

"This, O King," replied John, "that I am a Christian, and to me that snake is nothing but a noxious reptile.It bit my wife, and had it not been for the medicine of the Messenger, she would have perished of the poison.Therefore I killed it before it could harm others.""It is a fair answer," said the king."Hokosa, I think that this man should go free.""The king's will is the law," replied Hokosa bitterly; "but if the law were the king's will, the decision would be otherwise.This man has slain, not a snake, but that which held the spirit of an ancestor, and for the deed he deserves to die.Hearken, O King, for the business is larger than it seems.How are we to be governed henceforth? Are we to follow our ancient rules and customs, or must we submit ourselves to a new rule and a new custom? I tell you, O King, that the people murmur;they are without light, they wander in the darkness, they cannot understand.Play with us no more, but let us hear the truth that we may judge of this matter."Umsuka looked at Owen, but made no reply.

"I will answer you, Hokosa," said Owen, "for I am the spring of all this trouble, and at my command that man, my disciple, killed yonder snake.What is it? It is nothing but a reptile; no human spirit ever dwelt within it as you imagine in your superstition.You ask to hear the truth; day by day I have preached it in your ears and you have not listened, though many among you have listened and understood.What is it that you seek?""We seek, Messenger, to be rid of you, your fantasies and your religion; and we demand that our king should expel you and restore the ancient laws, or failing this, that you should prove your power openly before us all.Your word, O King!"Umsuka thought for a while and answered:--"This is my word, Hokosa: I will not drive the Messenger from the land, for he is a good man; he saved my life, and there is virtue in his teaching, towards which I myself incline.Yet it is just that he should be asked to prove his power, so that an end may be put to doubt and all of us may learn what god we are to worship.""How can I prove my power," asked Owen, "further than I have proved it already? Does Hokosa desire to set up his god against my God--the false against the true?""I do," answered the wizard with passion, "and according to the issue let the judgment be.Let us halt no longer between two opinions, let us become wholly Christian or rest wholly heathen, for to be divided is to be destroyed.The magic of the Messenger is great; once and for all let us learn if it is more than our magic.Let us put him and his doctrines to the trial by fire.""What is the trial by fire?" asked Owen.

"You have seen something of it, White Man, but not much.This is the trial by fire: to stand yonder before the face of the god of thunder when a great tempest rages--not such a storm as you saw, but a storm that splits the heavens--and to come thence unscathed.Listen: I who am a 'heaven-herd,' I who know the signs of the weather, tell you that within two days such a tempest as this will break upon us.Then White Man, I and my companions will be ready to meet you on the plain.Take the cross by which you swear and set it up yonder and stand by it, and with you your converts, Nodwengo the prince, and this man whom you have named John, if they dare to go.Over against you, around the symbol of the god by which we swear, will stand I and my company, and we will pray our god and you shall pray your God.Then the storm will break upon us, and when it is ended we shall learn which of us remain alive.If you and your cross are shattered, to us will be the victory;if we are laid low, take it for your own.Your judgment, King!"Again Umsuka thought and answered:--

"So be it.Messenger, hear me.There is no need for you to accept this challenge; but if you will not accept it, then go from my country in peace, taking with you those who cleave to you.If on the other hand you do accept it, these shall be the stakes: that if you pass the trial unharmed, and the fire-doctors are swept away, your creed shall be my creed and the creed of the land; but if the fire-doctors prevail against you, then it shall be death or banishment to any who profess that creed.Now choose!""I have chosen," said Owen."I will meet Hokosa and his company on the Place of fire whenever he may appoint, but for the others I cannot say.""We will come with you," said Nodwengo and John, with one voice;"where you go, Messenger, we will surely follow."

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    On August 18, 1814, Admiral Cockburn, having returned with his fleet from the West Indies, sent to Secretary Monroe at Washington, the following threat.汇聚授权电子版权。
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