

'In the middle of the night he felt a pain in his shoulder, came broad awake, and saw the gleaming eyes and grinning teeth of some animal close to his face.Its claws were in his shoulder, and its mouth was in the act of seeking his throat.Before it had fixed its fangs, however, he had its throat in one hand, and sought his knife with the other.A terrible struggle followed; but regardless of the tearing claws, he found and opened his knife.He had made one futile stab, and was drawing it for a surer, when, with a spring of the whole body, and one wildly-contorted effort, the creature twisted its neck from his hold, and with something betwixt a scream and a howl, darted from him.Again he heard the door open; again the wind blew in upon him, and it continued blowing; a sheet of spray dashed across the floor, and over his face.He sprung from his couch and bounded to the door.

'It was a wild night--dark, but for the flash of whiteness from the waves as they broke within a few yards of the cottage; the wind was raving, and the rain pouring down the air.A gruesome sound as of mingled weeping and howling came from somewhere in the dark.He turned again into the hut and closed the door, but could find no way of securing it.

'The lamp was nearly out, and he could not be certain whether the form of the young woman was upon the bench or not.Overcoming a strong repugnance, he approached it, and put out his hands--there was nothing there.He sat down and waited for the daylight: he dared not sleep any more.

'When the day dawned at length, he went out yet again, and looked around.The morning was dim and gusty and gray.The wind had fallen, but the waves were tossing wildly.He wandered up and down the little strand, longing for more light.

'At length he heard a movement in the cottage.By and by the voice of the old woman called to him from the door.

'"You're up early, sir.I doubt you didn't sleep well."'"Not very well," he answered."But where is your daughter?"'"She's not awake yet," said the mother."I'm afraid I have but a poor breakfast for you.But you'll take a dram and a bit of fish.

It's all I've got."

'Unwilling to hurt her, though hardly in good appetite, he sat down at the table.While they were eating the daughter came in, but turned her face away and went to the further end of the hut.When she came forward after a minute or two, the youth saw that her hair was drenched, and her face whiter than before.She looked ill and faint, and when she raised her eyes, all their fierceness had vanished, and sadness had taken its place.Her neck was now covered with a cotton handkerchief.She was modestly attentive to him, and no longer shunned his gaze.He was gradually yielding to the temptation of braving another night in the hut, and seeing what would follow, when the old woman spoke.

  • 史莱姆研究者


  • 绝世大球王


  • 偷心前规则:律师老公太危险


  • 我活在一本书里


  • 寂寞空庭春欲晚


  • 惊情500年


  • 湖广填四川


  • 第一次情缘


  • 时光深处爱上你


  • 富养女孩全书

