

"Well," observed Hannah, on one occasion, "I presume likely you find it nice to be down here, where folks are folks and not just 'inmates.' It must be dreadful to be an 'inmate.'"Imogene sniffed."There's all kinds of inmates," she said, "same as there's all kinds of folks.Far's that goes, there's some folks couldn't be an inmate, if they wanted to.They wouldn't be let in.""Oh, is that so? Judgin' by what I've seen I shouldn't have thought them that run such places was very particular.Where's Kenelm?""I don't know.He's to work, I suppose.That's what he's hired for, they tell me.""Oh, indeed! Well," with emphasis, "he doesn't have to work, unless he wants to.My brother has money of his own, enough to subside on comf'tably, if he wanted to do it.His comin' here is just to accommodate Mrs.Barnes, that's all.Where is he?""Last I saw of him he was accommodatin' the horse stall.He may be uptown by this time, for all I know.""Uptown?" in alarm."What would he be uptown for? He ain't got any business there, has he?""Search ME.Good many guys--folks, I mean--seem to be always hangin' 'round where they haven't business.Well, I've got some of my own and I guess I'd better attend to it.Good mornin', ma'am."Miss Howes cautioned Imogene against arousing the Parkers' enmity.

"Lordy! I mean mercy sakes, ma'am," exclaimed Imogene, "you needn't be afraid so far as Kenelm's concerned.I do boss him around some, when I think it's needful, but it ain't my bossin'

that worries him, it's that Hannah woman's.He says she's at him all the time.Don't give him the peace of his life, he says.He's a misunderstood man, he tells me.Maybe he is; there are such, you know.I've read about 'em in stories."Emily smiled."Well," she said, "I wouldn't drive him too hard, if I were you, Imogene.He isn't the hardest worker in the world, but he does do some work, and men who can be hired to work about a place in summer are scarce here in East Wellmouth.You must be patient with him.""Lor--land sakes! I am.But he does make me cross.He'd be settin' in my kitchen every evenin' if I'd let him.Don't seem to want to go home.I don't know's I blame him for that.You think Iought to let him set, I suppose, Miss Howes?""Why, yes, if he doesn't annoy you too much.We must keep him contented.You must sacrifice your own feelings to help Aunt Thankful.You would be willing to make some sacrifice for her, wouldn't you?""You bet your life I would! She's the best woman on earth, Mrs.

Barnes is.I'd do anything for her, sacrifice my head, if that was worth five cents to anybody.All right, he can set if he wants to.

I--I suppose I might improve his mind, hey, ma'am? By readin' to him, I mean.Mrs.Thankful, she's been givin' me books to improve my mind; perhaps they'd improve his if I read 'em out loud to him.

His sister prob'ly won't like it, but I don't care.You couldn't improve HER mind; she ain't got any.It all run off the end of her tongue long ago."By the Fourth of July the High Cliff House was filled with boarders.Every room was taken, even the little back bedroom and the big room adjoining it.These were taken by a young couple from Worcester and, if they heard any unusual noises in their apartment, they did not mention them.Thankful's dread of that little room had entirely disappeared.She was now thoroughly convinced that her imagination and the storm were responsible for the "spooks."John Kendrick continued to sleep and eat at the new boarding-house.

He was a general favorite there, although rather silent and disinclined to take an active part in the conversation at table.

He talked more with Emily Howes than with anyone and she and he were becoming very friendly.Emily, Thankful and Captain Obed Bangs were the only real friends the young man had; he might have had more, but he did not seem to care for them.With these three, however, and particularly with Emily, he was even confidential, speaking of his professional affairs and prospects, subjects which he never mentioned to others.

These--the prospects--were brighter than at first.He had accepted one case and refused another.The refusal came as a surprise to East Wellmouth and caused much comment.Mr.Chris Badger was a passenger on the train from Boston and that train ran off the track at Buzzard's Bay.No one was seriously hurt except Mr.Badger.

The latter gentleman purchased a pair of crutches and limped about on them, proclaiming himself a cripple for life.He and Heman Daniels had had a disagreement over a business matter so Chris took his damage suit against the railroad to John Kendrick.And John refused it.

Captain Obed, much disturbed, questioned his friend.

"Land of love, John!" he said."Here you've been roostin' here, lookin' out of this window and prayin' for a job to come along.

Now one does come along and you turn it down.Why?"Kendrick laughed."I'm cursed with a strong sense of contrast, Captain," he replied."Those crutches are too straight for me."The captain stared."Straight!" he repeated."All crutches are straight, ain't they?""Possibly; but some cripples are crooked."So it was to Mr.Daniels, after all, that the damage suit came, and Heman brought about a three-hundred-dollar settlement.Most of East Wellmouth pronounced Kendrick "too pesky particular," but in some quarters, and these not by any means the least influential, his attitude gained approval and respect.This feeling was strengthened by his taking Edgar Wingate's suit against that same railroad.Edgar's woodlot was set on fire by sparks from the locomotive and John forced payment, and liberal payment, for the damage.Other cases, small ones, began to come his way.Lawyer Daniels had enemies in the community who had been waiting to take their legal affairs elsewhere.

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