

onlike,unlike, onsays,unsays, ony,any, onybody,anybody; anyone, onything,anything, ook,week, ooks,weeks, oor,our, 'oor,hour, oors,ours, oorsel's,ourselves, oot,out, ootcast,outcast, oots,outs, ootside,outside, opingon,opinion, opingons,opinions, opposit,opposite, or,before; ere; until; by,also or ordinar,ordinary; usual; natural,also custom; habit ordinar',ordinary; usual; natural,also custom; habit orra,odd job (man); exceptional; over all,also idle o't,of it, oucht,anything; all,also ought ouchtna,ought not, oursel's,ourselves, ow,oh,exclamation of surprise ower,over; upon; too, owerta'en,overtaken, oye,grandchild; grandson; nephew, pailace,palace, paintit,painted, pairt,part, pandies,strokes on the palm with a cane, papistry,Romanism; Popery, Paradees,Paradise, parritch,oatmeal porridge, partic'lar,particular, pat,put; made, peacefu',peaceful, pecks,blows; strikes, pernickety,precise; particular; fastidious,also difficult to please perris,parish, piana,piano, picter,picture; sight; spectacle, pictur',picture, piece,slice of bread; lunch, pint,point, pipit,piped; played the (bag)pipes, pirn,reel; bobbin,on which thread is wound pit,put; make, pitawta,potato, pits,puts; makes, pitten,put; made, plack,the smallest coin,worth 1/3 of a penny plaguit,plagued; troubled, plaid,plaid used as a blanket, plaistered,plastered, plash-mill,fulling-mill, playacks,playthings; toys, play-actin',acting, playin',playing, playt,played, pliskie,trick; prank; practical joke, plisky,trick; prank, ploy,amusement; sport; escapade, ploys,amusements; sports; escapades, poassible,possible, poddock,frog, pooch,pocket; pouch, pooer,power, pooerfu',powerful, poored,poured, poothers,powders, pop',pope, porkmanty,portmanteau, positeeve,positive, pouch,pouch; pocket, poun',pound (sterling), prayin',praying, preachin',preaching, pree,taste; try; prove; experience, prent,print, prentice-han',novice, press,wall-cupboard with shelves, preten',pretend, preten't,pretended, prood,proud, pruv,prove, pruved,proved, pu',pull, public,public house; pub, public-hoose,public house, pu'd,pulled, puddin's,intestines, puir,poor, pun',pound (sterling), putten,put, quaiet,quiet, quaiet sough,quiet tongue, quaieter,quieter, quaietly,quietly, quaietness,quietness, quean,queen; young girl; hussy, queston,question,also sum questons,questions,also sums quest'ons,questions, quibblin',quibbling, rade,rode, rael,real, railly,really, raither,rather, rale,real; true; very, rampaugin',rampaging, randy,rough; wild; riotous,also coarse-tongued; abusive rase,rose, rash,needle used in weaving, readin',reading, reamy,creamy, rebukit,rebuked, receipt,recipe, reckonin',reckoning, reconceelin',reconciling, reconcilet,reconciled, reekit,rigged out; well-dressed, regairdit,regarded, reg'ment,regiment, reid,red, reik,smoke; vapour, rejeckit,rejected, remainin',remaining, remeid,remedy; cure; redress, repentin',repenting, resentin',resenting, respec',respect, respecks,respects; considers worthy, richt,right; correct,also mend richteous,righteous, richteousness,righteousness, richtly,certainly; positively, rig,ridge; space between furrows,also long narrow hill rin,run, rinnin',running, rins,runs, risin',rising, rist,rest, rivin',renting; tearing; tuging; wrenching, rizzon,reason, rizzonin',reasoning, rizzons,reasons, roarin',roaring, rockit,rocked, ro'd,road; course; way, Rom',Rome, roof-tree,beam forming the angle of a roof, roomy,little room,diminutive roon,around; round, roon',around; round, roset,resin; cobbler's wax, roset-ends,shoemaker's waxed thread-ends, rottan,rat, rouch,rough, rowdie,hag; beldame, ruck,bulk; mass; majority, ruggin',pulling forcibly; tugging; tearing, ruggin' and rivin',draging forcibly,also contending for possession runklet,wrinkled; creased; crumpled, 's,us; his; as; is,also has s',shall, sae,so; as, saft,muddy; soft; silly; foolish, saiddlet,saddled, sair,sore; sorely; sad; hard; very; greatly,also serve; satisfy sair heid,headache, sair-vroucht,hard-worked, saitisfee,satisfy, saitisfeed,satisfied, saitisfeet,satisfied, salamander,large poker with a flat heated end,for lighting fires sall,shall, sang,song, sangs,songs, sanna,shall not, Sanny,Sandy,also Scotsman sark,shirt, sarks,shirts, sattle,settle, saven,wise; knowledgeable,also seven savin',saving,also except savin's,savings, Sawtan,Satan, sax,six, saxpence,sixpence, sayin',saying, scar,cliff; precipice, scart,scratch; strike a match; scrape, schuil,school, schuilin',schooling; education, schuilmaister,schoolmaster, schule,school, schule-time,time