

"C'est a brendre ou a laisser," he said with some heat."You literary men are all imbrudent; but I did not tink you such a fool wie dis.Your box is not worth twenty pound, and I offer you a tausend because I know you want money to pay dat rascal Tom's college bills." (This strange man actually knew that my scapegrace Tom has been a source of great expense and annoyance to me.) "You see money costs me nothing, and you refuse to take it! Once, twice;will you take this check in exchange for your trumpery snuff-box?"What could I do? My poor granny's legacy was valuable and dear to me, but after all a thousand guineas are not to be had every day.

"Be it a bargain," said I."Shall we have a glass of wine on it?"says Pinto; and to this proposal I also unwillingly acceded, reminding him, by the way, that he had not yet told me the story of the headless man.

"Your poor gr-ndm-ther was right just now, when she said she was not my first love.'Twas one of those banale expressions" (here Mr.P.

blushed once more) "which we use to women.We tell each she is our first passion.They reply with a similar illusory formula.No man is any woman's first love; no woman any man's.We are in love in our nurse's arms, and women coquette with their eyes before their tongue can form a word.How could your lovely relative love me? Iwas far, far too old for her.I am older than I look.I am so old that you would not believe my age were I to tell you.I have loved many and many a woman before your relative.It has not always been fortunate for them to love me.Ah, Sophronia! Round the dreadful circus where you fell, and whence I was dragged corpse-like by the heels, there sat multitudes more savage than the lions which mangled your sweet form! Ah, tenez! when we marched to the terrible stake together at Valladolid--the Protestant and the J-- But away with memory! Boy! it was happy for thy grandam that she loved me not.

"During that strange period," he went on, "when the teeming Time was great with the revolution that was speedily to be born, I was on a mission in Paris with my excellent, my maligned friend Cagliostro.

Mesmer was one of our band.I seemed to occupy but an obscure rank in it: though, as you know, in secret societies the humble man may be a chief and director--the ostensible leader but a puppet moved by unseen hands.Never mind who was chief, or who was second.Never mind my age.It boots not to tell it: why shall I expose myself to your scornful incredulity--or reply to your questions in words that are familiar to you, but which yet you cannot understand? Words are symbols of things which you know, or of things which you don't know.

If you don't know them, to speak is idle." (Here I confess Mr.P.

spoke for exactly thirty-eight minutes, about physics, metaphysics, language, the origin and destiny of man, during which time I was rather bored, and, to relieve my ennui, drank a half glass or so of wine.) "LOVE, friend, is the fountain of youth! It may not happen to me once--once in an age: but when I love, then I am young.Iloved when I was in Paris.Bathilde, Bathilde, I loved thee--ah, how fondly! Wine, I say, more wine! Love is ever young.I was a boy at the little feet of Bathilde de Bechamel--the fair, the fond, the fickle, ah, the false!" The strange old man's agony was here really terrific, and he showed himself much more agitated than he had been when speaking about my gr-ndm-th-r.

  • Four Short Plays

    Four Short Plays

  • 泰泉乡礼


  • The Culprit Fay and Other Poems

    The Culprit Fay and Other Poems

  • 道中有感


  • 耻言


  • 废材妖妃之魂穿异世


  • 上清九真中经内诀


  • 魔法世界陷入危机1


  • 魔启


  • 狂尸


  • 不是所有的网恋奔现都很惨


  • 我养的小孩他不乖


  • 唯你是爱


  • 友谊赠言(当代教育丛书·现代名言妙语全集)


  • 虚凛之路

