

I tried to bewilder myself in the ignorance of a Catalonian or Asturian fisherman, and to wonder with his darkened mind why it should all or any of it have been, and why I should have escaped from the iron hell in which I had fought no quarrel of my own to fall into the hands of strangers, and to be haled over seas to these alien shores for a captivity of unknown term.But I need not have been at so much pains;the intelligence (I do not wish to boast) of an American author would have sufficed; for if there is anything more grotesque than another in war it is its monstrous inconsequence.If we had a grief with the Spanish government, and if it was so mortal we must do murder for it, we might have sent a joint committee of the House and Senate, and, with the improved means of assassination which modern science has put at our command, killed off the Spanish cabinet, and even the queen--mother and the little king.This would have been consequent, logical, and in a sort reasonable; but to butcher and capture a lot of wretched Spanish peasants and fishermen, hapless conscripts to whom personally and nationally we were as so many men in the moon, was that melancholy and humiliating necessity of war which makes it homicide in which there is not even the saving grace of hate, or the excuse of hot blood.

I was able to console myself perhaps a little better for the captivity of the Spaniards than if I had really been one of them, as we drew nearer and nearer their prison isle, and it opened its knotty points and little ravines, overrun with sweet-fern, blueberry -bushes, bay, and low blackberry-vines, and rigidly traversed with a high stockade of yellow pine boards.Six or eight long, low, wooden barracks stretched side by side across the general slope, with the captive officers' quarters, sheathed in weather-proof black paper, at one end of them.About their doors swarmed the common prisoners, spilling out over the steps and on the grass, where some of them lounged smoking.One operatic figure in a long blanket stalked athwart an open space; but there was such poverty of drama in the spectacle at the distance we were keeping that we were glad of so much as a shirt-sleeved contractor driving out of the stockade in his buggy.On the heights overlooking the enclosure Gatling guns were posted at three or four points, and every thirty or forty feet sentries met and parted, so indifferent to us, apparently, that we wondered if we might get nearer.We ventured, but at a certain moment a sentry called to us, "Fifty yards off, please!" Our young skipper answered, "All right,"and as the sentry had a gun on his shoulder which we had every reason to believe was loaded, it was easily our pleasure to retreat to the specified limit.In fact, we came away altogether, after that, so little promise was there of our being able to satisfy our curiosity further.

We came away care fully nursing such impression as we had got of a spec tacle whose historical quality we did our poor best to feel.It related us, after solicitation, to the wars against the Moors, against the Mexicans and Peruvians, against the Dutch; to the Italian campaigns of the Gran Capitan, to the Siege of Florence, to the Sack of Rome, to the wars of the Spanish Succession, and ` what others.I do not deny that there was a certain aesthetic joy in having the Spanish prisoners there for this effect; we came away duly grateful for what we had seen of them;and we had long duly resigned ourselves to seeing no more, when word was sent to us that our young skipper had got a permit to visit the island, and wished us to go with him.

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    顾婉带着一个简陋的随身商店回魂重生,这一次,她不会厌倦名门贵女的身份,她会认认真真地读书习文,当好名门千金,绝不嫁那个金絮其外败絮其中的公子哥儿,惟愿兄长康健,合家团圆,惟愿生活安逸,相公有情…… ps:接受任何批评建议,哪怕是凶残的,欢迎大家指出有毒的地方,能改正的改正,改不了的以后尽量避免!