

Dad was glad enough to see us; he was almost civil, and when he heard that Rainbow had won the `big money' he laughed till I thought he'd do himself mischief, not being used to it.He made us tell him over again about Starlight and I going to the ball, and our seeing Aileen and Gracey there; and when he came to the part where Starlight made the bride a present of a diamond ring I thought he never would have done chuckling to himself.

Even old Crib looked at me as if he didn't use to think me much of a fellow, but after this racket had changed his mind.

`Won't there be a jolly row in the papers when they get all these different characters played by one chap, and that man the Captain?'

says he.`I knew he was clever enough for anything; but this beats all.

I don't believe now, Captain, you'll ever be took.'

`Not alive!' says Starlight, rather grim and gloomy-looking;then he walks off by himself.

We stabled Rainbow, of course, for a week or two after this --being in training it wouldn't do to turn him out straight at once.

Hardy as he was, no horse could stand that altogether;so we kept him under shelter in a roughish kind of a loose box we had knocked up, and fed him on bush hay.We had a small stack of that in case we wanted to keep a horse in -- which we did sometimes.

In the daytime he was loose in the yard.After a bit, when he was used to the weather, he was turned out again with his old mob, and was never a hair the worse of it.We took it easy ourselves, and sent out Warrigal for the letters and papers.We expected to knock a good bit of fun out of them when they came.

Sure enough, there was the deuce and all to pay when the big Sydney papers got hold of it, as well as the little `Turon Star' and the `Banner'.

Was it true that the police had again been hoodwinked, justice derided, and the law set at defiance by a gang of ruffians who would have been run down in a fortnight had the police force been equal to the task entrusted to them?

Was the moral sentiment of the country population so perverted, so obliterated, that robbers and murderers could find safe harbourage, trustworthy friends, and secret intelligence? Could they openly show themselves in places of public resort, mingle in amusements, and frequent the company of unblemished and distinguished citizens;and yet more, after this flagrant insult to the Government of the land, to every sacred principle of law and order, they could disappear at will, apparently invisible and invulnerable to the officers of the peace and the guardians of the public safety? It was incredible, it was monstrous, degrading, nay, intolerable, and a remedy would have to be found either in the reorganisation of an inefficient police force or in the resignation of an incapable Ministry.

`Good for the "Sydney Monitor",' says Starlight; `that reporter knows how to double-shot his guns, and winds up with a broadside.

Let us see what the "Star" says.I had a bet with the editor, and paid it, as it happened.Perhaps he'll temper justice with mercy.

Now for a start: --

That we have had strong casts from time to time and exciting performances at our local theatres, no one will deny; but perhaps the inhabitants of Turon never witnessed a more enthralling melodrama than was played during the first two days of our race meeting before a crowded and critical audience, and never, we can state from a somewhat extended experience of matters dramatic, did they gaze on a more finished actor than the gentleman who performed the leading part.Celebrated personages have ere now graced our provincial boards.On the occasion of the burning of the Theatre Royal in Sydney, we were favoured with the presence in our midst of artists who rarely, if ever before, had quitted the metropolitan stage.But our "jeune premier" in one sense has eclipsed every darling of the tragic or the comic muse.

Where is there a member of the profession who could have sustained his part with faultless ease and self-possession, being the whole time aware of the fact that he smiled and conversed, danced and diced, dined and slept (ye gods! did he sleep?), with a price upon his head --with the terrible doom of dishonour and inevitable death hanging over him, consequent upon a detection which might occur at any moment?

Yet was there a stranger guest among us who did all this and more with unblenching brow, unruffled self-possession, unequalled courtesy, who, if discovered, would have been arrested and consigned to a lock-up, only to be exchanged for the gloom and the manacles of the condemned cell.

He, indeed, after taking a prominent part in all the humours of the vast social gathering by which the Turon miners celebrated their annual games, disappeared with the almost magical mystery which has already marked his proceedings.

  • 邵氏闻见录


  • 观心论


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    Steep Trails

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    S城知名设计师叶菲菲华丽到巅峰的人生因为一场抄袭风波而彻底熄灭。 好在天无绝人之路,绝境之中,“霉神”居然秒变“救星! 可是,等一下,这真的是来雪中送炭的? 说好带她去当演员,赞美她颜值高的,居然让她去演躺尸! 说好带她去玩综艺从新起航的,结果她成了抬摄像机跟拍的! 叶菲菲表示:姐不干了!然后,果断扭头走人。 然而,就在这个时候,抄袭风波的真相浮出水面,渣男渣女,姐与你们势不两立!于是,一场升级虐渣的娱乐圈大戏终于拉开了华丽丽的帷幕! PS:这是一场戏精与戏精的终极碰撞,请看娱乐圈升级虐渣大戏!(另有完结古言《谋尽帝王宠》,群572526177)
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