for school, scoonrel,scoundrel, scoon'rel,scoundrel, Scotlan',Scotland, scraich,shriek; scream; bird's shrill cry, scrattit,scratched; dug, screed,recite rapidly; talk tediously; reel off,also scraping sound Scripter,Scripture, sculduddery,fornication; grossness; obscenity, scunner,disgust; disgusting; revolting, scunnert,disgusted; loathed, scurry,scour; got about from place to place,also wander aimlessly seck,sack, seein',seeing, seekin',seeking, se'enteen,seventeen, sel',self, self-forgettin',self-forgetting, sellt,sold, semies,second year's university students,at Aberdeen University sen',send, sendin',sending, sen'in',sending, servan',servant, servan's,servants, sessions-buik,church record of its proceedings, set,set out; start off; become,also inclined; disposed Setterday,Saturday, shacken,shaken, shackle-bane,wrist; wrist-bone, Shackspear,Shakespeare, shak'-doon,shakedown; crude makeshift bed, shanna,shall not, sharpset,keen; sharp-witted, sharp-set,keen; sharp-witted, shaw,show; reveal,also grove shawn,shown, shaws,shows, shearin',shearing (sheep), shillin',shilling, shillin's,shillings, shinin',shining, shochlin,waddling; in-kneed, shochlin',waddling; in-kneed, shoothers,shoulders, shortcomin's,shortcomings, shortent,shortened, shouldna,should not, shuit,suit, shune,shoes, shutin',shooting, sib,relation; akin; closely related, sic,such; so; similar, siccan,such a; such an, sicht,sight, sichtit,sighted, sicker,secure; safe; firm; sure, sic-like,suchlike; likewise,like such a person or thing side,district; region,also the side of sidin',siding, siller,silver; money; wealth, simmer,Summer, sin,since; ago; since then,also sin; sun sin',since; ago; since then, sinfu',sinful, singin',singing, sittin',sitting, skelf,shelf,also splinter skelpin',digging; ploughing,also beating; striking skirl,scream; sing shrilly, slack,slow, slauchtert,slaughtered, sleepin',sleeping, sleepit,slept, sleicht o' han',sleight of hand, sliddery,slippery; smooth,also sly; deceitful slinkin',slinking, slip,let slip; convey by stealth, slippin',slipping, slips,tricks, sma',small; little; slight; narrow; young, smacks,single-masted sailing boats,not necessarily a Scottish word smeddum,spirit; mettle; liveliness, smilin',smiling, smokin',smoking; smouldering, smokin' flax,smouldering wick,reference to Matthew 12:20smorin',smothering; suffocating, snappin',snapping, snaw,snow, sneck,door-latch; catch (gate),also latch snod,smooth; neat; trim; tidy; snug, sod,sad, sodger,soldier, sodgers,soldiers, sojer,soldier, some,somewhat; rather; quite; very,also some somehoo,somehow, sookit,sucked, soon',sound, soonds,sounds, sornin',taking food or lodging; sponging,taking by force of threat sortit,sorted, soucht,sought, sough,sigh; sound of wind; deep breath, soun',sound, soun's,sounds, soutar,shoemaker; cobbler, sowl,soul, sowls,souls, spak,spoke, spak',spoke, spark,speck; spot; blemish; atom, spaud,spade, speakin',speaking, speerit,spirit, speik,speak, speikin',speaking, speir,ask about; enquire; question, speired,asked about; enquired; questioned, speirin',asking about; enquiring; questioning, speirs,asks about; enquires; questions, speirt,asked about; enquired; questioned, spen',spend, spence,storeroom; larder, speyk,speak, speykin,speaking, speykin',speaking, spier,ask about; enquire; question, spring,quick lively tune, spult,spilt, spunes,spoons, Squaur,square, stack,stuck, stair,stairs; staircase, stamack,stomach, stamacks,stomachs, stampin',stamping, stan',stand; stop, stane,stone; measure of weight,1 stone = 14 pounds stanes,stones, stan'in',standing, stan's,stands, starnie,very small quantity, startit,started, steek,shut; close; clench,also stitch (as in clothing)steekit,shut; closed; clenched, stept,stepped, sterve,starve, stew,dust; vapour; smoke,also stench; stink stickin',sticking; goring, stingin',stinging, stinkin',stinking, stockin'-fit,feet clothed in stockings,i.e.without shoes stook,arranging the sheaves in a stook, stoun',ache; throb, stown,stolen, Straddle Vawrious,Stradivarius,make of violin strae-deith,death in bed; natural death,not a violent death straik,streak; stroke; blow; caress, straiks,streaks; strokes; blows; caresses, strang,strong, strathspey,Highland dance,like a reel but slower straucht,straighten; straight, straught,straight, stravaguin',saunter; stroll; go about aimlessly, stren'th,strength, stucken,stuck, stud,stood, stule,stool, styte,nonsense, subjec',subject, subjeck,subject, subjecks,subjects, substrackin',subtracting, sudna,should