

Punch is performing his surprising actions, and hanging the beadle.

The stalls are decorated.The refreshment-tables are piled with good things; at many fountains "MULLED CLARET" is written up in appetizing capitals."Mulled Claret--oh, jolly! How cold it is!"says Bob; I pass on."It's only three o'clock," says Bob."No, only three," I say, meekly."We dine at seven," sighs Bob, "and it's so-o-o coo-old." I still would take no hints.No claret, no refreshment, no sandwiches, no sausage-rolls for Bob.At last I am obliged to tell him all.Just before we left home, a little Christmas bill popped in at the door and emptied my purse at the threshold.I forgot all about the transaction, and had to borrow half a crown from John Coachman to pay for our entrance into the palace of delight.NOW you see, Bob, why I could not treat you on that second of January when we drove to the palace together; when the girls and boys were sliding on the ponds at Dulwich; when the darkling river was full of floating ice, and the sun was like a warming-pan in the leaden sky.

One more Christmas sight we had, of course; and that sight I think Ilike as well as Bob himself at Christmas, and at all seasons.We went to a certain garden of delight, where, whatever your cares are, I think you can manage to forget some of them, and muse, and be not unhappy; to a garden beginning with a Z, which is as lively as Noah's ark; where the fox has brought his brush, and the cock has brought his comb, and the elephant has brought his trunk, and the kangaroo has brought his bag, and the condor his old white wig and black satin hood.On this day it was so cold that the white bears winked their pink eyes, as they plapped up and down by their pool, and seemed to say, "Aha, this weather reminds us of our dear home!""Cold! bah! I have got such a warm coat," says brother Bruin, "Idon't mind;" and he laughs on his pole, and clucks down a bun.The squealing hyaenas gnashed their teeth and laughed at us quite refreshingly at their window; and, cold as it was, Tiger, Tiger, burning bright, glared at us red-hot through his bars, and snorted blasts of hell.The woolly camel leered at us quite kindly as he paced round his ring on his silent pads.We went to our favorite places.Our dear wambat came up, and had himself scratched very affably.Our fellow-creatures in the monkey-room held out their little black hands, and piteously asked us for Christmas alms.

Those darling alligators on their rock winked at us in the most friendly way.The solemn eagles sat alone, and scowled at us from their peaks; whilst little Tom Ratel tumbled over head and heels for us in his usual diverting manner.If I have cares in my mind, Icome to the Zoo, and fancy they don't pass the gate.I recognize my friends, my enemies, in countless cages.I entertained the eagle, the vulture, the old billy-goat, and the black-pated, crimson-necked, blear-eyed, baggy, hook-beaked old marabou stork yesterday at dinner; and when Bob's aunt came to tea in the evening, and asked him what he had seen, he stepped up to her gravely, and said--"First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black, Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back.

Chorus of children:

Then I saw the camel with a HUMP upon his back!

Then I saw the gray wolf, with mutton in his maw;Then I saw the wambat waddle in the straw;Then I saw the elephant with his waving trunk, Then I saw the monkeys--mercy, how unpleasantly they--smelt!"There.No one can beat that piece of wit, can he, Bob? And so it is all over; but we had a jolly time, whilst you were with us, hadn't we? Present my respects to the doctor; and I hope, my boy, we may spend another merry Christmas next year.

  • 彭惠安集


  • 爱、自由与责任:中世纪哲学的道德阐释


  • 重生之拳台杀手


  • 恶婆皇后


  • 娇妻难为:总裁先生难伺候


  • 我有妒夫招不得


  • 黑白盐


  • 红城爱恨情


  • 千古泪


  • 重现的镜子


    写作是一种反抗方式,我越来越坚信这样的观点。是的,作为一个多秒有引起抽象含混的逻辑结论,反抗的意义,往往不是一个写作者在写作之初就能意识到的,它是我们在漫长的写作实践中逐渐总结和提炼的结果。打个比方吧,这就像人类最早制作的衣服,考虑的只是蔽体与御寒,但到了后来,衣服的*功用却是帮助人类实现自我美化。 写作为的是反抗什么呢?这问题容易产生歧义生成误会。但没有办法,人类的所有语言和文字,不论怎样准确,也都要与歧义和误会相伴而生,去除遮蔽抽取精义,倚杖的只能是我们心灵的宽阔的程度。