒂是有些道理的。女人的喜、笑、怒、骂,大多是因男人而起的。女人爱哭、爱闹、唠叨、任性、撒谎、虚荣、嫉妒……似乎女人的毛病多的不能再多,但正因为如此,她们才有了更多女人味。而女人也正是因为有了这样奇妙的心,才会变得鲜活生动,可爱情趣,人们也才会费尽心思,细细品读她的爱、她的内心世界、她的柔情、她的可爱…… 希望《女人使用手册》能带着你走进女人的内心世界,破解女人的心事密码,解读两性世界的困惑。
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