not, sufferin',suffering, suffert,suffered, suld,should, suldna,should not, sumph,soft blunt fellow; simpleton; fool, sune,soon; early, sune's,soon as, sung,singed, sunk,drivel; loiter,also be in a low dejected state sup,drink, supped,drank, supposin',supposing, swack,elastic; limber; supple, swarf,swoon; faint, sweer,swear, sweir,swear, sweirer,swearer, sweirin',swearing, sweirs,swears, sworn,swore, syde,wide and long; hanging low down, syne,ago; since; then; at that time,also in (good) time 't,it, tae,toe; also tea,also the one; to taed,toad, ta'en,taken; seized, taes,toes, taings,tongs; prongs, tak,take; seize, tak',take; seize, tak tent,look out; pay attention; watch, takin',taking, taks,takes; seizes, talkin',talking, tane,the one,also taken tap,top; tip; head, tastin',tasting, taucht,taught, tauld,told, tawtie,potato, taxed,found fault with; scolded, tay,tea; supper, tay-time,tea time; supper, teachin',teaching, teep,type, telled,told, tellin',telling, tellt,told, tell't,told, telt,told, tent,attention; care; heed; notice, thae,those; these, thairm,fiddle-string,also intestine; gut; belly than,then,also than thankfu',thankful, thankit,thanked, thanksgivin',thanksgiving, that'll,that will, the day,today, the morn,tomorrow, the nicht,tonight, the noo,just now; now, the piece,apiece, thegither,together, themsels,themselves, themsel's,themselves, thereaboots,thereabouts, thimmel,thimble, thinkin',thinking, thinksna,does not think, this mony a day,for some time, tho',though, thocht,thought, thochtna,did not think, thochts,thoughts, thoo,thou; you (God), thoomacks,violin-pegs, thoucht,thought, thouchts,thoughts, thrapple,windpipe; throat, thrivin',thriving, throu,through, throu',through, throuw,through, throw,through, thrum,particle; tangle; mess, ticht,tight, til,to; till; until; about; at; before, till,to; till; until; about; at; before, timmer,timber; wood, tint,lost; got lost, 'tis,it is, tither,the other, tod,fox, toom,empty; unload, toomin',emptying; unloading, toon,town; village, toon-piper,town piper, toot,tut!,exclamation of annoyance Toots!,Tuts!; Tush!, towie,string, trailin',dragging forcibly; hauling along, traivel,travel, traivellin',travelling, tramp,trudge,also tramp transe,passage within a house,also alley; narrow space tribble,trouble, trimlin',trembling, troo,trust; believe, troosers,trousers, troth,truth; indeed,also used as an exclamation trowth,truth; indeed,also used as an exclamation tryin',trying, 'ts,its, tu,too; also, tuik,took, tum'ler,tumbler; glass (of whisky), turnin',turning, turnt,turned, twa,two; a few, twa three,several, twal,twelve, twalmonth,twelvemonth; year, 'twas,it was, twise,twice, tyke,dog,also rough clownish fellow tyne,lose; get lost; miss, 'ull,will, umquhile,former; of old; late, unbecomin',unbecoming, unco,unknown; odd; strange; uncouth,also very great unco',unknown; odd; strange; uncouth,also very great understan',understand, unner,under, unnerstan,understand, unnerstan',understand, unpleasin',unpleasing; unpleasant, unsoucht,unsought, unweel,unwell, up the stair,upstairs,also to heaven uphaud,uphold; maintain; support, uphaudin',upholding; maintaining; supporting, upo',upon; on to; at, upsettin',forward; ambitious; stuck-up; proud, vailue,value, vainishin',vanishing, vainities,vanities, verra,very; true; real, vex,trouble; vexation, vraith,apparition, vrang,wrong, vratch,wretch, vrote,wrote, vroucht,wrought; worked, wa',wall,also way; away wad,would, wadna,would not, wailin',wailing, waitin',waiting, wakin',waking, wall,well; spring of water, wallopin',dancing; galloping,also beating; thrashing; knocking wame,belly; stomach; womb; hollow, wamlin',rolling; undulating, wan,reached; gained; got, wan'erer,wanderer, wantin',wanting; lacking; without; in want of, wantit,wanted, war,were, wark,work; labour,also show of affection warl',world; worldly goods,also a large number warld,world, warldly,worldly, warna,were not, warran',warrant; guarantee, warst,worst, wa's,walls,also ways washin',washing, wasna,was not, was't,was it, wastit,wasted, wat,wet,see also 'I wat.'

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  • Put Yourself in His Place

    Put Yourself in His Place

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  • 1996年的假牙(外一篇)


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  • 傲娇萌妻:腹黑总裁,要抱抱


  • 无端被雕刻的时光


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