

Warrigal left his horse at the edge of the timber, for fear he might want him in a hurry, I suppose.He was pretty `fly', and never threw away a chance as long as he was sober.He could drink a bit, like the rest of us, now and then -- not often -- but when he did it made a regular devil of him --that is, it brought the devil out that lives low down in most people's hearts.

He was a worse one than usual, Jim said.He saw him once in one of his break-outs, and heard him boast of something he'd done.

Jim never liked him afterwards.For the matter of that he hated Jim and me too.The only living things he cared about were Starlight and the three-cornered weed he rode, that had been a `brumbee', and wouldn't let any one touch him, much less ride him, but himself.

How he used to snort if a stranger came near him! He could kick the eye out of a mosquito, and bite too, if he got the chance.

As for Warrigal, Starlight used to knock him down like a log if he didn't please him, but he never offered to turn upon him.

He seemed to like it, and looked regular put out once when Starlight hurt his knuckles against his hard skull.

Us he didn't like, as I said before -- why, I don't know -- nor we him.

Likes and dislikes are curious things.People hardly know the rights of them.

But if you take a regular strong down upon a man or woman when you first see 'em it's ten to one that you'll find some day as you've good reason for it.We couldn't say what grounds we had for hating the sight of Warrigal neither, for he was as good a tracker as ever followed man or beasts.He could read all the signs of the bush like a printed book.He could ride any horse in the world, and find his way, day or night, to any place he'd ever once been to in his life.

Sometimes we should have been hard pushed when we were making across country at night only for him.Hour after hour he'd ride ahead through scrub or forest, up hill or down dale, with that brute of a horse of his -- he called him `Bilbah' -- ambling away, till our horses, except Rainbow, used to shake the lives out of us jogging.

I believe he did it on purpose.

He was a fine shot, and could catch fish and game in all sorts of ways that came in handy when we had to keep dark.He had pluck enough, and could fight a pretty sharp battle with his fists if he wasn't overweighted.

There were white men that didn't at all find him a good thing if they went to bully him.He tried it on with Jim once, but he knocked the seven senses out of him inside of three rounds, and that satisfied him.

He pretended to make up, but I was always expecting him to play us some dog's trick yet.Anyway, so far he was all right, and as long as Starlight and us were mixed up together, he couldn't hurt one without the other.He came gliding up to the old hut in the dull light by bits of moves, just as if he'd been a bush that had changed its place.

We pretended to be asleep near the fire.

He peeped in through a chink.He could see us by the firelight, and didn't suppose we were watching him.

`Hullo, Warrigal!' sung out Jim suddenly, `what's up now?

Some devil's work, I suppose, or you wouldn't be in it.

Why don't you knock at a gentleman's door when you come a visiting?'

`Wasn't sure it was you,' he answered, showing his teeth;`it don't do to get sold.Might been troopers, for all I know.'

`Pity we wasn't,' said Jim; `I'd have the hobbles on you by this time, and you'd have got "fitted" to rights.I wish I'd gone into the police sometimes.It isn't a bad game for a chap that can ride and track, and likes a bit of rough-and-tumble now and then.'

`If I'd been a police tracker I'd have had as good a chance of nailing you, Jim Marston,' spoke up Warrigal.`Perhaps I will some day.

Mr.Garton wanted me bad once, and said they'd never go agin me for old times.

But that says nothin'.Starlight's out at the back and the old man, too.

They want you to go to them -- sharp.'

`What for?'

`Dunno.I was to tell you, and show the camp; and now gimme some grub, for I've had nothing since sunrise but the leg of a 'possum.'

`All right,' said Jim, putting the billy on; `here's some damper and mutton to go on with while the tea warms.'

`Wait till I hobble out Bilbah; he's as hungry as I am, and thirsty too, my word.'

`Take some out of the barrel; we shan't want it to-morrow,' said Jim.

Hungry as Warrigal was -- and when he began to eat I thought he never would stop -- he went and looked after his horse first, and got him a couple of buckets of water out of the cask they used to send us out every week.There was no surface water near the hut.

Then he hobbled him out of a bit of old sheep-yard, and came in.

The more I know of men the more I see what curious lumps of good and bad they're made up of.People that won't stick at anything in some ways will be that soft and good-feeling in others -- ten times more so than your regular good people.Any one that thinks all mankind's divided into good, bad, and middlin', and that they can draft 'em like a lot of cattle -- some to one yard, some to another -- don't know much.

There's a mob in most towns though, I think, that wants boilin' down bad.

Some day they'll do it, maybe; they'll have to when all the good country's stocked up.After Warrigal had his supper he went out again to see his horse, and then coiled himself up before the fire and wouldn't hardly say another word.

`How far was it to where Starlight was?'

`Long way.Took me all day to come.'

`Had he been there long?'

`Yes; had a camp there.'

`Anybody else with him?'

`Three more men from this side.'

`Did the old man say we were to come at once?'

`Yes, or leave it alone -- which you liked.'

Then he shut his eyes, and his mouth too, and was soon as fast asleep as if he never intended to wake under a week.

`What shall we do, Jim?' I said; `go or not?'

`If you leave it to me,' says Jim, `I say, don't go.It's only some other cross cattle or horse racket.We're bound to be nobbled some day.

Why not cut it now, and stick to the square thing? We couldn't do better than we're doing now.It's rather slow, but we'll have a good cheque by Christmas.'

`I'm half a mind to tell Warrigal to go back and say we're not on,' I said.

  • 供养仪式


  • The Well at the World's End

    The Well at the World's End

  • 明伦汇编闺媛典闺义部


  • The Mucker

    The Mucker

  • 七夕


  • 欢喜又怯怯(一)


  • 打开人生三重门


  • 悍妻当家喜种田


    新文《农家丑媳贼旺夫》连载中哦~ (温馨种田,男强女悍,一生一世一双人)破屋两间,荒田三亩,爹爹生死未卜,还被亲奶骂成扫把星。不小心穿越成渔村小农女的云舒,真想闭上眼睛再死一次。好在娘亲疼爱,妹妹相伴,还有好心村民热情相助,云舒撸撸袖子,大干一场。引来山泉水,种良田百亩。建鱼丸作坊,美名扬万里。制珍珠首饰,引皇室青睐。赚金银珠宝,成东陵首富。站在人生巅峰的云舒,忍不住喟叹:小农女也有春天!推荐本人完结种田文:《农门悍女掌家小厨娘》彪悍农女翻身成美女厨神,各种美食引爆你的味蕾《农门辣女:媒婆俏当家》泼辣丑女大翻身,一根红线玩转媒婆界,金牌媒婆邀您围观
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    明明是抓小偷,不料抓到将军?!小偷没抓到,自己倒被抓去了军营。为何奖励是将军热辣辣的吻?为何惩罚也是将军热吻一个? 简姑娘表示抗议,世子兼将军表示:我不介意你亲回去……
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  • 阴持入经注


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  • 一拳唐僧


  • 淘鬼笔记

