

"We lift them up unto Thee, O God. Thou hast heard my oath, OEternal Spirit, who dwellest among the stars; receive it, and bless the woman I love!""Receive also my oath, O my Maker. Regard the man to whom I have sworn eternal fidelity, bless him, and bless me. Let us live in love and die in constancy."Moritz responded, "Amen, my beloved, amen!"They embraced each other fervently. Onward rolled the carriage through the tranquil, blissful night. Oh why cannot these steeds borrow wings from the night-wind? Why cannot the soaring spirit bear aloft its earthly tenement? With divine joy and heavenly confidence you gaze at the stars. You smilingly interchange thoughts of the blissful future, whilst dire misfortune approaches, and will soon seize you in its poisonous grasp! Do you not hear it? Does not the echo of swift-prancing steeds ring in your ears? Do you not hear the shrieking and calling after you?

They listen only to the voice of tenderness speaking in their hearts, and would that the solemn quiet of this dialogue might not be broken by a loud word from their lips.

The post-horn sounded! They halted at a lonely house near the highway. It is the station. Change horses! There is not a light to be seen. Three times the postilion blew a pealing blast ere they could awake the inmates. The window was at last opened, and a sleepy, complaining voice questioned the number of horses and the distance of the next post.

Slowly they were brought forward, and still more slowly were they attached to the carriage, and all arranged. What matters it? The night is lovely, and like a dream it seems to remain under the starry heavens, spread out like a canopy above them.

Does not your heart tell you that sorrow strides on like the storm?

Do you not hear the voices still shrieking after you?

The postilion mounted his horse, and again the trumpet pealed forth its merry air, and was answered with a shout of triumph from the swift pursuers.

Marie raised her head from Philip's shoulder. "What was it? Did you not hear it?""What, my beloved, what should I hear? Do the stars salute you? Do the angels greet their sister upon earth?""Hark! there it is again! Do you not hear it? Listen! does it not seem as if one called 'Halt! halt!'""Yes, truly, I hear it now also! What can happen, love? Why trouble ourselves about the outer world and the existence of other beings?""I know not, but I am so anxious, my heart almost ceases to beat, with terror!""Halt! halt!" the wind carries forward the shriek, and above their heads it sounds like the screeching of ravens.

"Strange! For whom are they calling?" Moritz looked back along the highway. White and clear it lay in the moonlight, but, far in the distance was a black mass, taking form and shape at every moment!

Horsemen! horsemen! in full speed they come!

"Postilion! drive on! quick! Let the horses gallop! There is a forest near--drive us to that, that we may hide ourselves in the thicket! Onward, postilion! we are not thieves or murderers. Ahundred thalers are yours, if you save us!"The postilion beat his horses! In full chase they followed--more and more distinctly were heard the curses and yells.

"Oh, God in heaven, have mercy upon us in our need!""Faster, postilion!--in mercy, faster!"

"Halt! halt!--in the name of the king, halt!"This startled the postilion, and he turned to listen, and again a furious voice yelled, "In the name of the king, halt!"The postilion drew up. "Forgive me, sir, but I must respect the name of the king."Forward galloped the horsemen.

"Philip," whispered Marie, "why do we live--why do we not die?"He folded her in his arms, and passionately kissed her, perhaps for the last time. "Marie, be mindful of our oath--constant unto death!""Constant unto death!" she repeated.

"Be firm and defy all the storms of life!"Marie repeated it, with heightened courage.

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