
第6章 Chapter II.THE RANGE (4)

They never would have made in the South anything like a cattle association; it was left for the Yankees to do that at a time when cows had come to have far greater values.There were few arguments in the first rodeos of the lower range.One rancher would vie with his neighbor in generosity in the matter of unbranded calves.Haggling would have been held contemptible.On the lower range in the old times no one cared much about a cow.

Why should one do so? There was no market for cows--no one who wished to buy them.If one tendered a Mexican cinquo pesos for a yearling or a two-year-old, the owner might perhaps offer the animal as a gift, or he might smile and say "Con mucho gusto" as he was handed a few pieces of silver.There were plenty of cows everywhere in the world!

Let us, therefore, give the old Spaniard full credit alike in picturesque romance and in the organized industry of the cow.The westbound thrust which came upon the upper part of the range in the days of more shrewd and exacting business methods was simply the best-known and most published phase of frontier life in the cow country; hence we have usually accepted it as typical.It would not be accurate to say that the cattle industry was basically much influenced or governed by northern or eastern men.

In practically all of its great phenomena the frontier of the old cow-range was southern by birth and growth.

There lay, then, so long unused, that vast and splendid land so soon to write romantic history of its own, so soon to come into the admiration or the wonder of a great portion of the earth--a land of fascinating interest to the youth of every country, and a region whose story holds a charm for young and old alike even today.It was a region royal in its dimensions.Far on the west it was hedged by the gray-sided and white-topped mountains, the Rockies.Where the buffalo once lived, the cattle were to live, high up in the foothills of this great mountain range which ran from the Rio Grande to Canada.On the east, where lay the Prairies rather than the Plains, it was a country waving with high native grasses, with many brilliant flowers hiding among them, the sweet-William, the wild rose, and often great masses of the yellow sunflower.

>From the Rio Grande to the Athabaska, for the greater part, the frontier sky was blue and cloudless during most of the year.The rainfall was not great.The atmosphere was dry.It was a cheerful country, one of optimism and not of gloom.In the extreme south, along the Rio Grande, the climate was moister, warmer, more enervating; but on the high steppes of the middle range in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, western Nebraska, there lay the finest out-of-doors country, man's country the finest of the earth.

But for the time, busy with more accustomed things, mining and freighting and fighting and hunting and trading and trapping, we Americans who had arrived upon the range cared little for cows.

The upper thrust of the great herds from the south into the north had not begun.It was after the Civil War that the first great drives of cattle from the south toward the north began, and after men had learned in the State of Texas that cattle moved from the Rio Grande to the upper portions of the State and fed on the mesquite grass would attain greater stature than in the hot coast country.Then swiftly, somewhat luridly, there leaped into our comprehension and our interest that strange country long loosely held under our flag, the region of the Plains, the region which we now call the Old West.

In great bands, in long lines, slowly, towheaded, sore-footed, the vast gatherings of the prolific lower range moved north, each cow with its title indelibly marked upon its hide.These cattle were now going to take the place of those on which the Indians had depended for their living these many years.A new day in American history had dawned.

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