

I waited and waited while one after another came in, till the big hall was pretty near filled, and at nine o'clock or so the music struck up, and the first dance began.That left the seats pretty bare, and between listening to the music and looking at the people, and thinking I was back again at the old claim and passing half-an-hour at a dance-house, I didn't mind the door so much till I heard somebody give a sort of sigh not very far off, and I looked towards the door and saw two women sitting between me and it.

They were Aileen and Gracey sure enough.My head almost turned round, and I felt my heart beat -- beat in a way it never did when the bullets were singing and whistling all about.

It was the suddenness of it, I expect.I looked at them for a bit.

They didn't see me, and were just looking about them as I did.

They were dressed very quiet, but Gracey had a little more ornament on her, and a necklace or something round her neck.Aileen was very pale, but her beautiful dark hair was dressed up a bit with one rosebud in it, and her eyes looked bigger and brighter than they used to do.

She looked sad enough, but every now and then Gracey said something that made her smile a bit, and then I thought she was the handsomest girl in the room.Gracey had just the same steady, serious, kind face as ever;she'd hardly changed a bit, and seemed pleased, just like a child at the play, with all that was going on round about.

There was hardly anybody near the corner where they were, so I got up and went over.They both looked at me for a minute as if they'd never seen me before, and then Aileen turned as pale as death, and Gracey got altogether as red, and both held out their hands.

I sat down by the side of Aileen, and we all began to talk.

Not much at first, and very quiet, for fear notice might be taken, but I managed to let them know that the police had all been called off in another direction, and that we should be most likely safe till to-morrow or next day.

`Oh dear!' says Gracey, `wasn't it awfully rash of you to come here and run all this risk just to come to Bella Barnes's wedding?

I believe I ought to be jealous of that girl.'

`All Starlight's fault,' I said; `but anyhow, it's through him we've had this meeting here.I was dead against coming all the time, and I never expected things to turn out so lucky as they have done.'

`Will he be here to-night?' Aileen says, very soft and timid like.

`I almost wished I'd stayed away, but Gracey here would come.

Young Cyrus Williams brought us.He wanted to show his wife the races, and take her to the ball.There they are, dancing together.

George is away at the races.'

`You will see Starlight about ten or eleven o'clock, I expect,' I said.

`He's dining with the Commissioner and the camp officers.

They'll all come together, most likely.'

`Dining at the camp!' says Aileen, looking regularly perished.

`You don't mean to say they've taken him?'

`I mean what I say.He's here with the Mr.Dawsons, of Wideview, and has been hand-and-glove with all the swells.I hardly think you'll know him.It's as much as I did.'

Poor Aileen gave another sigh.

`Do you think he'll know me?' she says.`Oh! what a foolish girl I was to think for a moment that he could care about a girl like me.

Oh! I wish I had never come.'

`Nonsense,' says Gracey, who looked a deal brighter on it.

`Why, if he's the man you say he is, this will only bring him out a bit.

What do you think, Di-- I mean Mr.Jones?'

`That's right, Miss Storefield,' says I.`Keep to the company manners to-night.We don't know who may be listening;but I'm not much afraid of being bowled out this particular night.

Somehow I feel ready to chance everything for an hour's happiness like this.'

Gracey said nothing, but looked down, and Aileen kept turning towards the door as if she half hoped and was half afraid of seeing him come in.

By and by we heard some one say, `Here comes the Commissioner;all the camp will be here now,' and there was a bit of a move to look at them as they came in.

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  • 尴尬大全


    该书倾情演绎了小县城知识分子的生存境遇,汇集了他们日常生活中俯首即拾的种种尴尬、窘迫、不堪与无奈,幽默诙谐之余,更有着淳厚的沂蒙乡土风情享受。评论界称其成功首先是语言上的特色,具有行云流水的节奏,更兼一派乐天知命的明亮和安详。农民企业家刘老麻告诉我个消息,说离县城二里来地的沙沟正在拍卖荒山荒坡,一亩荒山才500块钱,可以使用50年;咱们干脆合伙买它个百儿八十亩的,治理上一番,不用三五年就把全部投资给挣回来了;你们也当作休闲,种种树,养养花,钓钓鱼,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,还有个什么离子来着? 我说,负氧离子。
  • 新编大众菜谱

