

Come along, and you will perhaps see a funcion."After an hour's debate, the cortes were dissolved without it being necessary to call in the aid of the redoubtable Quesada, and Galiano forthwith gave me a letter to his colleague the Duke of Rivas, in whose department he told me was vested the power either of giving or refusing the permission to print the book in question.The duke was a very handsome young man, of about thirty, an Andalusian by birth, like his two colleagues.He had published several works, tragedies, Ibelieve, and enjoyed a certain kind of literary reputation.He received me with the greatest affability; and having heard what I had to say, he replied with a most captivating bow, and a genuine Andalusian grimace: "Go to my secretary; go to my secretary - EL HARA POR USTED EL GUSIO." So I went to the secretary, whose name was Oliban, an Aragonese, who was not handsome, and whose manners were neither elegant nor affable.

"You want permission to print the Testament?" "I do," said I.

"And you have come to His Excellency about it," continued Oliban."Very true," I replied."I suppose you intend to print it without notes." "Yes." "Then His Excellency cannot give you permission," said the Aragonese secretary: "it was determined by the Council of Trent that no part of the Scripture should be printed in any Christian country without the notes of the church." "How many years was that ago?" Idemanded."I do not know how many years ago it was," said Oliban; "but such was the decree of the Council of Trent." "Is Spain at present governed according to the decrees of the Council of Trent?" I inquired."In some points she is,"answered the Aragonese, "and this is one.But tell me who are you? Are you known to the British minister?" "O yes, and he takes a great interest in the matter." "Does he?" said Oliban;"that indeed alters the case: if you can show me that His Excellency takes in interest in this business, I certainly shall not oppose myself to it."The British minister performed all I could wish, and much more than I could expect; he had an interview with the Duke of Rivas, with whom he had much discourse upon my affair: the duke was all smiles and courtesy.He moreover wrote a private letter to the duke, which he advised me to present when I next paid him a visit, and, to crown all, he wrote a letter directed to myself, in which he did me the honour to say that he had a regard for me, and that nothing would afford him greater pleasure than to hear that I had obtained the permission which I was seeking.So I went to the duke, and delivered the letter.He was ten times more kind and affable than before: he read the letter, smiled most sweetly, and then, as if seized with sudden enthusiasm, he extended his arms in a manner almost theatrical, exclaiming, "AL SECRETARIO, EL HARA POR USTED ELGUSTO." Away I hurried to the secretary, who received me with all the coolness of an icicle: I related to him the words of his principal, and then put into his hand the letter of the British minister to myself.The secretary read it very deliberately, and then said that it was evident His Excellency did take an interest in the matter.He then asked me my name, and taking a sheet of paper, sat down as if for the purpose of writing the permission.I was in ecstasy - all of a sudden, however, he stopped, lifted up his head, seemed to consider a moment, and then putting his pen behind his ear, he said, "Amongst the decrees of the Council of Trent is one to the effect"....

"Oh dear!" said I.

"A singular person is this Oliban," said I to Galiano;"you cannot imagine what trouble he gives me: he is continually talking about the Council of Trent.""I wish he was in the Trent up to the middle," said Galiano, who, as I have observed already, spoke excellent English; "I wish he was there for talking such nonsense.

However," said he, "we must not offend Oliban, he is one of us, and has done us much service; he is, moreover, a very clever man, but he is an Aragonese, and when one of that nation once gets an idea into his head, it is the most difficult thing in the world to dislodge it; however, we will go to him; he is an old friend of mine, and I have no doubt but that we shall be able to make him listen to reason." So the next day I called upon Galiano, at his marine or admiralty office (what shall Icall it?), and from thence we proceeded to the bureau of the interior, a magnificent edifice, which had formerly been the casa of the Inquisition, where we had an interview with Oliban, whom Galiano took aside to the window, and there held with him a long conversation, which, as they spoke in whispers, and the room was immensely large, I did not hear.At length Galiano came to me and said, "There is some difficulty with respect to this business of yours, but I have told Oliban that you are a friend of mine, and he says that that is sufficient; remain with him now, and he will do anything to oblige you; your affair is settled - farewell"; whereupon he departed and Iremained with Oliban, who proceeded forthwith to write something, which having concluded, he took out a box of cigars, and having lighted one and offered me another, which I declined as I do not smoke, he placed his feet against the table, and thus proceeded to address me, speaking in the French language.

  • 存雅堂遗稿


  • The Light of Egypt Volume II

    The Light of Egypt Volume II

  • 古清凉传


  • 杨子法言


  • Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War

    Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War

  • 肥胖病饮食与防治(生活必备丛书)


  • 刀味


  • 我在这里等风也等你


  • 故事会(2018年11月上)


  • 矮油我的笨笨笨娘子


  • 大栅栏


  • 快穿之又是故人来


  • 银河帝国5:迈向基地


  • 喵喵,王子殿下


    我!超级无敌美少女伊莉雅,最大的心愿就是加入社团,实现自己的价值!! 虽然在这条路上屡败屡战,但在16岁时,我终于成为了自由会社的新社员! 可是……我在入社的第一天就遇见了一个神秘美少年,而且我还发现了他的秘密——他居然会冒出猫耳朵!!这究竟是怎么回事? 浪漫清新恋爱自由式!不可思议的恋人,不可思议的爱恋,喵星来的王子大作战!
  • 港娱四十年

