

"I have always arranged Judaism under two heads," said the old man, "the black and the white: by the black, I mean the observance of the law of Moses in preference to the precepts of the church; then there is the white Judaism, which includes all kinds of heresy, such as Lutheranism, freemasonry, and the like.""I can easily conceive," said I, "that many of the priesthood favoured the principles of the reformation, and that the minds of not a few had been led astray by the deceitful lights of modern philosophy, but it is almost inconceivable to me that there should be Jews amongst the priesthood who follow in secret the rites and observances of the old law, though Iconfess that I have been assured of the fact ere now.""Plenty of Judaism amongst the priesthood, whether of the black or white species; no lack of it, I assure you, Don Jorge;I remember once searching the house of an ecclesiastic who was accused of the black Judaism, and after much investigation, we discovered beneath the floor a wooden chest, in which was a small shrine of silver, inclosing three books in black hogskin, which, on being opened, were found to be books of Jewish devotion, written in Hebrew characters, and of great antiquity;and on being questioned, the culprit made no secret of his guilt, but rather gloried in it, saying that there was no God but one, and denouncing the adoration of Maria Santissima as rank idolatry.""And between ourselves, what is your own opinion of the adoration of this same Maria Santissima?""What is my opinion! QUE SE IO?" said the old man, shrugging up his shoulders still higher than on the former occasion; "but I will tell you; I think, on consideration, that it is quite right and proper; why not? Let any one pay a visit to my church, and look at her as she stands there, TAN BONITA, TAN GUAPITA - so well dressed and so genteel - with such pretty colours, such red and white, and he would scarcely ask me why Maria Santissima should not be adored.Moreover, Don Jorgito mio, this is a church matter and forms an important part of the church system.""And now, with respect to carnal misdemeanours.Did you take much cognizance of them?""Amongst the laity, not much; we, however, kept a vigilant eye upon our own body, but, upon the whole, were rather tolerant in these matters, knowing that the infirmities of human nature are very great indeed: we rarely punished, save in cases where the glory of the church and loyalty to Maria Santissima made punishment absolutely imperative.""And what cases might those be?" I demanded.

"I allude to the desecration of dovecotes, Don Jorge, and the introduction therein of strange flesh, for purposes neither seemly nor convenient.""Your reverence will excuse me for not yet perfectly understanding.""I mean, Don Jorge, certain acts of flagitiousness practised by the clergy in lone and remote palomares (DOVECOTES) in olive grounds and gardens; actions denounced, Ibelieve, by the holy Pablo in his first letter to Pope Sixtus.

* You understand me now, Don Jorge, for you are learned in church matters."* Qu.The Epistle to the Romans.

"I think I understand you," I replied.

After remaining several days more at Cordova, Idetermined to proceed on my journey to Madrid, though the roads were still said to be highly insecure.I, however, saw but little utility in tarrying and awaiting a more tranquil state of affairs, which might never arrive.I therefore consulted with the landlord respecting the best means of making the journey."Don Jorgito," he replied, "I think I can tell you.

You say you are anxious to depart, and I never wish to keep guests in my house longer than is agreeable to them; to do so, would not become a Christian inn-keeper: I leave such conduct to Moors, Christinos, and Negroes.I will further you on your journey, Don Jorge: I have a plan in my head, which I had resolved to propose to you before you questioned me.There is my wife's brother, who has two horses which he occasionally lets out for hire; you shall hire them, Don Jorge, and he himself shall attend you to take care of you, and to comfort you, and to talk to you, and you shall pay him forty dollars for the journey.Moreover, as there are thieves upon the route, and MALOS SUJETOS, such as Palillos and his family, you shall make an engagement and a covenant, Don Jorge, that provided you are robbed and stripped on the route, and the horses of my wife's brother are taken from him by the thieves, you shall, on arriving at Madrid, make good any losses to which my wife's brother may be subject in following you.This is my plan, Don Jorge, which no doubt will meet with your worship's approbation, as it is devised solely for your benefit, and not with any view of lucre or interest either to me or mine.You will find my wife's brother pleasant company on the route: he is a very respectable man, and one of the right opinion, and has likewise travelled much; for between ourselves, Don Jorge, he is something of a Contrabandista and frequently smuggles diamonds and precious stones from Portugal, which he disposes of sometimes in Cordova and sometimes at Madrid.He is acquainted with all the short cuts, all the atajos, Don Jorge, and is much respected in all the ventas and posadas on the way;so now give me your hand upon the bargain, and I will forthwith repair to my wife's brother to tell him to get ready to set out with your worship the day after to-morrow."

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