

Other people may not much like this extract, madam, from your favorite novel, but when you come to read it, YOU will like it.Isuspect that when you read that book which you so love, you read it a deux.Did you not yourself pass a winter at Bath, when you were the belle of the assembly? Was there not a Lord Orville in your case too? As you think of him eleven lustres pass away.You look at him with the bright eyes of those days, and your hero stands before you, the brave, the accomplished, the simple, the true gentleman; and he makes the most elegant of bows to one of the most beautiful young women the world ever saw; and he leads you out to the cotillon, to the dear unforgotten music.Hark to the horns of Elfand, blowing, blowing! Bonne vieille, you remember their melody, and your heart-strings thrill with it still.

Of your heroic heroes, I think our friend Monseigneur Athos, Count de la Fere, is my favorite.I have read about him from sunrise to sunset with the utmost contentment of mind.He has passed through how many volumes? Forty? Fifty? I wish for my part there were a hundred more, and would never tire of him reselling prisoners, punishing ruffians, and running scoundrels through the midriff with his most graceful rapier.Ah, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, you are a magnificent trio.I think I like d'Artagnan in his own memoirs best.I bought him years and years ago, price fivepence, in a little parchment-covered Cologne-printed volume, at a stall in Gray's Inn Lane.Dumas glorifies him and makes a Marshal of him; if I remember rightly, the original d'Artagnan was a needy adventurer, who died in exile very early in Louis XIV.'s reign.Did you ever read the "Chevalier d'Harmenthal?" Did you ever read the "Tulipe Noire," as modest as a story by Miss Edgeworth? I think of the prodigal banquets to which this Lucullus of a man has invited me, with thanks and wonder.To what a series of splendid entertainments he has treated me! Where does he find the money for these prodigious feasts? They say that all the works bearing Dumas's name are not written by him.Well? Does not the chief cook have aides under him? Did not Rubens's pupils paint on his canvases? Had not Lawrence assistants for his backgrounds? For myself, being also du metier, I confess I would often like to have a competent, respectable, and rapid clerk for the business part of my novels; and on his arrival, at eleven o'clock, would say, "Mr.Jones, if you please, the archbishop must die this morning in about five pages.Turn to article 'Dropsy' (or what you will) in Encyclopaedia.Take care there are no medical blunders in his death.Group his daughters, physicians, and chaplains round him.In Wales's 'London,' letter B, third shelf, you will find an account of Lambeth, and some prints of the place.Color in with local coloring.The daughter will come down, and speak to her lover in his wherry at Lambeth Stairs," &c., &c.Jones (an intelligent young man) examines the medical, historical, topographical books necessary; his chief points out to him in Jeremy Taylor (fol., London, M.DCLV.) a few remarks, such as might befit a dear old archbishop departing this life.When I come back to dress for dinner, the archbishop is dead on my table in five pages; medicine, topography, theology, all right, and Jones has gone home to his family some hours.Sir Christopher is the architect of St.Paul's.He has not laid the stones or carried up the mortar.

There is a great deal of carpenter's and joiner's work in novels which surely a smart professional hand might supply.A smart professional hand? I give you my word, there seem to me parts of novels--let us say the love-making, the "business," the villain in the cupboard, and so forth, which I should like to order John Footman to take in hand, as I desire him to bring the coals and polish the boots.Ask ME indeed to pop a robber under a bed, to hide a will which shall be forthcoming in due season, or at my time of life to write a namby-pamby love conversation between Emily and Lord Arthur! I feel ashamed of myself, and especially when my business obliges me to do the love-passages, I blush so, though quite alone in my study, that you would fancy I was going off in an apoplexy.Are authors affected by their own works? I don't know about other gentlemen, but if I make a joke myself I cry; if I write a pathetic scene I am laughing wildly all the time--at least Tomkins thinks so.You know I am such a cynic!

The editor of the Cornhill Magazine (no soft and yielding character like his predecessor, but a man of stern resolution) will only allow these harmless papers to run to a certain length.But for this veto I should gladly have prattled over half a sheet more, and have discoursed on many heroes and heroines of novels whom fond memory brings back to me.Of these books I have been a diligent student from those early days, which are recorded at the commencement of this little essay.Oh, delightful novels, well remembered! Oh, novels, sweet and delicious as the raspberry open-tarts of budding boyhood! Do I forget one night after prayers (when we under-boys were sent to bed) lingering at my cupboard to read one little half-page more of my dear Walter Scott--and down came the monitor's dictionary upon my head! Rebecca, daughter of Isaac of York, I have loved thee faithfully for forty years! Thou wert twenty years old (say) and I but twelve, when I knew thee.At sixty odd, love, most of the ladies of thy Orient race have lost the bloom of youth, and bulged beyond the line of beauty; but to me thou art ever young and fair, and I will do battle with any felon Templar who assails thy fair name.

  • 念念勿忘


    你走了三年,我等了三年。在这三年里,东京的樱花开了好几次,巴黎的雨下了好几场,布拉格广场的鸽子飞了好几圈,普罗旺斯的薰衣草开了好几片,塞纳河上圣母院的钟声敲了好几下,好莱坞的爱情电影放了好几遍,《Because I Love You》单曲循环了无数遍,西雅图的夜一直未眠。在这三年里,伤口结痂,失眠已好,想念还在。
  • 闲人漫谈


  • 手绘的世界


  • 都市之至尊狂兵


  • 榜样的力量


  • 奶糖式初恋


  • 秦汉:帝国的崩溃与新生


  • 女人婚姻纠葛


  • 参观欧洲“豪宅”(全集)


    《浮云流水间:欧洲庄园》,本书以欧洲庄园为主题,共介绍包括La Papessa乡村别墅、干邑区的Chanteloup庄园、丹麦Dronninggaard城堡在内的九个庄园。《尘世闲影中:欧洲庄园》,本书介绍了西班牙安达卢西亚、葡萄牙法鲁、爱尔兰、德国海德堡、希腊林佐斯、意大利、英国等地的7个庄园。《英国人家:家园尽自由》,充满柔和色彩的墙壁,有伊特鲁里亚式花纹,地板是华丽的大理石,以亚当名字命名的壁炉由小型柱子支撑,而屋外是风景如画的花园,室内则配上碎花或条纹图案的布艺。《眷然归与情:法国人家》,本书作者在法国采访数个家庭后的感悟和体会。
  • A Belated Guest

    A Belated Guest
