

Think of the gulf between now and yesterday.Oh, yesterday! Oh, the days when those two loved each other and said their prayers side by side! He goes to sleep, perhaps, and dreams that his brother is alive.Be true, O dream! Let him live in dreams, and wake no more.

Be undone, O crime, O crime! But the sun rises: and the officers of conscience come: and yonder lies the body on the moor.I happened to pass, and looked at the Northumberland Street house the other day.A few loiterers were gazing up at the dingy windows.A plain ordinary face of a house enough--and in a chamber in it one man suddenly rose up, pistol in hand, to slaughter another.Have you ever killed any one in your thoughts? Has your heart compassed any man's death? In your mind, have you ever taken a brand from the altar, and slain your brother? How many plain ordinary faces of men do we look at, unknowing of murder behind those eyes? Lucky for you and me, brother, that we have good thoughts unspoken.But the bad ones? I tell you that the sight of those blank windows in Northumberland Street--through which, as it were, my mind could picture the awful tragedy glimmering behind--set me thinking, "Mr.

Street-Preacher, here is a text for one of your pavement sermons.

But it is too glum and serious.You eschew dark thoughts: and desire to be cheerful and merry in the main." And, such being the case, you see we must have no Roundabout Essay on this subject.

Well, I had another arrow in my quiver.(So, you know, had William Tell a bolt for his son, the apple of his eye; and a shaft for Gessler, in case William came to any trouble with the first poor little target.) And this, I must tell you, was to have been a rare Roundabout performance--one of the very best that has ever appeared in this series.It was to have contained all the deep pathos of Addison; the logical precision of Rabelais; the childlike playfulness of Swift; the manly stoicism of Sterne; the metaphysical depth of Goldsmith; the blushing modesty of Fielding; the epigrammatic terseness of Walter Scott; the uproarious humor of Sam Richardson; and the gay simplicity of Sam Johnson;--it was to have combined all these qualities, with some excellences of modern writers whom I could name:--but circumstances have occurred which have rendered this Roundabout Essay also impossible.

I have not the least objection to tell you what was to have been the subject of that other admirable Roundabout Paper.Gracious powers!

the Dean of St.Patrick's never had a better theme.The paper was to have been on the Gorillas, to be sure.I was going to imagine myself to be a young surgeon-apprentice from Charleston, in South Carolina, who ran away to Cuba on account of unhappy family circumstances, with which nobody has the least concern; who sailed thence to Africa in a large, roomy schooner with an extraordinary vacant space between decks.I was subject to dreadful ill treatment from the first mate of the ship, who, when I found she was a slaver, altogether declined to put me on shore.I was chased--we were chased--by three British frigates and a seventy-four, which we engaged and captured; but were obliged to scuttle and sink, as we could sell them in no African port: and I never shall forget the look of manly resignation, combined with considerable disgust, of the British Admiral as he walked the plank, after cutting off his pigtail, which he handed to me, and which I still have in charge for his family at Boston, Lincolnshire, England.

We made the port of Bpoopoo, at the confluence of the Bungo and Sgglolo rivers (which you may see in Swammerdahl's map) on the 31st April last year.Our passage had been so extraordinarily rapid, owing to the continued drunkenness of the captain and chief officers, by which I was obliged to work the ship and take her in command, that we reached Bpoopoo six weeks before we were expected, and five before the coffres from the interior and from the great slave depot at Zbabblo were expected.Their delay caused us not a little discomfort, because, though we had taken the four English ships, we knew that Sir Byam Martin's iron-cased squadron, with the "Warrior," the "Impregnable," the "Sanconiathon," and the "Berosus,"were cruising in the neighborhood, and might prove too much for us.

It not only became necessary to quit Bpoopoo before the arrival of the British fleet or the rainy season, but to get our people on board as soon as might be.While the chief mate, with a detachment of seamen, hurried forward to the Pgogo lake, where we expected a considerable part of our cargo, the second mate, with six men, four chiefs, King Fbumbo, an Obi man, and myself, went N.W.by W., towards King Mtoby'stown, where we knew many hundreds of our between-deck passengers were to be got together.We went down the Pdodo river, shooting snipes, ostriches, and rhinoceros in plenty, and I think a few elephants, until, by the advice of a guide, who Inow believe was treacherous, we were induced to leave the Pdodo, and march N.E.by N.N.Here Lieutenant Larkins, who had persisted in drinking rum from morning to night, and thrashing me in his sober moments during the whole journey, died, and I have too good reason to know was eaten with much relish by the natives.At Mgoo, where there are barracoons and a depot for our cargo, we had no news of our expected freight; accordingly, as time pressed exceedingly, parties were despatched in advance towards the great Washaboo lake, by which the caravans usually come towards the coast.Here we found no caravan, but only four negroes down with the ague, whom Itreated, I am bound to say, unsuccessfully, whilst we waited for our friends.We used to take watch and watch in front of the place, both to guard ourselves from attack, and get early news of the approaching caravan.

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  • 绝世炼丹师


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  • 末世重生之泪灵


    【(正文完结,无男主)前四十章与末世无关,看末世的请跳到四十章后】 末世第十年,林灵死了。十年的忍辱负重,为了报仇她苟延残喘地活着,生不如死。最后,为了所谓的“大局为重”,竟眼睁睁地看着仇人笑着离开……而她,只落得一个被丧尸分食的结局?可笑的是,在死亡的前一刻,她发现她所求的,不是复仇,而是好好地活下去。神秘声音出现,她在黑暗中向祂许下一个看似可笑的愿望。然后,当林灵再次睁开眼时,她发现,她真的重生在了一切错误都未开始的二十五年前。满心欢喜地开始重启的人生,封存的记忆也被拾回,命运的轨迹开始改变。这一世,她会还曾欠下的债,守护好想要守护的人。只是……非人类是什么鬼?
  • 一本书读懂消失的文明


  • 神级英雄

